Hasselbeck Smacks Down Behar Claim GOP 'Hasn't Been Black Friendly

Joy Behar once again showed how totally ignorant of history she is. When she absurdly told GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain on Tuesday's "The View," "The Republican Party hasn't been black friendly over the many centuries in this country," co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck smartly replied, "Should we begin with Lincoln?" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
October 4th, 2011 1:32 PM

MSNBC Features Activist Insisting That Preaching Against Homosexuality

Preaching that homosexuality is a sin is "bullying" and akin to "child molestation" and must be stopped, argued Mitchell Gold of Faith in America on today's "MSNBC Live" hosted by Thomas Roberts. For his part, openly gay host Roberts failed to question Gold's assertion or to hold out that Gold's view may at best border on anti-religious bigotry (emphasis mine; video courtesy of MRCTV's Bob…
Ken Shepherd
October 4th, 2011 1:15 PM

Despite Obama's Defense, GMA Maintains Their Solyndra Scandal Blackout

For the 33rd consecutive day, ABC's Good Morning America on Tuesday omitted any mention of the Obama administration's Solyndra scandal, even though co-host George Stephanopoulos asked the President about it in an interview on Monday and elicited a newsworthy defense of the more than $500 million loan to the now-bankrupt company. Tuesday's show instead focused on other questions from the…
Matt Hadro
October 4th, 2011 12:55 PM

CBS Highlights 'Fast & Furious'; ABC, NBC Place Heads in the Sand

"CBS Evening News" distinguished itself among the Big Three networks on Monday by devoting an entire segment to the ongoing controversy over the "Fast and Furious" program, where the federal government smuggled guns to Mexican drug cartels. NBC hasn't mentioned the story on its news programs since April 17, while the last time ABC covered it was a news brief on June 15. Correspondent Sharyl…
Matthew Balan
October 4th, 2011 12:22 PM

Name That Party: Choking a Pregnant Woman Edition

This morning the Chicago Tribune carries an Associated Press story headlined "Racine alderman is charged assaulting woman."  The piece begins:
Mike Bates
October 4th, 2011 11:59 AM

NY Times Already Predicting Racist Camp Name Will Hurt Rick Perry

Richard Oppel Jr.’s front-page New York Times story on Monday, “Snag for Perry: Offensive Name At Texas Camp,” catches up with a long, thinly sourced Washington Post article on a hunting camp in Texas, leased by Perry’s family, whose name included a racial epithet written on a rock by a camp entrance. Although the Perry connection is extremely tenuous (the camp’s name predated the Perry…
Clay Waters
October 4th, 2011 11:46 AM

WaPo Continues Assault on Perry, Insisting He Has 'Complicated Record

The Washington Post's effort to "macaca" Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) continues today, with a front-page story by Amy Gardner entitled "Governor's record on race is complicated." Yet Gardner found no damning evidence of racism, relying heavily on Democratic legislators' complaints of dog-whistle politics and Perry's ties to Tea Party conservatism.
Ken Shepherd
October 4th, 2011 11:45 AM

Maddow's Dubious Claim About Personhood Law Banning The Pill Undercut

Simple rule of thumb for Rachel Maddow -- the more emphatic she is, the more likely she is to be wrong. Latest example -- Maddow's strenuous, Elizabeth Warrenesque arm-waving claim that a proposed amendment to the Mississippi constitution to define life starting at conception would outlaw the Pill. (video after page break)
Jack Coleman
October 4th, 2011 11:21 AM

Brian Williams: GOP Candidates 'Running Far to the Right,' Can't Be 'S

Updated : Full transcript added. Appearing on Monday's "Late Show with David Letterman" on CBS, NBC "Nightly News" anchor Brian Williams responded to Letterman's assertion that Texas Governor Rick Perry was a "right-wing conservative psych job" by declaring: "In a Republican primary race in this early stage, you run far to the right....You can't say something shocking enough in some of these…
Kyle Drennen
October 4th, 2011 11:20 AM

Jon Stewart Makes Light of N-ggerhead By Showing How Many Places in Am

As the Washington Post expected when it published it's pathetic, racially charged, 3000-word, front page hit piece on Texas governor Rick Perry Sunday, America's media outlets have largely taken the bait by expressing outrage over this non-story. Curiously bucking the trend was Jon Stewart's "Daily Show" Monday which used black contributor Wyatt Cenac to humorously demonstrate how many places…
Noel Sheppard
October 4th, 2011 10:07 AM

ABC and NBC Champion Left-Wing Anti-Capitalist Protests, Fueled by Coo

Very much unlike how they greeted the Tea Party protests in early 2009, the networks are embracing the new left-wing/anti-capitalist protests, even failing to condemn their unruly behavior which resulted in 700 arrests in New York City over the weekend, conduct for which they would have condemned Tea Party activists.  “Is there about to be a nationwide movement building right now to point a…
Brent Baker
October 4th, 2011 10:01 AM

Open Thread: How Will Media Cover Eric Holder and Fast and Furious

In early May of this year, Attorney General Eric Holder told Rep. Darrell Issa's House committee that he was "not sure of the exact date" he learned of Fast and Furious, but that he "probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks. Now, CBS News has obtained documents showing that Holder was sent briefings on the controversial operation as early as July 2010,…
NB Staff
October 4th, 2011 9:59 AM

Solyndra Defense Reveals Obama's Socialist Mindset: If Government Does

Barely a week ago, we noted that the Morning Joe crew was blowing off the Solyndra scandal.  "There's no there, there," they sniffed.  But facts are pesky things.  A devastating email, which Mika Brzezinski read on the air today, has turned up, indicating that top Obama aide Valerie Jarrett was warned about Solyndra's possibly impending bankruptcy before PBO made his photo-op visit to the…
Mark Finkelstein
October 4th, 2011 8:49 AM

ABC, NBC Highlight Obama's Attack on GOP Over Boos in Audience

The ABC and NBC morning and evening newscasts on Sunday gave attention to President Obama's attack on the Republican presidential candidates for not scolding a couple of audience members who booed a gay solder asking a question at a recent debate. Monday's "Special Report with Bret Baier" on FNC noted that Obama has his own history of standing by without condemning inappropriate comments at…
Brad Wilmouth
October 4th, 2011 8:39 AM