Radical Cartoonist Ted Rall, Off the Deep End: New Book Calls for Viol

Some people don't think democracy works when their viewpoint isn't winning. Radical-left cartoonist Ted Rall recently made a stop in Washington at the fashionably radical Busboys and Poets restaurant to promote a brand-new book titled The Anti-American Manifesto. Mike Rhode of the Washington City Paper interviewed him, and it didn't take much prodding for Rall to reveal his book's message: he…
Tim Graham
October 9th, 2010 5:57 PM

Daily Kos Already Lamenting How 'Corporate Media' Will Tell Obama to M

As you might expect, the bloggers at the Daily Kos are already rationalizing away about large liberal losses. This can only mean that true liberalism hasn't been tried, declared one Laurence Lewis, and the media are mean-spirited centrist elites: No matter what happens this November, we know what will be at least one aspect of the corporate media's response: they will tell us that…
Tim Graham
October 9th, 2010 5:00 PM

Bill Maher Says 'F--k You' To Guests Disagreeing With His Religious Vi

When conservative atheist S. E. Cupp and liberal atheist Bill Maher get together on the same stage, it's a metaphysical certitude they're going to fight about religion. Following up on their last heated theological battle on the May 14 installment of HBO's "Real Time," Cupp and Maher went at it again on Friday this time over Glenn Beck's decision to become a Mormon after he got remarried.…
Noel Sheppard
October 9th, 2010 3:03 PM

Krauthammer Smacks Down Inside Washington Panel Over GOP Campaign Cont

Charles Krauthammer on Friday called the entire panel of PBS's "Inside Washington" a bunch of whiners for complaining about anonymous campaign contributions Republicans are receiving this election cycle. After host Gordon Peterson briefly explained the impact of the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling earlier this year, NPR's Nina Totenberg called it a "scandal in the making...this is the…
Noel Sheppard
October 9th, 2010 1:22 PM

AP, Smaller Paper Differ Sharply on Direct Strickland Job-Loss Quote D

UPDATE, 4:30 p.m.: An e-mailer relays a response from the Wooster Daily Record's Mr. Kovac -- "For the record, my quote was accurate, with the exception of leaving out the word 'Congressman.' I stand by my quote. AP had it wrong. I went back and watched that section of the debate to make sure." Your move, AP. (original post follows) This morning's question is for Marc Kovac of the Wooster (…
Tom Blumer
October 9th, 2010 10:37 AM

Bill Maher Applauds Osama Bin Laden for His Stance on Global Warming

If global warming is the modern secular religion, HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher has bought into it hook, line and sinker. On the Oct. 8 broadcast of his program, immediately following a segment criticizing a congressional candidate that was a Nazis reenactor for exercising bad judgment, Maher ironically had some words of praise for the founder of al-Qaeda Osama bin Laden, who is believed…
Jeff Poor
October 9th, 2010 10:11 AM

Our Ribald Times: Public Sex in UK Could Be Discouraged...But It Might

The New York Times knows how to grab web traffic. One of its most popular articles right now is a Sarah Lyall dispatch from Thursday on the popularity in Britain of "dogging" -- public sex, sometimes with an audience of admirers. Lyall takes a long time getting around to critics (paragraph 12), and then it sounds like this: Britons are a tolerant bunch, and most probably would not care who…
Tim Graham
October 9th, 2010 8:07 AM

Gainor Column: Why Did Media Ignore Threat of 'Flag of Islam' Flying O

Imagine the furor if a televangelist went on a major TV network and told viewers Christianity would conquer the world and that the flag of Christianity would fly over the White House.Network reporters, Hollywood celebrities and the pundit class likely would seize the moment as an example of the evils of America's supposed Christian theocracy. The story might be tied to the dangers of…
Dan Gainor
October 9th, 2010 5:57 AM

NBC Nightly News Airs Duplicitous Case Against Anti-Democratic Candida

Friday’s NBC Nightly News aired a story which went beyond standard liberal bias. It delivered a fabricated case against the peril of unfettered campaign ads as Brian Williams claimed those from “outside political groups...contain outright lies,” yet as proof Andrea Mitchell showed ads, not from “outside” entities, but from Republican party groups and candidates – apparently only Republicans are…
Brent Baker
October 9th, 2010 1:54 AM

Bill Maher Calls Sarah Palin A Horse's Ass

Bill Maher on Friday called former Alaska governor Sarah Palin a horse's ass. In the opening monologue of his "Real Time" program on HBO, Maher brought up the recent brouhaha surrounding Alaska Republican senatorial candidate Joe Miller's refusal to express his support for Palin as a potential presidential candidate in 2012. "So then Todd Palin, all pissed off, wrote him a bunch of…
Noel Sheppard
October 9th, 2010 1:41 AM

Bonkers: CNN’s Spitzer Theorizes Obama Intentionally 'Wants to Lose

With insightful backwards logic like this, the new CNN show “Parker Spitzer” is certain to be a runaway hit – if just for the comedic value alone. On CNN’s Oct. 8 broadcast of “Parker Spitzer,” disgraced former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, the co-host of this program, trotted out a theory that seems so peculiar one might think he was pre-excusing what many feel is the eventual Republican…
Jeff Poor
October 8th, 2010 11:58 PM

NPR Host Coos Over 'So Funny' Jon Stewart, As He Says 'Tough [Bleep

Nationally distributed NPR talk show host Terry Gross was putting her feelings on her sleeve and on the air Monday in an interview with liberal comedian Jon Stewart. The episode was taped at an event at the 92nd Street Y in Manhattan with a live audience. Gross began by proclaiming "I just want to say thank you before I ask you the first question.....Thank you for the last thing I see every…
Tim Graham
October 8th, 2010 11:23 PM

Bozell Column: Hollywood Bullies Against Bullying

America was horrified by the story that erupted in the national news, that Rutgers college freshman Tyler Clementi threw himself off a bridge because his new roommate used a webcam to tape a homosexual encounter in which he’d engaged. Media outlets quickly dispatched their cavalry to find the experts to explain why America is a land of incessant bullying. Theif is no longer debatable. We’re…
Brent Bozell
October 8th, 2010 10:52 PM

Newsweek's Clift Plays Democratic Strategist with 'What Obama Must Do

Apparently the political death panel at Newsweek is resigned to the fact that the Democratic Congress is DOA come November 2. Thus braced for the impact of a possible Republican congressional takeover, uber-liberal Newsweek writer Eleanor Clift donned her political strategist cap to openly advise Obama that how, "Just as Clinton did in ’94," he'll need to "reaffirm his relevance and return to…
Ken Shepherd
October 8th, 2010 6:16 PM