Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt Like Christian Conservatives in U.S

The Daily Beast contributor who once insisted that there's "no such thing as sharia law" is at it again, dismissing the threat of radical Islam presented by the political instability in Egypt. In a January 30 post at Washington Post/Newsweek's "On Faith" feature yesterday, Reza Aslan dismissed fears that the Muslim Brotherhood is a radical group that could take Egypt in a theocratic direction…
Ken Shepherd
January 31st, 2011 3:27 PM

MRC Remembers Media's 'Rewriting Ronald Reagan' With Special Report

As the nation prepares to pay tribute to former President Ronald Reagan on the 100th anniversary of his birth on February 6, it is amazing to consider that his success at turning the U.S. away from 1960s-style liberalism was accomplished in the face of a daily wave of news media hostility. The media’s first draft of history was more myth than reality: that Reagan only brought the nation poverty…
Tim Graham
January 31st, 2011 2:45 PM

Tom Brokaw: MSNBC Will Be Just Fine Without Olbermann

Phil Rosenthal of the Chicago Tribune interviewed former NBC anchorman Tom Brokaw, and asked the question: Are NBC and MSNBC better off  now that Keith Olbermann is gone? "You're not going to get me to go there," Brokaw said. With a little prodding, he said he believes MSNBC will do just fine. "All of our component parts — NBC News, MSNBC, CNBC — are much bigger than one player, and I include…
Tim Graham
January 31st, 2011 1:53 PM

CBS 'Early Show' Touts Government Banning Incandescent Light Bulbs

At the top of the 7:30AM ET half hour on Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Chris Wragge happily proclaimed: "After 130 years, [Thomas] Edison's invention is basically being phased out....The government is replacing the incandescent bulb with a much more energy efficient light." Wragge portrayed the government ban as a new "choice" for consumers: "Consumers will now have a choice of two…
Kyle Drennen
January 31st, 2011 1:35 PM

ABC News Publishes, Then Quickly Removes Lefty Mother Jones Article on on Monday republished, then removed an article from Mother Jones magazine on Republicans "redefining rape." The piece briefly appeared on the network's website with no explanation that it was by the associate editor of the liberal magazine. The article, by Nick Baumann, featured both the incendiary headline from Mother Jones, "The House GOP's Plan to Redefine Rape" and the nasty…
Scott Whitlock
January 31st, 2011 11:18 AM

At AP, 'Waivers' Are For Sports, Not Health Care; NYT Saves Outrage fo

It would appear that if it weren't for the center-right blogosphere, Fox News, a few business dailies, a few conservative pundits, and talk radio, very few people would know about the hundreds of waivers granted by the Obama administration to companies, unions, not-for-profits, states, and other entities wishing to be spared the burdens of complying with Obamacare for at least another year.…
Tom Blumer
January 31st, 2011 10:53 AM

Actor Richard Dreyfuss Defends Anti-Cheney Death Wish by Ed Schultz as

Last fall, Richard Dreyfuss launched a civics education program called the Dreyfuss Initiative that promised among other things to look at "a purposeful diverse variety of websites representing disparate political opinions... to foster a discussion related to the future of America." But the Academy Award-winning actor apparently thinks civil political discourse includes left-wing radio hosts…
Ken Shepherd
January 31st, 2011 10:18 AM

Will Chris Matthews and MSNBC Spend Week Bashing Schumer's Branches of

As NewsBusters has been reporting, the folks at MSNBC last week - in particular Chris Matthews - spent a great deal of time attacking former Alaska governor Sarah Palin and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) for comments they erroneously felt disqualified the conservative women from public office. Will this network and its commentators pay as much attention to Sen. Chuck Schumer's (D-N.…
Noel Sheppard
January 31st, 2011 10:17 AM

Open Thread: Billionaire-funded Leftists Protest Conference Held by Bi

Over the weekend, libertarian billionaires Charles and David Koch convened a conference of like-minded businessmen and policymakers at the Rancho Las Palmas resort to discuss election strategy and the future of classical liberalism. Outside, a hodgepodge of lefty protest groups gathered to whine about the influence of money in politics. In a completely unsurprising show of hypocrisy, Soros-…
NB Staff
January 31st, 2011 9:18 AM

The Next Civil Rights Struggle: School Vouchers

Is the party of Lincoln the party of civil rights? Are Republican conservatives the new civil-rights leaders? These are far from the most frequently asked questions in American politics, but they're worth raising. The most underreported story regarding the recent State of the Union address was who was sitting in the Speaker of the House's box -- students, parents, teachers and the Catholic…
Kathryn Jean Lopez
January 31st, 2011 9:06 AM

Climate Alarmist Blames Egypt Crisis On Global Warming

On Friday, MSNBC's Chris Matthews blamed the crisis in Egypt on George W. Bush and the Iraq war. Two days later, climate alarmist extraodinaire Joe Romm blamed it on - wait for it! - global warming:
Noel Sheppard
January 31st, 2011 8:44 AM

Socialist Larry O'Donnell Wears $88 Socks and $525 Shoes

Alexandra Steigrad of Women's Wear Daily is a fan of Lawrence O'Donnell: "O’Donnell’s circuitous, introspective ramblings off the air, while profound, contrast with the often cutting and incisive style of his on-air questioning. And it’s that elegant, well-groomed O’Donnell who masterfully navigated himself to near the top of MSNBC’s ratings by invoking the wrath of the right-wing media…
Tim Graham
January 31st, 2011 8:07 AM

Daily Kos: Ending Tax-Funded Abortions Means 'Transition to American T

Following up on CBS worrying about Republicans satisfying the "conservative right wing" on abortion: At the Daily Kos, Saturday's Open Thread by Dante Atkins kissed up to Kos founder Markos Moulitsas, hyping his "American Taliban" attack line again, this time about H.R. 3, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. Atkins can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want their tax dollars going to the…
Tim Graham
January 31st, 2011 8:00 AM

CBS Sees ‘Conservatives’ Wanting to Restrict Abortion, But No ‘L

 Catching up on an item from last Thursday’s CBS Evening News, after recounting for the second time the case of Philadelphia abortion Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s horrific practice, anchor Katie Couric introduced a piece devoted to upcoming political fights over abortion. During the report, opponents of abortion were twice labeled as "conservatives," while the word "liberals" was never used to refer to…
Brad Wilmouth
January 31st, 2011 12:34 AM