Angie Jackson
WaPo's Sarah Kliff Defends Gosnell Blackout: 'I Cover Policy for the
April 12th, 2013 12:44 PM
The media's censoring of the Kermit Gosnell murder trial is appalling. But why, exactly, are reporters failing to cover the Philadelphia abortionist's trial? Mollie Hemingway of the Patheos blog Get Religion thought she'd ask Washington Post staff writer Sarah Kliff, who responded via Twitter that she isn’t writing about it because she “cover[s] policy for the Washington Post, not local crime…

On Time Magazine’s Top 10 List: Angie Jackson, Live-Tweeting Abortio
December 23rd, 2010 9:29 AM
The mother who live tweeted her abortion earlier this year, Angie Jackson, has had her 15 minutes of fame extended, making #6 on Time Magazine's Top 10 Tweets for 2010.
Seems to me Time used the most unflattering screen shot of Jackson it could find from her announcement video, and it also painted an unpleasant portrait of her overall. Read Time's blurb on Jackson after the jump....
Live-tweeting Aborter Breaks Up Because Boyfriend Doesn't Want Kids
April 5th, 2010 11:26 PM
By the time I wrote "Live Tweeting Abortion, Part X" as well as two columns (here and here), I was sicker of Angie Jackson than anyone, and I know many of you were plenty sick of her. I felt personally responsible for giving Angie 5 of her 15 minutes of fame. There were still a few who kept tabs on Angie after that, even though I stopped. They let me know when she tweeted on…
Kyra Phillips Conducts Softball Interview of Woman Who Tweeted Abortio
March 8th, 2010 5:09 PM
[Update, 10:48 pm Eastern: Audio & video clips added.] On Monday's Newsroom, CNN's Kyra Phillips sympathetically interviewed a woman who unapologetically Tweeted her chemically-induced abortion as it happened. Instead of offering the pro-life viewpoint, Phillips lamented how her guest received "e-mails and the responses [which] were so brutal." The anchor later admitted that she "didn't want…