Colm Toibin

NY Times Raves Over Meryl Streep Reading Audiobook of Vicious Attack o
November 26th, 2013 7:09 AM
The New York Times gave another warm, huggy article to gay author Colm Toibin’s vicious anti-Christian “Testament of Mary” in the Sunday Book Review. They’ve praised it as a book, they’ve praised it as a play. On Sunday, they praised it as an audio book, with the bizarre claim of a Christ-denying Mary voiced by ...Meryl Streep.
Times theatre critic Charles Isherwood gave the rave for Streep…

'Religion News Service' Hails 'Moving' Anti-Catholic Play
April 24th, 2013 12:59 PM
The Huffington Post is promoting a positive review of Colm Toibin’s blasphemous play “The Testament of Mary” by Religion News Service reporter Charles Austin, who bizarrely claimed the bitterly anti-Catholic Irish writer is just like a preacher in imagining how “biblical heroes” acted between the lines.
“Preachers do it every Sunday in their sermons.” Which preachers echo Toibin in…

On Good Friday, NPR Denies Jesus Was God, Compares Him to IRA Terroris
April 5th, 2013 7:22 AM
Late last year, NPR already proved its affinity for publicizing a vicious tale where the Virgin Mary is turned into a bitter atheist who denies the divinity of Jesus and hates the Apostles for trying to spread Christianity. But NPR proved it again....on Good Friday.
The news “hook” is the forthcoming Broadway adaptation, a one-woman monologue, set to open on April 22. So NPR obviously timed…
CBS Promotes Anti-Catholic Broadway Play; Falsely Places John the Bapt
April 4th, 2013 5:34 PM
On Thursday, Mollie Hemingway of the GetReligion blog pointed out CBS's "major mistake" on the March 31, 2013 edition of Sunday Morning. On the Easter Sunday broadcast, Martha Teichner confused two biblical figures with the same name when she stated that "only one of the Gospels places Mary at the crucifixion, alongside the so-called 'beloved disciple' – possibly John the Baptist." Actually,…

Karen Long Sings Praises of Colm Toibin's 'Testament of Mary
December 10th, 2012 4:57 PM
As we at NewsBusters have noticed, Advent and Lent seem to be the times of year that the liberal secular media loves to tweak devout Christians with attacks on historic, orthodox Christian teaching. The latest example is the media being abuzz over Irish playwright and novelist Colm Toibin's "The Testament of Mary."
The "silent, obedient, observant" Mary of Scripture that has "echoed down"…

NPR Deeply Enjoys 'Playing With Fire' with 'The Basic Tenets of Christ
December 6th, 2012 11:31 PM
As if a puffy seven-minute-plus story on Morning Edition wasn't enough publicity for Irish novelist Colm Toibin's abrasive takedown of the Virgin Mary, NPR's Terry Gross offered another promotional 45 minutes on Monday's Fresh Air. There's nothing NPR likes better than taking this humble, devout disciple and transforming her into some sort of bitter Real Housewife of Nazareth.
Toibin was…

NPR Promotes Irish Author's Anti-Catholic Fable Deforming the Virgin M
November 27th, 2012 9:07 AM
MRC president Brent Bozell ripped The New York Times and the Washington Post in his November 17 column for their positive reviews of Colm Toibin's short novel "The Testament of Mary," which distorts the biblical Virgin Mary into an angry woman bitter at her son Jesus' crucifixion and filled with contempt for His followers. But these left-leaning rags weren't the only media outlets boosting…

Bozell Column: The Malicious Mangling of the Virgin Mary
November 17th, 2012 8:35 AM
A Christian can be crushed gazing at the picture of Mary standing at the foot of the cross, watching her beloved son suffocate, and die. But in that vision she stands there for hours, patiently enduring her suffering. For two millennia, she has been a role model for Christians, a woman who practiced obedience in the most difficult of human circumstances, with fervent hope for what this…