FX’s ‘The Americans’ Imagines Moment When Soviets Learned of Rea

February 13th, 2013 7:57 PM
Last week’s second episode of The Americans (the third episode will run tonight, February 13, on FX), dramatically ended with a scene showing the horror realized by KGB operatives at the Soviet embassy in Washington, DC when they learn President Ronald Reagan intends to build “a ballistic missile shield” – aka the Strategic Defense Initiative. (video below) The Americans is centered around…

Martin Bashir Bashes Mitt Romney By Comparing Him to...Margaret Thatch

June 21st, 2012 4:48 PM
Along with Winston Churchill, one of America's most beloved British prime ministers is Margaret Thatcher. That's why it seemed almost impossible to believe that on Thursday, MSNBC's Martin Bashir concluded his program by bashing Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney with an inexplicably derogatory comparison to the famed Iron Lady (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Cal Thomas Column: Lady Thatcher Was Prophetic on the Folly of the Eur

June 12th, 2012 3:06 PM
LONDON -- One of many things left out of the film "The Iron Lady" was Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's warnings on the effects a single currency would have on the economies of European nations. Thatcher's premonitions place her among the great political prophets of all time. On the single currency, Peter Oborne, a columnist for the London Daily Telegraph, writes, "Mrs. Thatcher foresaw with…

Liberal Producer Harvey Weinstein Cheers Margaret Thatcher as a 'Socia

January 16th, 2012 12:51 PM
Appearing on Monday's NBC Today to discuss Golden Globe wins for several of his films, producer Harvey Weinstein was particularly proud of the Margaret Thatcher biopic, "The Iron Lady," selectively praising the former British prime minister: "...you see the values that Margaret Thatcher espouses....she was a social progressive, she was pro-choice...pro-gay, pro, you know, health service…

Martin Bashir: 'Meryl Streep Would Probably Make a More Authentic Pres

January 10th, 2012 5:29 PM
After praising Meryl Streep for her recent performance as Margaret Thatcher, MSNBC's Martin Bashir Tuesday bashed Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich claiming the Oscar-winning actress "would probably make a more authentic president' than either of them (video follows with transcript and commentary):

CBS's Mason Likens GOP Leadership to Soviet Dictator

August 22nd, 2011 6:08 PM
On CBS's Sunday Morning, CBS's Anthony Mason bizarrely compared top Republicans to Soviet autocrats during an interview of President Obama.  After claiming that there was a "Cold War chill" between the two parties in Washington, Mason asked Obama, "Margaret Thatcher famously said when Gorbachev took power in Russia, 'I can do business with this man.' Can you do business with the Republican…

Margaret Thatcher's Family Appalled By New Film: 'Sounds Like Some Lef

July 17th, 2010 12:51 PM
Margaret Thatcher's family is apparently appalled at what they've been hearing about a biopic being made of the former British Prime Minister."Mandrake hears that the screenplay of The Iron Lady depicts Baroness Thatcher as an elderly dementia-sufferer looking back on her career with sadness," reported Britain's Telegraph Saturday. "She is shown talking to herself and unaware that her husband,…

Ed Runs Head-first Into History Without A Helmet

December 29th, 2009 9:19 PM
Rumblin', bumblin', stumblin' . . . Trying to blame someone—anyone—other than his man Barack Obama for the security meltdown surrounding NWA 253, Ed Schultz ran head-first into history without a helmet tonight.  Seeking to shift some of the onus onto England for not having alerted us about having denied young Umar entry into its country, Ed entertainingly claimed that the UK has probably been "…

Chris Matthews Compares Hillary Clinton to Margaret Thatcher

January 16th, 2008 6:37 PM
After playing a clip of Hillary Clinton slamming George W. Bush as "pathetic", during the Democratic debate in Nevada, Chris Matthews compared Clinton to former British Prime Minister and Cold War hero Margaret Thatcher as he exclaimed of the former First Lady's attack on the President: "It just struck me as very Thatcher-ite!"The following exchange occurred between Matthews and fellow MSNBC host…