Matthews: 'Why Do Cubans Still Support Castro Brothers

February 19th, 2008 6:15 PM
Chris Matthews on this afternoon's Hardball, speaking with Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.).CHRIS MATTHEWS: Congressman Burton, why do you think Cubans on the island still support the Castro brothers? What is it that allows that lock on those people to continue?DAN BURTON: I don't think they do support Castro, I don't think they supported Fidel or Raul. That is a Communist regime where they have block…

Financial Times: 'Castro Keeps World Guessing on Retirement

January 16th, 2008 2:55 PM
Writing in the January 16 Financial Times, reporter Marc Frank takes a look at Cuban politics as though it were an actual liberal democracy, not a Marxist dictatorship. Frank finds no irony or contradiction-in-terms in the way he qualifies the election as a public ratification of a pre-determined outcome. And in what amounts to a laughable print edition subheading, Frank's editor wrote this in…

WashPost Gets Raul All Wrong with Lil' Bro Castro Sounding 'Capitalist

July 27th, 2007 1:23 PM
Covering Raul Castro's July 26 hour-long Revolution Day speech, the Washington Post characterized the fill-in dictator's latest speech as one that "hits capitalist notes while placating hard-line party loyalists." But in truth Castro's speech was the typical Communist agitprop fare: empty promises for more pay, a call for harder work from the people, and above all else, blaming the United States…

CBS Reporter Calls Castro 'Idealistic

July 26th, 2007 7:42 AM
Nothing says "idealistic" like brutally suppressing freedom and imprisoning courageous advocates of democracy. At least in the view of CBS News, apparently.At 7:21 a.m. EDT on this morning's "Early Show," CBS's Kelly Cobiella reported from Havana on the occasion of Cuba's national day. Co-anchor Maggie Rodriguez asked Cobiella about the prospects for change.CBS "EARLY SHOW" CO-ANCHOR MAGGIE…