
Heilemann: Governors in GOP Field See Rubio as a 'Punk'

February 5th, 2016 6:10 PM
With all due respect, indeed! On the Bloomberg TV show of that name that he co-hosts with Mark Halperin, John Heilemann today reported that the current and former governors in the GOP field--Bush, Kasich and Christie--think Marco Rubio is a "punk." Clarified Heilemann: "when I say 'punk,' they have the same view that Hillary Clinton had of Barack Obama [in 2008]: line-cutter, punk, man of no…

Touchy Hillary Spox Won't Say She's a 'Liberal'

February 3rd, 2016 7:18 PM
Of all the things you can call John Heilemann, one thing you cannot is "clandestine Republican operative." So it might be a sign of just how frazzled the Hillary campaign has become that her spokesman has in essence accused Heilemann of being a GOP catspaw. On today's With All Due Respect, Heilemann pressed Clinton spox Brian Fallon as to whether Hillary would call herself a liberal. Fallon…

Heilemann: 'Unleash' the 'Mean' Barbara Bush on Trump

January 22nd, 2016 6:41 PM
Question: what would happen if a Republican pundit called Michelle Obama "mean" and suggested President Obama "unleash" her on an opponent? On With All Due Respect today, co-host Heilemann said that whereas her public image was that of a "lovely and matronly figure," First Lady Barbara Bush was in fact as "mean" and tough as anyone, and said he'd like to see the Bush campaign "unleash" her on…

'WADR' Gets MSM 'Blowback' for Reporting Chelsea's Attack on Sanders

January 13th, 2016 7:29 PM
Yesterday, we noted With All Due Respect's report on Chelsea Clinton's absurd attack on Bernie Sanders, in which Chelsea claimed Sanders would "strip millions and millions and millions of people of their health insurance." John Heilemann rightly called Chelsea's line a "lie." Today, Heilemann reported that he and co-host Mark Halperin have received "a lot of blowback," i.e. criticism, from fellow…

Heilemann: Chelsea's Health Insurance Attack on Sanders a 'Lie'

January 12th, 2016 7:33 PM
Proving that there is nothing and no one she won't sacrifice on the altar of her political ambition, Hillary Clinton today sent her daughter Chelsea out to smear Bernie Sanders by claiming his health care plan would "strip millions and millions and millions of people of their health insurance."  On today's With All Due Respect, Mark Halperin repeatedly said he was "stunned" by the attack. John…

Halperin: ‘I Am Touched’ by Obama’s Tears on Guns; 'Proud' He Did It

January 5th, 2016 8:42 PM
Offering his thoughts on Tuesday’s With All Due Respect concerning President Obama announcing his executive actions on gun control, Bloomberg TV/MSNBC analyst Mark Halperin declared that he was “touched by” the President’s tears and was “proud of his ability to show” his emotions on something that’s “a national crisis that needs to be addressed.”

Matthews: Everyone Believes Hillary Was 'Shocked' by Lewinsky Affair

January 5th, 2016 6:28 PM
Not merely does Chris Matthews claim that Hillary Clinton was "shocked" to learn that Bill was having an affair with Monica Lewinsky. Matthews can't imagine anybody thinking she wasn't shocked. On today's With All Due Respect, Matthews said "I don't think anybody thought that she wasn't shocked when this Monica thing came about. You just look at her face in the old clips. You can see she couldn'…

Heilemann Tries and Fails to Lure Christie Into Fight With GOP Voters

January 4th, 2016 7:05 PM
Let's you and him fight! That was John Heilemann on today's With All Due Respect, trying to lure Chris Christie into a fight with Republican voters. Heilemann's first foray was to invite Christie to "name an issue where you are out of step with the conservative base of the Republican party." When Christie wouldn't bite, Heilemann tried again, asking Christie to name "an issue where you feel like…

Wallace: During 2000 FL Recount, Cruz Tops for 'Hubris and Egomania'

December 29th, 2015 6:41 PM
Judging by Nicolle Wallace's performance on today's With All Due Respect, it looks like establishment Republicans are going full bore against Ted Cruz. Here was Wallace talking about her personal experience with Ted Cruz: "I worked with him on the [2000 Bush/Gore] recount in Florida, and the recount was sort of ground zero for the biggest egos in both parties in the whole country, and he rose to…

Bloomberg Guest: Forces In Trump Fans 'More Animalistic Than Human'

December 11th, 2015 7:00 PM
It's one thing to dump on Trump, as author Rick Perlstein did on today's With All Due Respect, calling The Donald a modern-day George Wallace, and floating "fascism" about him. But Perlstein took things a nasty step further, denigrating Trump supporters in the ugliest terms. Per Perlstein, Trump has unleashed forces in his supporters "that are more animalistic than human." Perlstein added that…

Heilemann: Some Say Trump Muslim Plan 'Fascist,' I Say 'Reactionary'

December 7th, 2015 6:57 PM
For a moment there, it looked like John Heilemann might go Absolut Olbermann and call Donald Trump a "fascist" for his proposal which would for the time being bar the entry of all Muslims into the United States. But Heilemann backed off that f-word. While noting "some will say fascist" about Trump or his policy, Heilemann declared "I'm not saying that." Instead, he settled for asserting that…

Heilemann: Governors Refusing Syrian Refugees 'Shameless, Un-American'

November 16th, 2015 6:05 PM
Would John Heilemann have called Francois Hollande "shameless" and "un-French" if a few months back he had halted the immigration of Syrian immigrants into France, thus stopping two of the Paris terrorists—who reportedly posed as refugees—from entering the country? The question arises because on today's With All Due Respect, Heilemann condemned as "shameless" and "un-American" the dozen or so…

Sounds Like Carville Just Called Ben Carson 'Chauncey Gardiner'

November 4th, 2015 6:41 PM
Can you imagine the liberal outrage if a Republican called a prominent African-American Dem candidate "Chauncey Gardiner," the simple soul from the Peter Sellers film Being There? The cries of racism might well cost such a hapless Republican his job.  But don't expect James Carville to pay any price. On today's With All Due Respect, Carville said that a frustrated Bush "can't believe that…

Bernie's Wife: He Throws a 'Holiday' Not 'Christmas' Party

October 26th, 2015 7:21 PM
God forbid  it should be said that Bernie Sanders throws a "Christmas" party!  Sanders wife, Jane O'Meara Sanders, was interviewed on today's With All Due Respect. When Mark Halperin asked the affable Mrs. Sanders to share a side of her husband that people might not know, she twice mentioned that Bernie organizes an annual "Christmas" party. And twice she promptly corrected herself, calling it a…