Stephanie Cutter

MSNBC & Others Hype PolitiFact's 'Lie of the Year' Award For One of Ro
December 13th, 2012 5:21 PM
There has been no shortage of deceptive ads, factually-distorted statements, and outright fabrications from the political left over the campaign year to choose from, but leave it to the Tampa Bay Times's PolitiFact to give its "Lie of the Year" award to the Romney campaign. The now infamous "falsehood" in question was Romney's claim that Jeep was planning on moving production of some of its…
Soledad O'Brien Lets Obama Aide Attack GOP, Pushes Republicans to Hike
December 5th, 2012 4:30 PM
Once again, CNN's Soledad O'Brien grilled a Republican while giving an easy interview to a Democrat. She pushed Republicans to increase taxes on Wednesday's Starting Point, but, showing her double standard, she let President Obama's former deputy campaign manager attack the GOP fiscal cliff proposals.
O'Brien told Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Tex.) that Republicans could "do some kind of a deal…

NYT Reports From Two Weeks Ago on Stephanie Cutter, the Brilliant Mind
October 16th, 2012 12:00 PM
The New York Times Sunday Styles profile by Amy Chozick of Obama campaign manager Stephanie Cutter, "A Messenger Who Does the Shooting," reads as a bit behind on current events (many Sunday profile-type pieces are written several days in advance).
It comes off like a snapshot from before Cutter shamelessly politicized the Libya attack last Thursday by suggesting the only reason anyone cared…

CNN's Baldwin Enables Stephanie Cutter to Blame Team Romney for Making
October 11th, 2012 5:07 PM
Stephanie Cutter ignited a firestorm when she blamed Team Romney on Thursday for making the Libya fiasco into the "political issue" it has become, but CNN's Brooke Baldwin enabled her gross political accusations by calling the Libya controversy a "political circus."
"No doubt this has absolutely turned in to a political circus, whatever political aisle you're looking at," Baldwin began the…

NBC's Lauer Cites Obama Flack to Question if Paul Ryan Gave an 'Honest
August 30th, 2012 10:46 AM
In an interview with former Florida Governor Jeb Bush on Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer used attack lines from deputy Obama campaign manager Stephanie Cutter to question the honesty of Paul Ryan's vice presidential nomination acceptance speech: "[She] said, 'Forty minutes of vitriol and half a dozen previously debunked attacks.' Was it an honest speech or was it just a campaign…

PolitiFact Won't Set Stephanie Cutter's Pants on Fire Over Ridiculous
August 29th, 2012 12:46 PM
On August 27, PolitiFact, the once promising but now largely co-opted "fact check" site run by the Tampa Bay Times, finally got around to evaluating Obama campaign spokesperson Stephanie Cutter's August 22 lie that "over the past, you know, 27 months we've created ... more jobs than in the Bush recovery, in the Reagan recovery." Apparently, the evaluators lost their matches as they only gave…

'Fact Checkers' AWOL After Obama Spokesperson Lies About Jobs Created
August 26th, 2012 9:40 AM
Obama campaign spokesperson Stepanie Cutter, appearing on MSNBC earlier this week, claimed that "over the past, you know, 27 months we've created 4.5 million private-sector jobs. That's more jobs than in the Bush recovery (or) in the Reagan recovery."
A Thursday Investor's Business Daily editorial plaintively asked: "Where are those allegedly unbiased fact-checkers when you need them?" As…

CBS Morning Show Ignores Obama's False Reply on Campaign's Felony Char
August 21st, 2012 4:26 PM
On Tuesday's CBS This Morning, Norah O'Donnell and Gayle King applauded colleague Nancy Cordes for her "great question" to President Obama on Monday about a dishonest ad from a supporting super PAC that blamed Mitt Romney for a woman's cancer death. However, they failed to mention Cordes's earlier question on how Obama's campaign has "suggested that Mr. Romney might be a felon for the way that…

Obama Campaign Manager: Entertainment Tonight and People Mag 'Equally
August 19th, 2012 10:57 AM
President Obama's deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter made an astonishing statement on CNN's State of the Union Sunday.
According to her, the current White House resident giving interviews to Entertainment Tonight and People magazine are "equally important" to doing an actual press conference with the national news media (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

Shock: NBC's Lauer Uses Obama's Own Words to Knock Down Attacks on Rya
August 13th, 2012 2:46 PM
On Monday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer actually used the President's own past statements about Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan to grill deputy Obama campaign manager Stephanie Cutter: "President Obama said this of Paul Ryan, that he was 'absolutely sincere about wanting to reduce the deficit'...gave him 'credit for at least being willing to put out there some very tough…

NBC's Lauer Ignores Obama Campaign Aide Calling Romney a Felon
July 17th, 2012 11:34 AM
In an otherwise tough interview with Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter on Tuesday's NBC Today about the negative tone of the President's re-election bid, co-host Matt Lauer failed to challenge her on the nastiest attack hurled by Democrats so far, Cutter's own charge that Mitt Romney may have committed a felony.
Lauer repeatedly grilled Cutter on President Obama abandoning the…

Stephanie Cutter Abruptly Bails on Ed Schultz, But He's Not Bitter
July 16th, 2012 9:46 PM
Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter succeeding in getting under Ed Schultz's skin by canceling her appearance on his radio show Friday with only 15 minutes' notice. (audio clips after page break)
Schultz tried to hide his irritation but it was a losing battle (audio) --

Soledad O'Brien Asks Obama Aide If There Should Be Another Stimulus
June 11th, 2012 4:36 PM
Does CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien's job description include spoonfeeding Democratic talking points to Obama's deputy campaign manager? Quoting a study used by the Democratic-appointed CBO director to defend the stimulus plan, O'Brien asked Stephanie Cutter if there should be another stimulus, on Monday's Starting Point.
"So, is the takeaway from this, the stimulus worked, so there should be…

Soledad O'Brien's Guests 3-to-1 Democratic, In Favor of ObamaCare
March 28th, 2012 12:45 PM
Apparently, Soledad O'Brien's idea of a balanced discussion is three-to-one Democratic majority. Three out of the four guests she hosted on Wednesday's Starting Point to discuss the ObamaCare hearings were Democrats, and the CNN host did not press them to defend the health care bill's constitutionality.
Her questions simply focused on the state of the legislation and the implications of the…