Politico: Tiny Alcohol Tax Cut 'Dire'; Big Tax Cut Won't Do Much

January 1st, 2018 11:18 PM
At Politico, consistency has never been a strong point. Somehow, the just-signed tax law supposedly won't have that much of an effect on Americans' economic behavior, but there's no doubt that the bill's tiny cuts in taxes on alcoholic beverages will bring about disastrous results.

Not News: IRS Has Only Provided 0.02% of Documents Requested by House

July 26th, 2013 4:53 PM
The establishment press's general refusal to cover clearly newsworthy developments in the Obama administration scandal involving the targeting of conservative, tea party, prolife and other groups by the Internal Revenue Service has been so negligent and blatant that several leading conservatives, including the MRC's Brent Bozell and talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh, called it out in an open letter…

Amazing: NY Times Still Almost Totally Ignores ACORN Scandals

September 15th, 2009 4:46 PM
Looking for news on the Obama administration these days? Look anywhere but the mainstream media, including the pages of the New York Times. One may have thought it impossible for the nation's largest and most influential newspaper to virtually ignore the scandals involving the left-wing housing activist group The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, more notoriously known as…