Michael Waldman

MSNBC Surprised SCOTUS Upheld Voting Rights, Cites Ulterior Motives
MSNBC asked three Democrats to discuss the Supreme Court’s ruling on Alabama’s redistricting plan, neglecting to acknowledge any alternate view point. NBC senior legal correspondent Laura Jarrett, president and CEO of the Brennan Center for Justice Michael Waldman, and former Alabama Democratic Senator Doug Jones expressed surprise that the conservative Supreme Court would uphold Section 2 of…

O'Donnell Suggests Thomas Be Impeached For Allegedly 'Selling' Himself
MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell suggested on Tuesday’s edition of The Last Word that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas should be impeached for “selling too much of himself” to billionaire friend Harlan Crow. Later, during an interview with President and CEO of the Brennan Center for Justice, Michael Waldman, it was essentially admitted that their biggest problem with Thomas and the…

ABC Cheers Lefty Saying Conservatives Judges Are ‘Threat to Democracy’
Monday on ABC’s Good Morning America, co-host and former Clinton official George Stephanopoulos trotted out far-left author Michael Waldman to tout his new book The Supermajority that doubled as a screed with the thesis that, in Stephanopoulos’s summation, conservative justices are “a threat to democracy” for rulings he believes are counter to a center-left country.

CNN Hits Apathetic 'White Moderates' Amid 'Autocracy and Even Fascism'
Along with their guests on Friday morning's CNN Newsroom, co-hosts Jim Sciutto and Bianna Golodryga tried to inspire moderate white voters to drop their apathy towards the supposed decline of democracy and emergence of "autocracy and even fascism" in the form of new GOP-sponsored election laws.

MSNBC Doubles Down On Biden’s Lies About GOP Voting Laws
After President Biden, during a CNN town hall Wednesday night, repeated his blatant lie that Republican voting reform bills were “Jim Crow on steroids,” MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Thursday predictably doubled down on the false accusation. In the midst of a panel discussion touting Biden’s dishonest claim, left-wing pundits ranted that GOP election laws in states across the country were…