Sarah Silverman Launches Racism Penance Tour on Rachel Maddow Show

Sarah Silverman, that goofy exemplar of comedy so dry it is barren, possesses a steep threshold for hypocrisy. Silverman finds it repugnant that the family of GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry in the 1980s began renting a hunting camp in Texas with the word "Niggerhead" written on a rock at an entrance to the property. That the word was painted over years ago, according to Perry, does…
Jack Coleman
October 31st, 2011 4:16 PM

While Recounting JFK Assassination, Chris Matthews Links 'Vicious' 'Ri

While hyping his new book on John F. Kennedy on Friday, Chris Matthews seemed to connect "vicious" "right-wing" "hate" to the assassination of the nation's 35th president. At no time in his Hardball editorial did Matthews admit that the President's assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, was a pro-Communist leftist, who, at one point in his life, defected to the Soviet Union. Speaking of Kennedy's trip…
Scott Whitlock
October 31st, 2011 3:29 PM

WaPo's Capehart on NBC's 'Today': Obama Administration 'Remarkably Fre

Appearing on Saturday's NBC Today, left-wing Washington Post opinion writer and MSNBC contributor Jonathan Capehart dismissed a congressional investigation into the Solyndra debacle as just "the GOP looking to scratch, trying to find a scandal in an administration that is remarkably free of scandal." After co-host Lester Holt noted that "Republicans have seemed to caught a whiff of scandal"…
Kyle Drennen
October 31st, 2011 3:22 PM

'Occupy' Opponents Missing on CBS, Plays Up Holdout Protesters

CBS's Early Show on Monday found yet another excuse to report on Occupy Wall Street, spotlighting the diehard protesters who stayed in Zuccotti Park during a winter storm. While correspondent Debbye Turner Bell noted the $3.4 million spent on police overtime in New York City and the complaints from businesses near the demonstrators' campsite, she didn't play one sound bite from the opposition…
Matthew Balan
October 31st, 2011 2:59 PM

Worthless History from NYT's Robert Worth: Arab Revolt Lacks 'Standard

Robert Worth, staff writer for the New York Times Magazine, wrote a “news analysis” for the paper's Sunday Review, “The Arab Intellectuals Who Didn’t Roar,” suggesting the Arab spring needs a Communist tyrant like Lenin or Mao to become a symbol of “people’s aspirations.”
Clay Waters
October 31st, 2011 2:10 PM

NYT Finally Admits (Reluctantly) That Imprisonment Lowers Crime Rate

A Sunday New York Times editorial on crime, “Falling Crime, Teeming Prisons,” indirectly acknowledged (at last) the paper’s blinkered liberal failure to connect the seemingly obvious idea that crime falls when more criminals are behind bars, as captured by a notorious headline on a September 28, 1997 "Week in Review" story by Fox Butterfield, "Crime Keeps on Falling, But Prisons Keep on Filling…
Clay Waters
October 31st, 2011 1:41 PM

CNN Hosts Former Communist Party Candidate to Praise OWS, Hit Obama Fr

CNN's Don Lemon hosted radical leftist and former Communist Party member Angela Davis on Sunday night's Newsroom for what he called a "blast from the past." Davis hit President Obama from the left and praised the Wall Street protests as a continuation of the movement that swept "a black president who identified with a black radical tradition" into office. CNN labeled Davis as a "political…
Matt Hadro
October 31st, 2011 12:51 PM

Stop the High-tech Lynching of Herman Cain

Sadly, Herman Cain’s predictions have come true. In May he stated that he was "ready for the same high-tech lynching that [Clarence Thomas] went through -- for the good of this country." That's what Politico is doing with its unsubstantiated and thoroughly hypocritical hit piece against him. Anyone in the press that gives this story oxygen is equally hypocritical. In the eyes of the liberal…
Brent Bozell
October 31st, 2011 11:41 AM

All Three Networks Hype 'Bombshell Blast' Against Herman Cain

All three morning shows on Monday hyped a "bombshell blast" against Herman Cain, playing up a story in Politico charging the Republican presidential candidate with sexual harassment back in the 1990s. ABC's Good Morning America led with the allegations. Co-host George Stephanopoulos, whose former boss, Bill Clinton, repeatedly faced sexual harassment claims, touted, "And this morning,…
Scott Whitlock
October 31st, 2011 11:35 AM

Time's Klein: 'Hilarious' to Say 'Centrist' Obama Employing Class Warf

Someone please tell Joe Klein that it's Halloween, not April Fools' Day. The Time columnist held forth on the magazine's Swampland blog on Friday that it's "hilarious" of Republican critics to slam President Obama for deploying class warfare. After all, on economic policy, the president is "as centrist if you can get." In fact, Klein huffed, President Obama may be as conservative as Ronald…
Ken Shepherd
October 31st, 2011 11:01 AM

NBC's David Gregory: Are GOP Supporters of Herman Cain Seeking 'Absolu

On NBC's Meet the Press: Press Pass, Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings explained Republican support of Herman Cain to host David Gregory this way: "...they've been accused as being racist and I think when they can vote for a Herman Cain....they feel like, 'Well, you know, I support this shows that I'm not racist, and I'm supporting him.'" Gregory added: "'Here's a black…
Kyle Drennen
October 31st, 2011 10:59 AM

A Month of Media Cheers for Anti-Capitalist Sit-In

The liberal media have spent the month of October enthusing over the left-wing “Occupy” protests, richly rewarding the anti-capitalist movement with the oxygen of national publicity. The broadcast networks, in particular, have boosted the protests as “growing” and “resonating,” and cast the participants as more than just a radical fringe group, but drawn “from all walks of life, young and old,…
Rich Noyes
October 31st, 2011 10:48 AM

Media Consistently $30 Million Short on Soros Drug Funding

George Soros is up to his old tricks again. The “sugar daddy of the legalization movement,” as conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer described him, has given more than $31 million to the Drug Policy Alliance, which will host its biennial convention Nov. 2-5 in California to build support for the drug legalization movement. But when the media mention DPA, they either fail to note the Soros…
Iris Somberg
October 31st, 2011 10:19 AM

Open Thread: Are Student Loans Just Another Scheme for Obama Votes

In the grand scheme of things, student loans from the government are at least well intentioned. Perhaps they even encourage students who would not otherwise attend college to do so. However, with President Obama's latest expansion of the student loan program, we are again reminded whether he is unable to learn from history or is completely indifferent to the government waste incurred by student…
NB Staff
October 31st, 2011 9:40 AM