T. Boone Pickens

Witty Anti-Media Allegory and Joke from the Late T. Boone Pickens
September 15th, 2019 1:03 AM
Business tycoon T. Boone Pickens passed away this past week at age 91. In 2005, he took part in the Media Research Center’s “DisHonors Awards: Roasting the Most Outrageously Biased Liberal Reporters of 2004,” where he accepted, in jest on behalf of PBS’s Bill Moyers, the “Send Bush to Abu Ghraib Award.”

T. Boone Pickens: 'I've Lost My A--' in Wind Power - 'The Jobs Are in
April 11th, 2012 9:07 AM
Oilman T. Boone Pickens made a statement on MSNBC's Morning Joe Wednesday that should make every green jobs advocate including Barack Obama, Al Gore, and Van Jones sit up and take notice.
"I've lost my a--" in wind power. This came moments after he said, "The jobs are in the oil and gas industry in the United States" (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

T. Boone Pickens Wants Obama To Tell Him What His 'Fair Share' of Taxe
December 7th, 2011 10:25 AM
Oil tycoon T. Boone Pickens wants President Obama to explain to him what his "fair share" of taxes is.
Such was discussed on MSNBC's Morning Joe Wednesday (video follows with transcribed highlights):
Cramer React to SOTU: Notes Nat Gas Ignored by Obama; Defends Geithner
January 28th, 2010 6:09 PM
President Barack Obama encouraged some business interests by mentioning nuclear energy and offshore drilling during his Jan. 27 State of the Union speech. Those less popular energy solutions joined the usual alternative rhetoric of wind, solar and bio-fuels. But on CNBC's Jan. 28 "Street Signs," Jim Cramer, host of CNBC's "Mad Money" noted something was missing - an important onshore energy…
Times Watch Quotes of Note 2008 -- The NYT's Worst Quotes of the Year
December 18th, 2008 11:36 AM
The New York Times's embrace of Barack Obama's candidacy, and its fervent defense of him against John McCain's "racist" and unfair attacks, made 2008 a particularly bias-packed year for the paper. During the 2008 campaign Times bias often came with a smile, instead of a snarl, with the Times and the rest of the mainstream media having fallen hard for Obama's "historic" candidacy (jilting its…
In Pickens Profile on CBS, Rose Slams 'Dirty...Smear' Swift Boat Ads
October 26th, 2008 9:04 PM
In an otherwise pretty friendly 60 Minutes profile of T. Boone Pickens and his “Pickens Plan” to reduce dependence on foreign oil, Charlie Rose, on loan from PBS, couldn't resist repeating the usual derogatory media descriptions and canards about the 2004 “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth” ads against John Kerry, which Pickens helped fund, as “infamous,” “widely criticized” and “representative of…
NYT Reporter: Swift Boat Vets for Truth 'Ugly Chapter' in U.S. History
August 4th, 2008 1:36 PM
Deborah Solomon, reporter for the New York Times Magazine, conducted her weekly Q&A this Sunday with Texas oilman T. Boone Pickens, ostensibly discussing his plan to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil by harnessing wind power. But Solomon, who admitted voting for Al Gore in the 2000 election, also posed hostile questions about Pickens's involvement in the 2004 campaign against Democrat…
It's OK to Discuss Pickens' Windmill Investments but Not Gore's
July 20th, 2008 3:45 PM
For many months, NewsBusters has been reporting the financial interest Nobel Laureate Al Gore has in advancing global warming hysteria, and has continually wondered when media will raise this issue to the American people.On Sunday's "Meet the Press," Gore gave host Tom Brokaw the perfect setup to ask him about his investments in renewable fuel technology when the former Vice President mentioned…
Media Go Cuckoo For Kerry Accepting Pickens Swift Boat Challenge
November 17th, 2007 11:13 AM
Did you hear about that challenge famed oilman T. Boone Pickens made on November 6 when he offered $1 million to anyone that could disprove even one charge made against Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth? Like most people that weren't at the American Spectator dinner the evening Pickens made the offer, you probably didn't learn about this until Kerry accepted the…