Time's Klein Reviews Bush, and 'The Thoughtless Carnage of His Tenure

Time columnist Joe Klein is one of the nation's leading Bill Clinton apologists and Barack Obama adorers. So naturally, Klein wasn't going to like George W. Bush's memoir. The review is titled: "A Careless Man: What the Bush Memoir Reveals."  Klein concluded the Bush book was readable, and his emotions were real, but: But as the pages turn, a familiar sense of the man unfurls: impatient,…
Tim Graham
November 15th, 2010 11:27 PM

Obama Whines: American Journalists 'Never Say Thank You

President Barack Obama is peeved with the American press. They never say "thank you," he whined to journalists in Japan on Monday. According to the pool report from the press conference, one reporter said "Thank you, Mr. President." Someone said the reporter was Australian. "I knew it must have been an Australian because my folks never say thank you," Obama said.
Lachlan Markay
November 15th, 2010 7:16 PM

Rachel Maddow at Most Eel-Like Emerges During Interview With Jon Stewa

Think that liberals are slippery when disagreeing with a conservative? They're just as bad during an exchange with another liberal. One didn't have to wait long for examples of this during Rachel Maddow's interview with Jon Stewart on her MSNBC show Nov. 11. Here's Maddow in the first segment of the interview attempting to draw a distinction between "direct-action activists" such as members…
Jack Coleman
November 15th, 2010 6:48 PM

Tea Party Blamed for Bristol Palin's Popularity on 'Dancing with the S

Marisa Guthrie of The Hollywood Reporter has a conspiracy theory of why Bristol Palin is still competing on ABC's Dancing with the Stars -- conservative politics. Bristol's low judges' marks are matched with popular voting from Sarah Palin fanatics, "you betcha." Conservative radio host Tammy Bruce has led a Twitter campaign to get fans to vote for “Team Ballin” as Palin and her partner Mark…
Tim Graham
November 15th, 2010 5:44 PM

The Needless Division Between Social Cons and Fiscal Cons

A huge wave crashes into DC as I write this. Over 60 new Congressmen and six new Senators flush with a mandate to reduce the size and scope of government will now be a part of the government they’re tasked with depriving of power. As Joe Biden would say, this is a big effing deal. Already though, factions that make up the big Republican tent seem intent on emphasizing their differences…
Melissa Clouthier
November 15th, 2010 5:01 PM

ABC's Dan Harris Gently Questions Carville: Do You 'Stand By' Predicti

Good Morning America' s Dan Harris on Saturday gently coaxed an answer from James Carville as to whether the campaign operative still believed  his 2009 prediction that the Democratic Party would rule for the next 40 years. The ABC co-host delicately reminded, "One, last, quick question. You wrote a book last year, I believe, that predicted 40 more years of Democratic dominance in Washington…
Scott Whitlock
November 15th, 2010 4:55 PM

An Extremely Slanted New York Times Piece on Oklahoma's Strike Against

New York Times reporter James McKinley Jr., who last garnered the Times Watch spotlight for cheering on the Democratic candidate for governor of Texas, returns on Monday with a dismissive story on a ballot measure in Oklahoma, a pre-emptive ban on implementation of Muslim shariah law in the state: “Oklahoma Surprise: Islam as an Election Issue -- Ballot Measure on Shariah Law Fueled a Political…
Clay Waters
November 15th, 2010 4:19 PM

'Sarah Palin's Alaska' Premiere Breaks Learning Channel Record With

Almost five million people watched the premiere of "Sarah Palin's Alaska" on The Learning Channel Sunday night. As the Associated Press reported moments ago, this was the best showing for a TLC premiere in the network's history.
Noel Sheppard
November 15th, 2010 4:13 PM

Oxford University Think Tank Complains Media Aren't Covering Climate C

An Oxford University think tank is taking the media to task for not doing more to whip up a frenzy about global warming. Apparently the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism crunched the numbers and found that "[l]ess than 10 percent of the news articles written about last year's climate summit in Copenhagen dealt primarily with the science of climate change." The study lamented the…
Ken Shepherd
November 15th, 2010 3:45 PM

The Girls: Major Miners

The Girls discuss two of the rescued Chilean Miners: Edison Pena who was was met topside with applause, and Yonni Barrios who didn't know who'd be waiting. [Video embedded after page break]  
Bob Parks
November 15th, 2010 3:08 PM

Maddow Recycles Absurd Claim That FNC 'Never Criticized George W. Bush

Since George W. Bush released his memoir "Decision Points," familiar cries from the left have surfaced once again claiming that the Fox News Channel was - and remains - in the tank for the former president. MSNBC talker Rachel Maddow whined about "Fox News's water-carrying for the Bush Administration" during her interview with Jon Stewart last week. She also claimed that Fox "never criticized…
Lachlan Markay
November 15th, 2010 1:39 PM

Don't Give Up on Marriage

The election is over. If you're one of those odd people whose lives are totally consumed in politics, you can try re-engaging in real life again. Which means that I've caught up on the important things I missed during the election season. I'm watching Reba. Country queen Reba McEntire released a video with rural crooner Kenny Chesney this summer, which I got to see only in the wake of the…
Kathryn Jean Lopez
November 15th, 2010 1:31 PM

On Today: Bobby Jindal Slams Obama for His Slow Response to Oil Spill

Bobby Jindal, on Monday's Today show, slammed the Obama administration for its slow response to the BP oil spill off the coast of Lousiana, charging that: "It seemed like the federal government was disconnected from the facts on the ground." However Today co-anchor offered excuses for the President as he queried the Louisiana Republican Governor: "In fairness though, Governor, in those early…
Geoffrey Dickens
November 15th, 2010 1:31 PM

On CBS, Laura Bush Calls Out Media for Liberal Bias

During an interview with former President George W. Bush and Laura Bush on CBS's Sunday Morning, correspondent Jim Axelrod wondered: "In terms of how you understand how you are perceived is there a liberal bias in the media?" Mrs. Bush quickly replied: "Yes. He doesn't have to answer, but I will." Axelrod seemed surprised by her response: "Why do you jump in so quickly?" Mrs. Bush laughed…
Kyle Drennen
November 15th, 2010 12:36 PM