Students for Life President: Ignoring Abortion Like Ignoring Holocaust

March 7th, 2014 2:44 PM
Here’s a message the media won’t want to hear: the dangers of ignoring the devastation of abortion.  Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins compared remaining silent on abortion’s destruction to ignoring trains heading towards concentration camps. To a gathering of pro-lifers preparing to pray in front of abortion clinics, Hawkins declared, “We’re literally on the train track…

Media Censor 40 Days for Life

September 25th, 2013 2:35 PM
As thousands gather across the world in a campaign against abortion, one group will likely remain absent: the media.  September 25 marked the beginning of the fall 2013 40 Days for Life, an international pro-life campaign of prayer and fasting for the unborn and their mothers held in 306 cities this year. The Washington, D.C. chapter held a vigil to raise awareness the night before, hosting…