Providence Journal Buries the Lede in Pepper-Spray Assault on Conserva

July 30th, 2009 4:04 PM
The Providence Journal’s coverage of the assault on traditional marriage advocates in Warwick, Rhode Island on July 28 has consistently downplayed how pepper spray was used on the conservative protesters, in favor of how food was thrown at them.’s Wednesday report on the attack ran with the headline, “Same-sex marriage protesters assaulted with food,” and didn’t mention the pepper spray…

Rhode Island Paper Predicts 'Under-Ocean' Global Warming Scenario by

March 23rd, 2009 12:37 PM
Here's a scary newspaper headline: "Could global warming turn R.I. into the under-Ocean State?" The answer to that question could only be, "Yes." And so it was in a one-sided report in a Rhode Island newspaper. A news article in the March 22 Providence (R.I.) Journal by G. Wayne Miller details how a portion of the beautiful harbor town of Newport will be underwater due to the effects of…