Elite Media Give Big Bucks to Gay Journalist Group

August 28th, 2008 12:19 PM
Rarely do the media put their institutional political bias on public display, but this past weekend, America's news industry titans left no doubt that they're fully behind one of the nation's most radical cultural and political movements.  ABC, AP, CBS, CNN, Fox, NBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and the corporate owners of USA Today, the Miami Herald, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution…

Mrs. O to Meet Military Families, Mr. O to Skip Military Town Hall

August 4th, 2008 3:28 PM
The Obama campaign appears to have come up with a neat way to deflect criticism of the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee's failure to visit wounded American troops while visiting Germany last month: have wife Michelle sponsor a meeting with military families.As CNN.com reported Monday (emphasis added): "Days after a television spot from John McCain’s campaign suggested Barack Obama did…

Pets - Another Victim of a Turbulent Economy

July 21st, 2008 8:10 PM
Gas prices and an alleged recession have many in the media thinking the economy is going to the dogs.  Little do they know exactly how much is going to the dogs - and cats, hamsters, and goldfish. The Dallas Morning News ran an interesting article on the perseverance of pet owners ‘despite an economic downturn.'  In fact, according to the article, owners are expected to spend a record $43 billion…

London Times On War- We're Winning (Despite Western Media

June 27th, 2008 12:27 PM

Newspaper Circulations in 3-Year Plunge, with Four Exceptions

May 1st, 2008 10:27 AM
Old Media business reporters have a definitionally-incorrect habit of labeling single industries or economic sectors as being "in recession," when the term, as defined here, can only describe national economies or the world economy. Two examples of this are New York Times reporter David Leonhardt's description of manufacturing as being in recession in February 2007 (laughably incorrect, in any…

Three Exceptions to E&P's '4-Year Circ Plunge' at Major Papers; I Wond

March 15th, 2008 12:18 AM
Ken Shepherd of NewsBusters posted Tuesday on Editor and Publisher's March 11 article listing the four-year circulation changes at the nation's top 20 newspapers, concentrating on the 20% loss at the Los Angeles Times during that period. What's also compelling is that the Top 20 really has three winners and 17 losers during that four-year time frame, as the chart that follows demonstrates:

Matthews 'Worried' Hillary Could Get Good Headlines

February 18th, 2008 7:23 PM
Slip of the tongue, or was the man who gets a thrill up his leg from Barack Obama's rhetoric voicing his innermost apprehension at the prospect of Hillary Clinton regaining the upper hand?On this afternoon's Hardball, host Chris Matthews was discussing the March 4th Texas primary with Wayne Slater of the Dallas Morning News, John Heilemann of New York magazine, and Norah O'Donnell. The MSNBCer…

Religion Blog: NYT Reviewer Didn't Bother to Do Homework on 'Veggie Ta

January 11th, 2008 3:54 PM
A new "Veggie Tales" movie is hitting the silver screen and, as may well be expected, the New York Times doesn't like it much.That's not so surprising coming from the hallowed pages of the broadsheet bible of the secular left. But as Jeffrey Weiss of the Dallas Morning News's Religion Blog notes, it appears the hostile NYT reviewer is wholly unfamiliar with the Veggie Tales franchise and so may…

USA Today and WSJ Mask Serious Circulation Problems at Most Other Majo

November 8th, 2007 5:34 PM
It is understandable, but not forgivable, that business reporters at Old Media newspapers might think that the economy is in bad shape. They first have to get past how poorly most of their employers are doing. The industry as a whole has not been doing well, and it's been that way for quite some time. This table illustrates that point (September 30, 2007 figures are at this post, which originally…

Print Newspaper Circ Tanks Again; Industry Trying to Shift the Focus

November 1st, 2007 10:27 AM

On Eve of FRC Forum, Newspaper Trumpeted 18-Day-Old Anti-Romney Sermon

October 19th, 2007 5:49 PM

Media Not Interested In American Islamists

September 14th, 2007 3:55 PM
Is the mainstream media uninterested in radical Islamists in America? Recent events would seem to indicate that that may indeed be the case. Today, according to the Dearborn, Michigan Press & Guide, a Muslim medical student named Houssein Zorkot was arrested while wearing full combat gear and carrying an AK-47 rifle. His website contained a plethora of anti-American imagery and included…

Knight Column: New Study Exposes Anti-gun Bias in Media

August 29th, 2007 4:36 PM
On Tuesday, Jesse Jackson, the Brady bunch -- not the TV folk but the anti-gun lobby -- and other liberal activists rallied against “the national scourge of illegal guns” in cities around the nation. The networks ignored the event, probably because turnout was so embarrassingly low. The Chicago Tribune reported that “about 200” piled out of three buses in Lake Barrington, Illinois, the Chicago-…

Dallas Morning News: Nobel Laureate Calls for Bush's Death at 'Peace

July 12th, 2007 11:42 AM
Before I tell you how the Dallas Morning News is breathlessly reporting that Nobel laureate Betty Williams called for the death of President Bush at the "International Women's Peace Conference" in Dallas on the 11th, I must remind you all that peace activists on the left are far more "civilized", "Humane", "tolerant", and "intelligent" than the rest of us. OK? I just wanted to get that straight…