Glenn Beck
CNN’s Kurtz Defends Olbermann & MSNBC from Comparisons to Glenn Beck
April 12th, 2011 8:30 AM
In spite of former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann’s history of using distortion and even misinformation to attack conservatives, and his infamously recurring conspiracy theory that the Bush administration made terrorism-related announcements to distract from politically embarrassing news, CNN host Howard Kurtz on Sunday’s Reliable Sources defended Olbermann’s Countdown show and MSNBC generally…

Donny Deutsch: Glenn Beck A 'Despicable Putz
April 7th, 2011 9:07 AM
On Morning Joe today, ad man Donny Deutsch called Glenn Beck a "despicable putz." For good measure, Deutsch also described Beck as "a disgusting human being."
Deutsch was reacting to a clip of Beck from yesterday confirming that he was indeed leaving his Fox News show.
Deutsch was clearly proud of his epithet, regretting that Pat Buchanan didn't respond to it in his subsequent comments…
Glenn Beck to End Fox News Program to Pursue Oprah Route
April 6th, 2011 1:09 PM
Fox News host Glenn Beck and the news channel announced today that Beck is going to be quitting his show. The following statement was put out to the media:

NYT Hit Piece on Glenn Beck: Fox May Not Renew His Contract
March 6th, 2011 11:25 PM
It's certainly not surprising that the New York Times would publish a hit piece on Glenn Beck, but coming hours after CNN's Howard Kurtz spent almost ten minutes bashing the Fox News commentator makes me smell a rat.
Add to this the increased pressure Beck has come up against from MSNBC personalities since Keith Olbermann surprisingly left America's most liberal television news network in…

Kurtz Bashes Beck for 10 Minutes, Spends 45 Seconds on Matthews Likeni
March 6th, 2011 1:26 PM
Howard Kurtz on Sunday spent a whopping 45 seconds scolding Chris Matthews for saying former House Speaker Newt Gingrich looks like a car bomber.
This was after the "Reliable Sources" host did an entire ten minute segment lambasting Glenn Beck (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Lawrence O'Donnell: 'Bill O'Reilly Has Most Gullible Audience in Telev
February 15th, 2011 12:58 AM
With his total number of viewers having declined by 45 percent since his premiere in the 8PM time slot, MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell appears to be taking a page from his predecessor Keith Olbermann's handbook.
On Monday's "The Last Word," the host did two segments about Fox News, the first included insults about Irish guys and Bill O'Reilly's "gullible" audience that ended with a school yard…

Rush Limbaugh Advises Fox To Ignore Keith 'Olberdork' Now That He's Pa
February 8th, 2011 7:08 PM
Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh on Tuesday gave some advice to Fox News about how to treat Keith Olbermann now that he's partnered with Al Gore's struggling cable network.
"Do not ever talk about what goes on over there and nobody will ever hear about it" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Chris Matthews Attacks 'Fear Mongering,' 'Looney Tunes,' 'Completely C
February 3rd, 2011 11:23 AM
Having mercilessly attacked Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) for six days in a row, MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Wednesday set his sights on conservative talk show host Glenn Beck.
After an opening teaser in which the "Hardball" host referred to "the right-wing freak-out over Egypt," Matthews ended up doing two segments about the Fox News star in which he and his perilously liberal…

Maddow Blames Beck and Other Conservatives for Her Getting Duped by Sa
February 2nd, 2011 12:18 AM
As NewsBusters previously reported, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on Monday got duped by a satirical website quoting from their spoof article about Sarah Palin advocating an attack on Egypt as if it was a serious commentary.
On Tuesday, proving once again that it takes a lot of rationalizations to be a liberal these days, Maddow blamed her mistake on Fox News's Glenn Beck and other prominent…

Matthews Ties Tea Partiers to 'Nazi Stuff' Moments After Bashing Beck
January 24th, 2011 9:21 PM
There are times it seems the folks at MSNBC are so driven by their liberal agenda that they're missing their own hypocrisy even when it happens on the same show separated by mere minutes.
Take for example Chris Matthews who moments after a lengthy segment Monday complaining about Glenn Beck and the so-called "violent rhetoric of the Right" ironically tied Tea Party members to "Nazi stuff" (…
Sorry Liberals, Glenn Beck Did Not Tell Viewers to Shoot People in the
January 21st, 2011 10:53 AM
Left-wing bloggers are touting their latest smear of a conservative radio talk show host and as you would expect, there's absolutely nothing to the charge.
The target this time is FNC host and radio talker Glenn Beck. In a segment last year, Beck warned establishment liberals that encouraging the far-left revolutionary types could end up backfiring in dangerous ways. "You're going to have to…

Olbermann Suggests Palin & Other Conservatives ‘Slightly Less Madmen
January 9th, 2011 6:05 AM
As he hosted a special two-hour edition of Countdown on Saturday night to cover the violent attack on Democratic Representative Gabrielle Giffords, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann ended up delivering a "Special Comment" in which he called for an end to the use of violent imagery by political figures of all ideologies, even apologizing for his own history, but he also at one point seemed to describe…

SNL Compliments Glenn Beck: 'He Was Right About Buying Gold
November 14th, 2010 9:33 AM
Glenn Beck has been a favorite punching bag for liberal media members since he moved from HLN to Fox News and started getting huge ratings.
The folks at NBC's "Saturday Night Live" have also been on this Beck bashing bandwagon, which made the following sequence during Saturday's opening sketch rather surprising (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Major Media Far More Interested in Jon Stewart's Rally Than Glenn Beck
October 29th, 2010 4:46 PM
Journalists are practically giddy in anticipation of this weekend's Jon Stewart rally on the National Mall. The Rally's staff has recieved more than 1,000 requests for press credentials for the event. Only 400 were given out.
Those statistics underscore just how much the media loves Stewart's leftist message (and it is a leftist message). For some perspective, consider that the September 12,…