Puts 'Religious Liberty' in Scare Quotes in SCOTUS/Hobby Lobby

November 26th, 2013 6:43 PM
Hobby Lobby's complaint about infringement of religious freedom is deserving of scorn in the eyes of CNN, judging by the way the network's website treated news of the Supreme Court agreeing to take up a case in March which would decide if ObamaCare's ironclad contraception mandate is an unconstitutional intrusion on a business owner's religious liberty. Reporting the story this afternoon, CNN… Supreme Court Reporter Failed to Note Key Facts in Indiana Vot

April 28th, 2008 12:52 PM
In a 10:15 EDT post today at, producer Bill Mears noted the 6-3 ruling by the Supreme Court upholding an Indiana law requiring photo ID in order to vote. Yet Mears left out that Democrats who challenged the law were unable to produce a single voter who could prove he or she was unable to vote due to the law nor did Mears point out mechanisms the Indiana law has in place for provisional… Pits Gun Ban Opponent Against Virginia Tech Shooting Victim

March 18th, 2008 11:25 AM
Perhaps it was his attempt at balance, but CNN's Bill Mears cast a cloud over the constitutional right to keep and bear arms by stacking his March 18 article about today's District of Columbia v. Heller case in "personal" terms that focused heavily on the victim of a tragic school shooting. What's more, Mears put the constitutional language about the right to keep and bear arms within the dreaded…