O.J. Simpson

Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi Paints Trump as 'O.J. in the White House'
February 10th, 2017 7:53 AM
Pundits often analogize Donald Trump to figures such as Richard Nixon and Silvio Berlusconi. Less commonly put forward are parallels between Trump, onetime owner of a pro football team, and O.J. Simpson, Hall of Fame running back and unconvicted murderer. Rolling Stone’s Taibbi drew the comparison in a Wednesday piece: “Apart from the monumental scale of the error -- we put O.J. in the White…

Upcoming 'American Crime Story' Season to Focus on Lewinsky Scandal
January 19th, 2017 5:59 PM
After winning a record 10 Emmy Awards for American Crime Story's first-season storyline based on the book The Run of His Life: The People vs. O.J. Simpson by Jeffrey Toobin, the producers are planning to base an upcoming season of the series on another book written by the major Democratic donor and legal analyst for the Cable News Network: A Vast Conspiracy: The Real Sex Scandal That Nearly…

Sportswriter: Not-Guilty Verdict for O.J. a Big Win for 'Civil Rights'
May 30th, 2016 10:13 PM
Like almost everyone who has the sense God gave geese, Deadspin founder Leitch thinks O.J. Simpson is an unconvicted murderer. Unlike most of those people, Leitch also thinks Simpson’s acquittal “may have been one of the biggest civil-rights victories” of the 1990s. In a New York magazine review of the seven-hour, 43-minute documentary O.J.: Made in America, which airs in five parts next month on…
NBC’s Lisa Bloom Wants To Stack Juries: 'Don’t Think Whites Really
June 12th, 2014 3:45 PM
June 13 marks twenty years since O.J., Simpson’s ex wife and boyfriend were found murdered outside their condo in California, and MSNBC’s Joy-Ann Reid chose to use her June 12 The Reid Report program to discuss the O.J. Simpson and how in Joy-Ann Reid’s words “race played into that trial.”
Lisa Bloom, legal analyst for NBC News and daughter of feminist lawyer Gloria Allred, appeared with…

ABC, NBC Too Busy With O.J. Simpson Police Chase Anniversary To Cover
June 11th, 2014 8:58 PM
CBS Evening News was the only Big Three evening newscast on Wednesday to report that the FBI has opened a criminal investigation into the V.A. scandal. Neither ABC's World News nor NBC Nightly News covered this latest development in the ongoing controversy. Instead, both programs devoted air time to the 20th anniversary of O.J. Simpson's slow-speed run from the police, after the murder of his…

NFL Wouldn't Let Players Own Guns if Ed Schultz Ran the League
December 4th, 2012 6:20 PM
You could see this one coming and hardly a surprise that it came from Ed Schultz.
On his radio show yesterday, Schultz was talking with a caller about Kansas City Chiefs' linebacker Jovan Belcher killing his girlfriend and committing suicide over the weekend when Schultz made a predictable suggestion (audio) --

Coulter Exposes Maher As An Environmental Hypocrite
July 9th, 2011 8:13 PM
Bill Maher on Friday proudly equated the Casey Anthony verdict with Republican thinking.
Unfortunately for him, conservative author Ann Coulter was present, and when she got the chance to respond during the internet-only Overtime segment of HBO's "Real Time," she nicely exposed some of the host's most delicious hypocrisies (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Gore Loses CNN Sighing Oscar to O.J
November 15th, 2007 5:06 PM
In recent times, Al Gore has been in the winner's circle. From the Oscar to the Nobel to NBC's adoring Green Week, Al has known nothing but triumph.Imagine his chagrin, then, to learn that in one important category he has lost out to none other than . . . O.J. Simpson.
Bizarre Man [Update: Jake Byrd] Steals Show at O.J. News Conference
September 19th, 2007 12:33 PM
Video (2:26): Real (4.00 MB) and Windows (4.58 MB)On Wednesday, all three cable networks broke from their regular coverage to feature a press conference with O.J. Simpson’s lawyers. Standing to the left of attorneys Yale Galanter and David Cook was a man wearing a hat reading "I [Heart] Famous People" and a shirt with Simpson’s picture and the words "O.J. ‘07." This unidentified individual…