Trump’s Rosebud: New Documentary Draws a Comparison
Discerning observers of the current political scene who are familiar with the culture and sensibilities of early 20th Century America understand something the millennials cannot. We have seen this move before. Before Bill Clinton coarsened American culture with his womanizing, Donald Trump would likely not have survived his own self-inflicted his wounds, according to political…

Scarborough: 'I Bend Over Backward Too Hard' To Understand Other Views
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough claims, "politically, I'm too pragmatic. I bend over backwards too hard to understand too many people's views."

Scarborough Apologizes for Saying He Doesn't Care If Hunter Jailed
So who got to Joe Scarborough? His wife Mika Brzezinski? His bosses at MSNBC, including head honcho Rashida Jones? Could it have been Jen Psaki, Biden’s former spox, now Scarborough's MSNBC colleague, letting Joe know he crossed a line? Or was it a call from the White House, rapping Joe’s knuckles? Or did the MSNBC suits themselves perhaps send Joe that iconic horsehead-in-the-bed clip from…

NYT, NPR Bash Popular 'Sound of Freedom' Film on Child-Trafficking
The New York Times’ initial review of Sound of Freedom, a thriller based on child-trafficking-buster Tim Ballard, was negative but nonpolitical. But now that Trump has spoken up, the Times has jumped back into the media-manufactured controversy, as did taxpayer-supported National Public Radio. The Times and NPR unearthed “experts” to offer petulant…

PBS Film Fest Runs With Abortion, LGBTQ,'White Supremacist Patriarchy'
Publicly funded PBS sponsors a sort of film festival of short films, gathered from their public media partners and PBS member stations nationwide. The festival had an theatrical premier in Manhattan in July before switching to digital streaming. This year there are 25 entries, mostly documentaries, none of which sound like the next coming of Quentin Tarantino. Painful leftist earnestness…

MS-DNC Pundits Compete to Smear Casey DeSantis: 'America's Karen'
Guests on Jonathan Capehart's MSNBC show compete to see who can make the ugliest slur of Casey DeSantis, wife of Ron. Former Republican David Jolly calls her "America's Karen," and Lincoln Project member Tara Setmayer calls her "a Serena Waterford wannabe," a reference to the character from The Handmaid's Tale who has been described as "the cruel, fanatically religious wife of Fred Waterford,…

Morning Joe: Trump's a Pathological, Weird, Criminal Hoarder
Trying to explain why Donald Trump held onto classified documents after leaving the presidency, Morning Joe describes him as a pathological, weird, bizarre, criminal hoarder, similar to John Nash, the schizophrenic mathematician who was the subject of the movie, A Beautiful Mind.

NPR on Film: Loves Eco-Terror, Hates Capitalism, ‘Transphobic' Rowling
National Public Radio’s ideological bias extends to its movie reviews. Fresh Air’s “critic-at-large” John Powers praised a new movie about a band of eco-terrorists fighting the energy industry: "How to Blow Up a Pipeline" review: Contrast that with the ideological contempt NPR critic Aisha Harris displayed toward a feel-good movie about how the famous “Air Jordan” sneakers…

PBS Never Satisfied: ‘Oscars So Male’ and Other Academy Award Gripes
Media activists who obsess over “representation” in Hollywood (think the #OscarsSoWhite hash-tag on Twitter), will never be satisfied as long as there are ways to slice the racial-gender figures of directors, actors, award nominees, and box-office results so that liberals will come away disappointed in the alleged lack of “representation” at the movies. The Oscars are a prime season to air…

CNN Edits Out Oscar Winner's Slap At Lemon For 'Past Her Prime' Insult
CNN This Morning airs portions of the acceptance speech by Best Actress Oscar winner Michelle Yeoh. But the show edited out Yeoh saying, "Ladies, don't let anybody tell you you are ever past your prime." That was a clear shot at Don Lemon, the morning co-host who was recently suspended and subjected to sensitivity training for insisting that Nikki Haley, 51, "isn't in her prime."

AOC’s Climate Change Doc ‘To the End’ Scores Just $80 Per Theater
The 2019 documentary “Knock Down the House” got plenty of love from both Netflix and movie critics.

'Whiff of a Loser'— Scarborough's Mock Movie Title for Trump
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough, noting a poll showing Trump's historically low approval rating, and playing off the title of the Al Pacino movie, Scent of a Woman, claims that Jonathan Lemire has a movie title for Trump: Whiff of a Loser. Morning Joe knows about being losers: in the coveted 25-54 demographic, the Fox & Friends audience more than doubles…

Abortion Clinics Play 'Call Jane' Movie to Glamorize Abortion
Some propaganda with your abortion? Actor Elizabeth Banks, most commonly known from The Hunger Games, recently starred in a 1960s-set story about a mother who stumbles upon an underground abortion network called “The Janes.”

NYT vs. Science: Critic Hess TRIGGERED by Realistic Images of Fetus
The front page of the New York Times Saturday Arts section featured a castigation of the new Marilyn Monroe “biopic.” Critic-at-large Amanda Hess’s insidious critique focused on a single scene of the film showing a “beatific, photorealistic fetus.” Why? Hess doesn’t come out and say it, but one suspects she fears such images risk humanizing “the fetus” (which of course is already…