Olbermann Hypocritically Linked McCain to Bin Laden, But Decried Anti

June 18th, 2008 1:05 AM
When Georgia Republicans ran an ad against former Senator Max Cleland, which included a photograph of Osama bin Laden, attacking the Democratic Senator's numerous votes to apply labor union rules to the Homeland Security Department, liberals were outraged as they claimed the ad was an attack on the "patriotism" of war hero Cleland. MSNBC host Keith Olbermann expressed outrage by mentioning the…

Olbermann Names General Petraeus 'Worser' Person in the World

May 23rd, 2008 3:25 PM

CBS’s Couric to Petraeus: ‘How Frustrated Are You

April 11th, 2008 4:06 PM
On Thursday’s CBS "Evening News" anchor Katie Couric teased an upcoming interview with General David Petraues: "Also tonight, General David Petraeus on the slow progress in Iraq." Couric later began the interview by asking Petraeus: "How frustrated are you?"Prior to asking about Iranian influence in Iraq, Couric offered this pessimistic observation: "There's been a spike in attacks against…

LAT Op-ed Writer Compares Petraeus' Ribbons to Chotchkie's Flair

April 9th, 2008 6:40 PM
"Memo to Petraeus: When you're making the case for more patriotic gore, go easy on the glitter." That's how Los Angeles-based writer Matthew DeBord concluded his LA Times op-ed entitled "Petraeus' 'ribbon creep.'"So DeBord apparently thinks ribbons worn on the service dress uniform are the equivalent of "flair" that Chotchkie's waiters wore in the comedy classic "Office Space"? Here's how DeBord…

NBC Stacks Deck Against Petraeus -- and Takes a Shot at McCain Too

April 8th, 2008 11:14 PM
NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams led Tuesday's newscast by listing the burden of the Iraq war in years, troops, deaths and cost before Jim Miklaszewski, unlike reporters on ABC and CBS, found it newsworthy to show a man, in the Senate hearing for General David Petraeus, shouting “bring them home!” In the next story, Andrea Mitchell decided to highlight, again unlike ABC or CBS, how John…

Walters Denies Surge Success

April 8th, 2008 3:40 PM

CBS’s Smith Uses Democratic Talking Points on Iraq

April 8th, 2008 12:43 PM
In an interview with Hillary Clinton on Tuesday’s CBS "Early Show," about the upcoming congressional testimony of General David Petraeus on the Iraq war, co-host Harry Smith began by asking a question that perfectly toed the Democratic Party line: "David Petraeus is going to come before this committee this morning. He's going to say in more -- you know, more elaborate words than I will right now…

CBS’s Logan Quotes Eyewitness on Iraq Violence: ‘Everything Was De

April 7th, 2008 1:01 PM
In a news brief on Monday’s CBS "Early Show" correspondent Lara Logan reported on recent violence in Baghdad as a result of militia forces of Muqtada al Sadr: "The streets of Sadr City in eastern Baghdad have become a bloody battleground...This eyewitness describing the fighting on his street says 'one person was killed, and a child was also killed there. Everything got burned up. Everything was…

Petraeus: New Prez Pushing Ill-Advised Withdrawal Could Replace Me

March 16th, 2008 9:19 AM
David Petraeus was diplomatic in his language and careful to honor the primacy of civilian authority over the military. But the commanding general of multi-lateral forces in Iraq has left little doubt that if a new president wanted to withdraw from Iraq faster than would reflect Petraeus's considered military opinion, his family would be happy to have him home.ABC's Bill Weir interviewed the Gen…

Clinton Criticizes Olbermann for 'Pimping' Petraeus Remark

February 15th, 2008 1:03 AM
MSNBC just can't catch a break.After NewsBusters created a media firestorm by exposing reporter David Shuster for his remarks that Hillary Clinton was "pimping" out her daughter, the network is again finding itself in hot water as former president Bill Clinton condemned host Keith Olbermann for saying that President Bush had engaged in "pimping General David Petraeus." Clinton condemned the…

Has Obama Put Himself to Right of Hillary on Surge

February 4th, 2008 8:50 AM
Opening for Hillary? Obama has spoken some sense on the surge . . . Whereas Obama's claim to foreign policy fame among Dems has been his opposition from day one to the Iraq war, it appears he may have now put himself to the right of Hillary Clinton on the issue of sustaining the surge.Readers will recall that when Tim Russert asked Clinton on Meet the Press of January 13th whether she would be…

Olbermann Features Favorite Special Comments of

December 24th, 2007 3:37 PM

NBC's General McCaffrey Sees Progress in Iraq

December 24th, 2007 10:23 AM

Shuster Says: Huckabee Next President

December 24th, 2007 10:11 AM
See Update at foot: Could it be Jeb?Bona fide prediction, or devious three-dimensional-chess-move-cum- double-bank-shot-jujitsu gambit designed to sow chaos in Republican ranks? Hard to say, but one thing is undeniable: MSNBC correspondent David Shuster has predicted that Mike Huckabee will be the next President of the United States.The surprising prognosis came at the end of an interesting…