Ramsey Clark

Press Ignores Lynch's Call For 'Ordinary People' to March, Bleed, Die
March 7th, 2017 11:26 AM
Imagine, if it's even possible to, that in March 2009, former Bush 43 Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez or John Ashcroft had posted a video telling the newly formed grassroots opposition to President Barack Obama's policies that their ancestors "had marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died" for their beliefs, and that "We can do this again." We all know that media and establishment…
Major Media Sanitize Extreme Views From Antiwar Protest Coverage
September 17th, 2007 4:39 PM
The mainstream media’s coverage of the antiwar march in Washington, DC did its best to ignore the extreme Left views that were on display at the protest. A split-second image at the very beginning of Saturday evening’s NBC Nightly News showed some of the extreme views that were on display on signs, which included a call for the impeachment of President Bush for "war crimes," and a sign that cried…