Martin Bashir
Is Martin Bashir's 'Vacation' Actually a Suspension
December 2nd, 2013 5:29 PM
When I noticed about 90 minutes ago that Joy Reid was once again filling in for MSNBC's Martin Bashir after having done so last week, I started wondering if this wasn't a vacation at all, and if the man who last month suggested someone should defecate and urinate in former Alaska governor Sarah Palin's mouth was actually being punished for it.
Almost on cue, Politico's Dylan Byers wrote…

Alec Baldwin Flip-Flops: 'I Am Glad Martin Bashir Is Still On
December 1st, 2013 7:18 PM
Alec Baldwin can't make up his mind.
After complaining Tuesday about MSNBC's Martin Bashir still being on the air despite his vile comments about former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, Baldwin said Sunday he's glad Bashir still has a show:

Milbank Equates O’Reilly Joking About Cutting His Head Off to Bashir
December 1st, 2013 4:01 PM
There haven’t been a lot of members of the media that have come out in support of MSNBC’s Martin Bashir's suggestion a few weeks ago that someone should defecate and urinate in former Alaska governor Sarah Palin’s mouth.
Seemingly bucking that trend Sunday was the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank who appearing on Fox News's MediaBuzz actually compared those remarks to Bill O’Reilly joking three…
Huckabee: ‘Bashir Must Have Some Really Incriminating Photos of MSNB
November 27th, 2013 12:20 PM
Calls for MSNBC’s Martin Bashir to be fired as a result of vile comments he made about former Alaska governor Sarah Palin continue to come in from a variety of sources.
On Fox & Friends Wednesday, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee said the fact Bashir still has a job suggests he “must have some really incriminating photos of executives at MSNBC,” and that if he’s not fired, “they got…

Baldwin On Firing By MSNBC : 'Martin Bashir's On The Air
November 26th, 2013 7:23 PM
The New York Post reported Tuesday that MSNBC's Up Late with Alec Baldwin has been cancelled in the wake of the host's most recent gay slur. Yet eleven days after Martin Bashir said someone should defecate and urinate in former Alaska governor Sarah Palin's mouth, the vile host with some of the lowest ratings on cable television still hasn't been punished in any way.
Baldwin apparently sees…
The Numbers: Media Have Mostly Ignored Martin Bashir’s Sick Attack o
November 26th, 2013 5:30 AM
Much has been said in recent days about the obvious double-standard employed by the left-wing MSNBC cable news channel after host Martin Bashir said that Sarah Palin deserved to be defecated and urinated upon. While he was forced to apologize on the air for his remarks, Bashir has been neither suspended nor fired, unlike actor Alec Baldwin who was suspended for two weeks for allegedly using…

TVNewser: NBC's 'Silence Has Been Deafening' Over Bashir's Vile Attack
November 25th, 2013 2:52 PM
In an article for MediaBistro's TVNewser blog on Monday, Gail Shister ripped into NBC News for the lack of punishment of MSNBC host Martin Bashir after his vicious and disgusting attack on Sarah Palin: "It's no surprise that NBC tries to distance itself publicly from its corporate sibling. In this case, however, its silence has been deafening. How low does the bar have to go before Tom Brokaw…

Zurawik: Why Haven’t Tom Brokaw and Chuck Todd Spoken Out Against Ma
November 24th, 2013 5:16 PM
Baltimore Sun TV critic David Zurawik had some harsh words for MSNBC and NBC News Sunday in the wake of Martin Bashir’s vile comments about former Alaska governor Sarah Palin.
After accusing MSNBC of debasing “our civic and political conversation on cable TV,” Zurawik asked Fox News MediaBuzz host Howard Kurtz, “Where are people like Tom Brokaw and Chuck Todd who claim to speak for NBC News…

Palin on Bashir’s Apology: Next Time 'Go Through Todd First or One o
November 24th, 2013 11:45 AM
As NewsBusters reported, MSNBC’s Martin Bashir apologized last week for truly vile comments he made about former Alaska governor Sarah Palin.
On Fox News Sunday, Palin accepted Bashir’s apology, but made it clear that the next time he or anyone in the media says such things about her, “I’d like them to go through say Todd first or one of my children” (video follows with transcript and…

Limbaugh: What Happens to Krauthammer or O'Reilly if They Said of Obam
November 20th, 2013 6:24 PM
As first reported by NewsBusters, MSNBC’s Martin Bashir ended his program Friday giving arguably the most deplorable defamation of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin by anyone to date.
With no disciplinary action having been administered to Bashir by his superiors, conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh asked on his show Wednesday, "Let's say Dr. Krauthammer or Ted O'Baxter [Bill O'Reilly…
Howard Kurtz on Martin Bashir: ‘Sad, Pathetic and Disgusting
November 19th, 2013 5:03 PM
Criticism continues to pour in for MSNBC’s Martin Bashir over his disgraceful comments about former Alaska governor Sarah Palin last Friday.
Appearing on Fox News’s America’s Newsroom Tuesday, media analyst Howard Kurtz called them “sad, pathetic, and disgusting” saying that Bashir is a “practitioner” of “the politics of vitriol and destruction” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Mark Levin: ‘MSNBC Is a Hateful, Vile, Character Assassinating Outle
November 19th, 2013 10:33 AM
In the wake of the disgusting comments MSNBC's Martin Bashir made about former Alaska governor Sarah Palin Friday, conservative talk radio host Mark Levin had some important observations regarding the incident Monday.
"MSNBC, ladies and gentlemen, is a hateful, vile, character assassinating outlet" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

MSNBC’s Martin Bashir Apologizes to Sarah Palin
November 18th, 2013 5:53 PM
As first reported by NewsBusters, MSNBC’s Martin Bashir ended his program Friday giving arguably the most deplorable defamation of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin by anyone to date.
To his credit, Bashir began his show Monday with a very sincere apology (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Soros-funded Media Group Attacks Conservative ‘Stink Tanks
November 18th, 2013 2:44 PM
Liberals can’t stand when anyone disagrees with them.
Two left-wing groups, the Center for Media and Democracy and ProgressNow, launched a coordinated attack against the pro-free market State Policy Network. This attack came six months after the liberal Media Consortium was launching its own series of articles bashing SPN. The accusations that this Center for Media and Democracy report made…