
ABC, CBS, NBC Bemoan ‘Heartbreaking’, ‘Painful’ Hunter Biden Trial

June 7th, 2024 1:46 PM

Aside from a zero Thursday on ABC’s Good Morning America, the “Big Three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC have had segments on every newscast this week about Hunter Biden’s gun trial, but like we’ve seen, the flavor skewed heavily toward seeking sympathy for the First Son as he’s had to endure “dramatic”, “heartbreaking”, and “painful” details about his life being made public.



June 6th, 2024 11:44 PM

Not even a day as solemn as D-Day, wherein we commemorate not just the liberation of Europe but the rescue of Western civilization from Hitler’s evil grasp, is safe from ABC’s relentlessly sycophantic coverage of President Joe Biden. Tonight’s interview was more of the same.


ABC, CBS OMIT Biden Family Criminal Referrals By House Committees

June 6th, 2024 1:03 AM

The networks appear to have filled their allotted Biden family scandal with continued coverage of the Hunter Biden federal trial on gun charges, leaving them with no room for the criminal referral to the Department of Justice filed by several House committees against both Hunter and Uncle Jimmy, for lying to Congress.

DESECRATION: Not Even D-Day Is Spared From ABC’s Pro-Biden Sycophancy

June 5th, 2024 11:26 PM

The solemnity of the 80th anniversary of D-Day, which in 1944 marked the beginning of the liberation of Europe from the clutches of Nazi tyranny, was generally observed throughout the Regime Media. Except for ABC, which chose the occasion to promote President Joe Biden’s speech in a manner more befitting a campaign comms shop.


Regime Media Help Push Biden’s Border EO, Fake ‘Shut Down’ Narrative

June 5th, 2024 9:10 AM

When looking at how the Regime Media report on any of the given issues of the day, you can be certain that the truest, purest victim of any of the calamities of the day is always going to be the electoral prospects of one Joseph Robinette Biden, Junior. There is no other rationale that could underlie the ridiculous and servile coverage accorded to President Biden’s executive order on the…


Hunter Biden Trial Roundup: The ‘Laptop From Hell’ WAS ALWAYS REAL

June 4th, 2024 11:55 PM

With today’s coverage of the happenings of the Hunter Biden gun trial comes a major piece of vindication for anyone reporting or attempting to report on the existence (and, subsequently, the contents) of Hunter Biden’s “Laptop From Hell”. The major network newscasts (mostly) reported on the laptop, albeit tangentially and reluctantly.


Nets Defends Fauci From GOP in ‘Emotional’, ‘Fiery’, ‘Testy’ Hearing

June 4th, 2024 6:26 PM

ABC, CBS, and NBC were not only exhausting airtime fawning over and spinning for Hunter Biden as his first criminal trial got underway, but also rallying around Dr. Tony Fauci on Monday night and Tuesday morning over the “contentious”, “heated” and “hostile” House hearing he endured on the COVID-19 pandemic response that left him “defiant” yet “emotional” over “the threats” posed by critics.…


Border EO Roundup: Nets Protect Biden, HIDE Dropped 350K Asylum Cases

June 4th, 2024 11:03 AM

The evening network news coverage of PPresident Joe Biden’s upcoming executive order on the border crisis was, for the most part, predictably focused on the politics of the matter. And, across the board, this coverage unanimously omitted one piece of major news.


BLESS THE ‘CHILD’: Hunter Biden Gun Trial Gets Pillow-Soft Treatment

June 4th, 2024 1:45 AM

The networks must have collective whiplash. The brutality and edge of their coverage of former President Donald Trump’s Manhattan business records trial is eclipsed by the collective tenderness with which they’re handling Hunter Biden’s federal trial on gun charges in Wilmington, Delaware.


WRAP-UP: TV’s Negative, Lurid & Obsessive Coverage of Trump’s Trial

May 30th, 2024 10:32 AM

Unlike the jury in the courtroom, millions of citizens have seen the evidence only as depicted by the liberal news networks — an often skewed version that seemed more designed to embarrass and antagonize the Republican presidential candidate than to scrutinize the merits of the case against him.


IT’S (D)IFFERENT: Nets Continue To Skip Menendez Corruption Trial

May 28th, 2024 11:34 PM

As the trial of former President Donald Trump winds down, most of the networks appear to be willfully neglecting that other high-profile trial in New York: the second trial of New Jersey Senator Bob Menéndez (D-NJ) on corruption charges.


Except For ABC, Regime Media Avoid Covering Stock Market Nosedive

May 24th, 2024 12:40 AM

The pro-Biden media, which gleefully trumpet so much as the slightest glimmer of positive economic news and cast it in a light most favorable to the reelection prospects of President Joe Biden, lost their collective tongues when it came time to report a grim day on Wall Street.

Networks SUPPRESS Kerry-Iran Bombshell Report

May 23rd, 2024 12:38 AM

Earlier today, a stunning report was published alleging that the Obama administration “actively interfered” in order to hinder the FBI from arresting individuals suspected of aiding and abetting Iran’s efforts to develop a nuclear bomb. We didn't hear a peep about this interference on any of the network evening newscasts. Given their proclivities, a reasonable person may wonder whether they'll…


ABC, CBS Join The New York Times’ Recusal Op Against Justice Alito

May 22nd, 2024 11:37 PM

Tonight’s ABC and CBS evening newscasts aired reports in furtherance of the ongoing campaign to pressure a sitting Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Samuel Alito, into recusing himself from upcoming opinions that have a direct effect on the ongoing federal prosecutions against former President Donald Trump.