
Pressing Cruz on Counter-Terrorism, Cooper Invokes 'Internment Camps'

March 23rd, 2016 8:16 PM
As GOP presidential candidate and Texas Senator Ted Cruz spoke by phone as a guest on Tuesday's special edition of CNN's The Lead, guest host Anderson Cooper quoted the Anti-Defamation League in invoking the imprisonment of Japanese-Americans in "internment camps" as he pressed the Texas Republican over his earlier call for more police engagement in Muslim neighborhoods to preempt terrorism in…

Matthews to de Blasio: Do You 'Wish' You Were Hillary's Boxing Coach?

February 11th, 2016 8:52 PM
Last October, after about six months of dawdling, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio finally came out with an endorsement of Hillary Clinton for president. Yet on tonight's Hardball, anchor Chris Matthews made it sound like the mayor probably wishes he had his old campaign-manager job back and was Hillary's "Mickey in the corner" at every debate.

Matthews: NRA Wants Terrorists to Have Guns

November 20th, 2015 12:36 PM
During an interview with New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) regarding his efforts to ensure New York City remains safe during heightened security in the wake of ISIS terrorist attacks, MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews insisted "the NRA is nondiscriminatory when it comes to who gets guns. They're for everybody getting them, including terrorists."

Scarborough Rips De Blasio’s ‘Misguided Liberalism’ Running New York

August 25th, 2015 8:43 AM
On Tuesday’s Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough hammered liberal New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio for “allowing a homeless epidemic to start spreading across New York again.” The MSNBC host argued that the de Blasio policy of allowing homeless to sleep on the streets was ridiculous just because “some left-winger thinks that this is more humane. No, let them just sleep on grates. No, let them…

Parcializado retrato de la crisis de deuda puertorriqueña en Univisión

August 9th, 2015 11:59 AM
Mientras Puerto Rico, bajo el liderazgo del socio del Presidente Obama, el gobernador Alejandro García-Padilla (D) ponía en mora los pagos a los acreedores, Univisión transmitió un informe completamente parcializado sobre manifestaciones contra la "austeridad" en frente de una firma de inversiones con sede en Nueva York.

CBS This Morning Presses De Blasio from Left on Uber, Economy

July 23rd, 2015 10:31 AM
Liberal New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio sat down for a friendly interview on Thursday’s CBS This Morning and the three hosts repeatedly pushed him from the left on a variety of issues ranging from his fight with Uber to his relationship with Pope Francis on climate change and income inequality. Charlie Rose complained: ”It seems like Uber whenever it's challenged simply gets its way in the end…

Barnicle Blames NY Post for Exposing De Blasio Crime-Fighting Failure

June 9th, 2015 7:37 AM
Talk about killing the messenger . . . Mike Barnicle has blamed the New York Post for the fact that New York City has become less safe under far-left Mayor Bill de Blasio. On today's Morning Joe, Barnicle--holding up the front page of today's Post--whined that part of the problem is "the way crime is now covered in this city--especially in this paper, okay? If someone is shot in Times Square, or…

Halperin: By Not Endorsing Hillary, De Blasio Plays 'Dangerous Game'

April 22nd, 2015 5:55 PM
Serious question: what did Mark Halperin mean when he said that NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio "may be playing a more dangerous game than he realizes" by refusing so far to endorse Hillary? On today's With All Due Respect, Halperin prefaced his ominous observation by saying that there is "furor in Hillary Clinton's camp" over the matter.  De Blasio's omission certainly is striking, considering that he…

Daily Kos: Cops Need to Put On ‘Big-Boy Uniforms’ and Stop ‘Pouting’

January 6th, 2015 12:31 AM
“Americans are still free,” wrote blogger Hunter, “to criticize overaggressive police actions which repeatedly and systemically end up killing black men and boys for no discernible reason…so put on your goddamn big-boy uniforms and deal with it.”

Chris Hayes: NYC Mayor Subject to ‘Brutal Attacks’ by NY Police Union

January 6th, 2015 12:00 AM
During his MSNBC show All In on Monday, Chris Hayes put up his best defense of far-left New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio against criticism from NYPD officers and their union, lamenting that de Blasio has been subject to “brutal attacks” over the past few weeks while praising him for a drop in crime during 2014. At the start of a segment about the drop in crime and a changing of tactics, Hayes…

FBN's Asman Blasts 'Atrocious Anti-Cop NYT Editorial' — and Its Timing

January 3rd, 2015 12:13 AM
In the midst of properly blasting the New York Times for its disgraceful editorial attacking the NYPD, Fox Business News's Davd Asman has raised an important question which goes to the paper's fundamental integrity. Specifically, did the Times acquiesce to active efforts by Mayor Bill de Blasio's office encouraging them to go on the attack, effectively serving as his mouthpiece? The question…

De Blasio Pressured Pols to Condemn Police; Will Media Ignore?

December 31st, 2014 2:04 PM
Let's say that a Republican or conservative governor or big-city mayor (yes, there actually are quite a few) was in a heated dispute with his state's or city's police union. Let's further say that this official decided that his or her best method for whipping up support was to order the staff to (ahem) "ask" GOP legislators or council members to issue public statements of support while bashing…

Professor: NRA Has ‘Blood On [Its] Hands’ From NYC Cop-Killing

December 31st, 2014 12:09 PM
Peter Dreier, who teaches at Occidental College, writes that “for decades, the NRA has fought every effort to get Congress and states to adopt reasonable laws that would make it much less likely that people like was [Ismaaiyl] Brinsley would be able to obtain a gun.” Dreier claims that even though the NRA’s “arguments are bogus,” it “has the money, and a small but committed hard core of members,…

NY Times Attacks Cops and Indulges Protesters — Just Like de Blasio

December 30th, 2014 10:59 PM
Earlier this evening, Clay Waters at NewsBusters noted the New York Times Editorial Board's blistering attack on Gotham's finest. The Times editorial insisted that the NYPD has "squandered" its presumptive respect in its treatment of Mayor Bill de Blasio since a bi-racial grand jury's December 3 decision not to indict officers on the scene in July when Eric Garner died on Staten Island. This is…