MSNBC's Ron Reagan Assails 'Lonely, Homophobic' Rick Santorum

Hardball guest host Ron Reagan on Wednesday assailed Rick Santroum as a "lonely, homophobic voice shrieking in the wilderness." The liberal MSNBC anchor attacked the Republican presidential candidate for his opposition to gay rights, wondering if Santorum wanted to return to the days when husbands could beat their wives. Reagan mocked Santorum for defending "traditional" marriage, scolding…
Scott Whitlock
August 24th, 2011 6:38 PM

Seriously?! WaPo Wonders If There's Subtle Racism in Verizon Commercia

To you or me this commercial is a pitch for a smartphone being sold by Verizon Wireless. To the Washington Post it may be the subtle racism of typecasting Asian actors into tech-wiz roles. Reporter Paul Farhi expended 26 paragraphs on how Asian actors are "shown as intellectuals, but some resent the stereotyping":
Ken Shepherd
August 24th, 2011 6:15 PM

Piers Morgan Butters Up Moderate Republican Jon Huntsman

Jon Huntsman may be the liberal media's favorite Republican candidate, and CNN's Piers Morgan did nothing to dispel that notion in a two-part puff-piece interview Monday and Tuesday. The CNN host provided plenty of softball questions and positive commentary in what seemed at times to be a campaign promotion. Morgan described the moderate candidate as "pragmatic" and "sensible," took pleasure…
Matt Hadro
August 24th, 2011 5:33 PM

When Are You Morally Obliged to Disobey the Law

What laws are we morally obligated to obey? Help with the answer can be found in "Economic Liberty and the Constitution," a 66-page pamphlet by Jacob G. Hornberger, founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation.
Walter E. Williams
August 24th, 2011 5:32 PM

On HLN: Perry and Bachmann Pandering to Christian 'Fear

Substitute hosting on HLN's The Joy Behar Show, on Tuesday, CNN's Don Lemon prodded Jay Bakker, the son of televangelist Jim Bakker, to accuse Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann of exploiting fears of Christians as he claimed that the GOP presidential hopefuls were: "playing to a group of people who deal a lot with fear and using fear to control folks." The dismissive Bakker then asserted: "I…
Geoffrey Dickens
August 24th, 2011 4:57 PM

Not News? Holder's Justice Department Stuffed with Leftist Appointees

In the Bush years, the major media often portrayed the Justice Department under John Ashcroft or Alberto Gonzales as deeply ideological, even excessively religious. (Oh no, Ashcroft has a prayer group!) Democrats in 2007 grilled Bush appointees about whether Christians from Pat Robertson's Regent University were getting plum slots. But now, under Eric Holder, the media have zero curiosity…
Tim Graham
August 24th, 2011 4:29 PM

Ed Schultz Condemns Beck for Warning of Social Unrest - Followed by S

From maligning Glenn Beck to parroting him in two weeks -- that's Ed Schultz for you. The MSNBC action hero was in high dudgeon Aug. 10 on his radio show, saying this about Beck's claim that rioting in Great Britain foreshadows what will happen in America (audio) --
Jack Coleman
August 24th, 2011 4:04 PM

FishbowlDC's Rothstein Complains Howard Kurtz 'Pimp[s]' Daughter's Art

Howard Kurtz committed journalistic "incest" by tweeting an article written by his daughter for That is, according to Fishbowl DC editor, Betsy Rothstein, who ranked it a 6.5 out of 10 on the journalistic "incest scale":
Ken Shepherd
August 24th, 2011 3:17 PM

NYT's Hostility Toward French President Sarkozy Unabated

The New York Times maintained its strange hostility toward center-right French president (and former Bush ally) Nicolas Sarkozy in Steven Erlanger Tuesday’s story from Paris, “Sarkozy Seen as Baiting Socialists With Budget Role.” Erlanger implied that Sarkozy’s standard political appeals for deficits and balanced budgets (i.e. “the right’s obsession”) were somehow unfair to the opposition…
Clay Waters
August 24th, 2011 2:05 PM

Andrea Mitchell Says 'Title IX Was So Important As I Was Growing Up' D

Andrea Mitchell had a delicious Al Gore "Look for the Union Label" moment on Wednesday's "Morning Joe." In a discussion about famed Tennessee Volunteers women's basketball coach Pat Summitt's Alzheimer's revelation, Mitchell told the panel, "Title IX, you know, was so important as I was growing up" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
August 24th, 2011 1:50 PM

NY Times Virtually Ignores Biden Condoning China's One-Child Policy

Vice President Joe Biden’s defense of China’s one-child policy has yet to be mentioned in the print edition of the New York Times, even though the paper has devoted several stories to Biden’s Asia trip. Edward Wong on Monday quoted Biden’s remarks on human rights from a Q&A session at Sichuan University, but overlooked the vice president's stunning comment on China’s policy of population…
Clay Waters
August 24th, 2011 1:23 PM

NBC Avoids Crediting Marco Rubio With Saving Nancy Reagan From Fall

While both ABC's Good Morning America and CBS's Early Show on Tuesday gave due credit to Senator Marco Rubio for catching former First Lady Nancy Reagan as she tripped at Reagan Library event, NBC's Today strangely avoided making any mention of the Florida Republican being present, even as video footage clearly showed him holding Reagan's arm. [Audio available here; Video follows page break]
Kyle Drennen
August 24th, 2011 12:30 PM

WaPo Presents Perry As Execution-Happy

"On executions, Perry easily holds the record," blares the top headline on page A3 of today's Washington Post. "Issue likely to be debated in 2012 race," a subheadline to the story notes although nowhere in his 37-paragraph article does reporter Robert Barnes cite polling data that suggest capital punishment is an issue of primary or even secondary concern to likely 2012 presidential voters.
Ken Shepherd
August 24th, 2011 12:30 PM

CNN Host Promotes Liberal Morgan Freeman's Demand That Obama Get 'Figh

Costello related how Freeman "ran into him [Obama] on the golf course and he said, he said he wanted to tell the President to quote, 'Get pissed off, get fighting mad.'" After reporting that New York Times columnist Charles Blow has written about how Obama needs to be tougher, she asked Blow what he thought about Freeman's comment. Then Costello followed that up with another gem, as she…
Matt Hadro
August 24th, 2011 12:25 PM