HLN (formerly CNN Headline News)

Nets Ignore Dem Lawmaker Not Running After Shielding Abusive Staffer
April 2nd, 2018 8:55 PM
Recently, Connecticut Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty was exposed for shielding and supporting her former chief of staff, Tony Baker after he was accused of sexual harassment and threatening the life of another staffer. This story was first published online late last Thursday and appeared on the front page of The Washington Post the following day. The liberal major network news outlets (ABC, CBS,…

HLN’s Cupp Calls Out Liberal Media for Opposing Conservative Views
March 29th, 2018 10:09 PM
HLN conservative S.E. Cupp has been on a roll this week with her show (S.E. Cupp Unfiltered) drawing attention to the media’s massive liberal bias. First, a CNN host admitted he let an anti-gun teen get away with falsehoods, then she and her panel tore into the media for unfairly smearing Trump’s recent hires as unqualified talking heads. On Thursday, she ratcheted up the criticism by calling…

HLN Panel Slams Media for Smearing Trump’s Hires as Talking Heads
March 28th, 2018 12:03 AM
In what appeared to be a shot across the bow of their parent network CNN on Tuesday, the panel on HLN’s S.E. Cupp Unfiltered slammed media outlets who discredited President Trump’s new White House hires because they spent time on cable news. “So is the media smearing the President's pick just to beat up on Trump or are these TV talking heads actually dangerous,” conservative host S.E. Cupp…

CNN’s Stelter Admits He Let Hogg Get Away With Lies About Guns, NRA
March 26th, 2018 10:45 PM
It’s not often that CNN media reporter Brian Stelter is honest about his blatant biases when it comes to politics, just take his assertions about the President’s mental fitness and his denials of making such connections. But during an appearance on the Monday edition of HLN’s S.E. Cupp Unfiltered, the Reliable Sources host appeared to let it slip that he let radical anti-gun activist David Hogg…

HLN Panel Embarrasses Liberal Media for Ignorance in Gun Ban Push
February 26th, 2018 10:16 PM
In the wake of the Parkland school shooting, Florida liberals pushed a gun control bill they claimed was specifically to ban AR-15s and other military-looking weapons. The legislation was lauded by the liberal media, and when the Republican-controlled legislature voted not to have a debate on the bill, they went gaga over images of crying teens. But the panel on HLN’s S.E. Cupp Unfiltered read…

Stelter Gets Schooled on Media Activism and ‘Ignorance’ of Guns
February 23rd, 2018 12:12 AM
On Thursday’s edition of HLN’s S.E. Cupp Unfiltered, host S.E. Cupp and her panel continued their multipart deep dive conversation to try and get to a solution for gun crime and mass shootings. The day’s conversation entailed the role of the media and whether or not they were helping the situation. Included on the panel was CNN senior media reporter Brian Stelter and while he was defending media…

S.E. Cupp Calls Out Gun Grabbers for Lying About Their Intentions
February 20th, 2018 10:11 PM
HLN conservative host S.E. Cupp followed up her masterful takedown of self-righteous journalists who become anti-gun activists, last Thursday, by using the opening monologue of Tuesday’s S.E. Cupp Unfiltered to call out disingenuous gun grabbers for lying about their intentions. “There is nothing more disingenuous than the idea that no one is talking about banning guns,” Cupp declared.

WHOA: Geraghty Owns Costello, Press on Far-Left, Anti-Gun Rhetoric
February 20th, 2018 4:28 PM
Just as his National Review colleague Rich Lowry did on Thursday night, senior political correspondent Jim Geraghty held his own on Tuesday against liberal HLN host Carol Costello and liberal talk radio host Bill Press in a heated debate about gun control and the left’s asinine rhetoric that gun rights supporters are “child killers.”

S.E. Cupp Unleashes on Self-Righteous Journalists Becoming Activists
February 15th, 2018 11:58 PM
In a serious and pointed opening monologue during her Thursday show on HLN, conservative host S.E. Cupp scolded the liberal media, including allusions to her network (CNN) for shunning serious discussion and understanding of guns and gun owners for unbridled political activism.“I do know that there isn’t likely a law, existing or imagined, that would have prevented it. Anyone who says otherwise…

Cupp, Levy Rip PolitiFact for Hiring ‘Archduke’ of Lying Alan Grayson
February 2nd, 2018 1:04 AM
So-called fact-checking website PolitiFact proved just how much of a hack organization they were on Thursday when they announced that they were hiring former Florida Congressmen David Jolly (R) and the infamous Alan Grayson (D). The backlash was swift and came from across the political spectrum, especially for Greyson. The backlash was even present on HLN’s S.E. Cupp Unfiltered where Cupp and TV’…

Cupp Slams Hillary for ‘Wannabe #MeToo-ism,’ Fake ‘Champion of Women'
January 29th, 2018 11:59 PM
Conservative HLN host, S.E. Cupp kicked off her Monday evening show, S.E. Cupp Unfiltered. with a stinging denouncement of “the latest feeble attempt by [Hillary] Clinton to stay relevant” and her “glomming” onto the #MeToo movement. Cupp also took the failed presidential candidate to task for never being able to take a proper stand against sexual harassers when it really counted, like with her…

S.E. Cupp Calls Out Left’s Hypocrisy Over Clinton Accusers
January 26th, 2018 3:59 PM
CNN analyst and HLN host S.E. Cupp guest-hosted The View today, and used the occasion to push back against the table’s liberal spin. While talking about Stormy Daniels, Cupp called out the leftists in the media for choosing to believe the porn star’s account of her affair with President Trump, while they tore down and discredited President Clinton’s many accusers in the 1990s.

S.E. Cupp Battles Dem Congressman for ‘Scaring’ Voters on Tax Reform
December 19th, 2017 11:47 PM
With Congressional Republicans and President Trump set to score a massive win before Christmas with their tax reform bill, Democrats and their liberal media lapdogs were letting loose with their smear and fear campaign. But During HLN’s Unfiltered, host S.E. Cupp called out California Democrat Ted Lieu for trying to recklessly scare voters into thinking the bill was going to hurt them when, in…

HLN Panel Calls for NBC to Be Investigated for Possibly Enabling Lauer
November 29th, 2017 9:47 PM
During Wednesday’s S.E. Cupp Unfiltered, Cupp and her panel were visibly disgusted as they started the show by talking about the sexual misconduct allegations against former NBC's Today co-host Matt Lauer. After Cupp reviewed the disturbing allegations detailed in the Variety exclusive, the panel vigorously ripped into NBC for claiming they didn’t know about Lauer’s victims until Monday.…