CBS Dishonestly Touts 'Non-Partisan Watchdog' Group's Quest for a 'Cri

“There are calls for a criminal investigation of another rising GOP star,” Katie Couric teased at the top of the CBS Evening News, after citing Sarah Palin's speaking appearance in Iowa, as she elevated a publicity gimmick from a left-wing organization staffed by veterans of Democratic congressional offices. Though O'Donnell “took the spotlight today at a conservative summit in Washington,”…
Brent Baker
September 17th, 2010 9:11 PM

CNN: 'Hardcore Conservatives' Meet in DC; Reagan 'Most Secular' Presid

CNN's Suzanne Malveaux led Friday's Situation Room by labeling the social conservative Value Voters Summit a "traditional showcase for hardcore conservatives." Later in the same segment, senior political analyst Gloria Borger stated that the Tea Party movement was "anti-health care" and bizarrely referred to Ronald Reagan as "the most secular president we've known in our lifetime."Malveaux used…
Matthew Balan
September 17th, 2010 9:11 PM

New York Magazine Columnist: Jon Stewart 'Invaluable' as Media Critic

Lauding Jon Stewart's biting humor and criticism of today's politicized media, NY Magazine columnist Chris Smith called him "Cronkite, the most trusted man in America" in his piece featured on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" Friday. The show's panel largely agreed with him and emphasized that Stewart is bi-partisan in his comedy. "The right provides better raw material, but Stewart's complaints are bi-…
Matt Hadro
September 17th, 2010 6:40 PM

CNN: Vatican Conducting 'Inquisition' Against Dissenting Nuns

On Friday's American Morning, CNN's Carol Costello followed up on her biased report from the previous day, which promoted Catholic women posing as priests, with a second report on dissenting Catholics, focusing on heterodox nuns inside the U.S. Costello promoted the claim of the nuns, who accuse the Vatican of conducting an "inquisition," or wanting to "silence nuns when they disagree with the…
Matthew Balan
September 17th, 2010 6:01 PM

Cable Nets Barely Cover Christine O'Donnell's Values Voter Summit Spee

While the mainstream media have been in a frenzy to denounce Christine O'Donnell as a kook for her socially conservative statements on abstinence from the 1990s, the cable news networks had a perfect opportunity this afternoon to let her speak for herself. Collectively they gave her less than five minutes. The Republican Delaware Senate nominee gave a speech at the Values Voters Summit in…
Ken Shepherd
September 17th, 2010 5:10 PM

Ed Schultz as Historian: Invents Speech JFK Never Gave About First Gle

Achtung, Sgt. Schultz -- you're making it up again.The liberal radio host and MSNBC flamethrower got carried away in his indignation Monday over controversy about whether Obama's speech on education should be shown in classrooms.My how things have changed, Schultz pontificated (audio here) --I don't know, when I was a kid, and I was a little dude when John Glenn was flying around the, in outer…
Jack Coleman
September 17th, 2010 4:39 PM

CBS: Even With Susan Boyle 'Warm-Up Act' Pope Still Couldn't Pull In A

Reporting on Pope Benedict's visit to the UK on Friday's CBS Early Show, correspondent Mark Phillips noted how 65,000 people attended a Thursday outdoor mass in Scotland, but observed: " was only about a quarter of the size of the crowd Pope John Paul drew to the same park on his visit 28 years ago. And this crowd had a much better warm-up act...TV talent show star...Susan Boyle."On Thursday…
Kyle Drennen
September 17th, 2010 4:21 PM

Wishful Thinking by Newsweek: Jon Stewart's Mock Rally on 10/30 Will

Comedy Central's Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have announced dueling D.C. rallies on October 30 aimed at satirizing the August 28 "Restoring Honor" rally held by rival network Fox News Channel's Glenn Beck.Newsweek's Daniel Stone is apparently stoked about it, predicting that the gimmick will "absolutely" be a success (emphasis mine):You’ve got to hand it to Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert,…
Ken Shepherd
September 17th, 2010 4:15 PM

MSNBC's Brewer Scoffs at Values Voters Despite History of Gay Rights A

MSNBC's Contessa Brewer mocked attendees of the Values Voter Summit today, directing her ire at former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, Delaware Republican Senate nominee Christine O'Donnell, and the entire conservative movement."So, they're calling themselves values voters, but isn't this election really about the economy and not so much what we think of as values?" sniveled Brewer, who…
Alex Fitzsimmons
September 17th, 2010 3:51 PM

Taxpayers Paid At Least $9 Million for Signs Promoting Obama's Economi

At a minimum, taxpayers have spent $9.1 million as of July 2010 on signs advertising the Obama administration's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, also known as the stimulus law, according to federal officials reporting estimates to the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board.But the cost is probably much higher since the six government agencies that spent stimulus dollars relied…
Fred Lucas
September 17th, 2010 3:18 PM

HuffPo Asks, 'Women of the Tea Party: Who Are You, and What Do You Wan

What a funny but telling title, the sort of question asked only in war zones or when spotting aliens. Had I received that query in person I would have responded in kind, “Who goes there, friend or foe?” But in this case I was pretty sure I already knew, given the news outlet from whence the question came. And sure enough, I wasn’t long into reading the HuffPo piece when learning the answer…
Jill Stanek
September 17th, 2010 2:48 PM

Savannah Guthrie's Soak-the-Rich Obsession: Higher Taxes Only Means of

Isn’t it odd after the passage of TARP, the stimulus and ObamaCare that left-wing politicians and their cheerleaders in the mainstream media are suddenly worried about budget deficits? As opposed to reining in deficit spending, the new public policy stance for the Democratic Party going into the 2010 midterm election is to call for a tax hike on the top-income earners by letting the Bush tax…
Jeff Poor
September 17th, 2010 1:53 PM

Howard Kurtz, White House Mouthpiece? Article Rains 'Fact' Fire on For

On Friday, Washington Post media reporter Howard Kurtz wrote a "White House rips Forbes" article. Dinesh D'Souza has drawn a "torrent of criticism" for writing that President Obama is motivated by his African father's "anti-colonial" views, Kurtz wrote, but emphasized how the White House is training its fire on Forbes magazine for publishing it, suggesting it's un-factual. Obama spokesman Robert…
Tim Graham
September 17th, 2010 12:51 PM

CBS's Smith: Tea Party and Palin Could Bring GOP to 'Edge of the Abyss

Appearing on Friday's CBS Early Show, Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer continued to compare the rise of the tea party and possible candidacy of Sarah Palin in 2012 to the 1964 campaign of Barry Goldwater. In response, co-host Harry Smith remarked that Palin could take Republicans "to the edge of the abyss, as it were." On Wednesday's CBS Evening News, Schieffer argued: " is very much like…
Kyle Drennen
September 17th, 2010 12:28 PM