D.C. PBS Station Insists Its 'Call Congress' Ad Doesn't Take Sides

The Washington Times took up the issue today of how PBS and NPR stations exploit their own airwaves to lobby against Republican budget-cut proposals. Reporter Seth McLaughlin and Stephen Dinan reported that spokesmen for PBS superstations WGBH in Boston and WETA in Washington “said their appeals never told their audiences which way to lobby Congress, but only to call and let their feelings be…
Tim Graham
March 8th, 2011 3:21 PM

Another New York Times Attack on an Opponent of Radical Islam, Brigitt

New York Times religion reporter Laurie Goodstein made Tuesday’s front page with an attack on Brigitte Gabriel, an activist who warns against the dangers of radical Islam in the United States: “Drawing U.S. Crowds With Anti-Islam Message.” Interestingly, the piece is datelined Fort Worth, Texas, suggesting much of the relevant reporting was done last fall – Gabriel spoke to a Tea Party event…
Clay Waters
March 8th, 2011 3:15 PM

CNBC Reporter Gives Full-Throated Support for Higher Gas Taxes

On MSNBC's "Daily Rundown" today, Steve Liesman robustly defended raising gasoline taxes as a way to address rising oil prices. The CNBC senior economics reporter minced no words to show his support for hiking the unpopular consumption tax in the midst of a sluggish economic recovery: "I want to offer that one of the real solutions here is a gas tax." After positing that the problem with…
Alex Fitzsimmons
March 8th, 2011 2:44 PM

NPR Exec: Organization 'Better Off' Without Federal Dollars; GOP Happy

An admission by a top executive at National Public Radio that the organization would be "better off in the long-run" without federal funding may bolster ongoing efforts to rescind that funding. Rep. Doug Lamborn, R-Colo., said Tuesday that he was "amazed at the condescension and arrogance" displayed by then-senior NPR executive Ron Schiller in a hidden camera video released by conservative…
Lachlan Markay
March 8th, 2011 2:31 PM

NewsBusted for Tuesday

It's time for Tuesday's episode of NewsBusted! We've got some great material this week (I know, I know, it's great every week). Topics in today's show: -- Tea Party cleans up after unions -- Border patrol officer shooting beanbags -- Gas prices soar -- Huck blasts Natalie Portman for out-of-wedlock child
NB Staff
March 8th, 2011 1:41 PM

MSNBC Hypes Republican Push for Voter Registration Reform as 'War on V

"With such a strong bloc of these young people voting Democratic [in presidential elections], Republican leaders in some key swing states are looking to even the playing field coming up in 2012," MSNBC's Thomas Roberts insisted as he introduced Heather Smith of Rock the Vote (RTV) in a segment devoted to that group's fears about "voter suppression" -- see RTV screen capture below the page break…
Ken Shepherd
March 8th, 2011 1:36 PM

Networks Allow Scant Coverage of Obama's 'Stunning Reversal' on Guanta

The three evening newscasts on Monday and the morning shows on Tuesday mostly ignored Barack Obama's abandonment of a campaign pledge to close Guantanamo Bay and end trials of detainees there. NBC's Today, CBS's Early Show and ABC's Good Morning America all covered the story only in news briefs. Yet, when President Bush was in the White House, the networks obsessed over the issue. Today's…
Scott Whitlock
March 8th, 2011 12:47 PM

Say It Ain't So, Guys

I’ve been a sports fan all my life. Of course being raised in the Southeast we took our college football very much to heart and it would be hard to be raised in North Carolina as I was and not be Dixie proud of the legendary brand of basketball that’s played in the Atlantic Coast Conference.
Charlie Daniels
March 8th, 2011 12:24 PM

Brent Bozell Calls on Congress to Pull Plug on NPR's Propaganda Machin

In light of new revelations about NPR's top brass bashing conservatives in a hidden-camera investigation, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell and NewsBusters senior editor Tim Graham issued the following statements calling on Congress to wake up and stop using tax dollars to fund National Public Radio. Brent Bozell, founder and president of the Media Research Center (MRC):
NB Staff
March 8th, 2011 12:16 PM

Lauer to Rick Santorum: Do You Really Think People Care About Social I

NBC's Matt Lauer didn't exactly throw out the welcome mat for possible presidential GOP contender Rick Santorum as, on Tuesday's Today show, he questioned the former Republican Pennsylvania senator if his "ultra-conservative" stance on social issues is "the message people want to hear right now?" Throwing the results of the latest NBC News poll at him Lauer pressed: "65 percent of people said…
Geoffrey Dickens
March 8th, 2011 11:41 AM

ObamaCare Waivers Top 1000 - Media Mum

The number of temporary ObamaCare waivers rose to over 1,000 on Friday, but America's media couldn't care less. Bucking the boycott was The Hill Sunday:
Noel Sheppard
March 8th, 2011 11:29 AM

WaPo Exults That Bill Clinton Is 'Charlie Sheen Without the Crazy... a

To Washington Post staffers Roxanne Roberts and Amy Argetsinger, former president Bill Clinton is "Charlie Sheen without the crazy, a polymath with no 'stop' button -- and, yeah, a total bitchin' rock star." That's how the gossip columnists cooed about Clinton's appearance at Sunday's Kuwait-America Foundation dinner in their March 8 The Reliable Source feature.
Ken Shepherd
March 8th, 2011 10:44 AM

Open Thread: The New F***ing Tone

Over at the Daily Caller, Mary Katharine Ham put together a handy highlight reel of the post-Tucson-shooting civility that is healing our political discourse vitriol that, despite the media's concern for "violent rhetoric," just doesn't seem to be getting any attention. Check out Ham's awesome video below the break (language warning - from a union protester, of course, not from Mary Katharine).
NB Staff
March 8th, 2011 10:02 AM

NYT's Steinhauer Overdoses on 'Conservatives' in DOMA Debate, Finds No

New York Times reporter Jennifer Steinhauer reported Saturday on the decision by House Republicans to defend the Defense of Marriage Act after the Obama White House’s took the almost-unprecedented step to stop defending it before the Supreme Court: “House Republicans Step In to Defend Marriage Act and Dodge a Party Debate.” Steinhauer, a fan of tax hikes in California (of voters, not so much,…
Clay Waters
March 8th, 2011 9:49 AM