Yahoo Sportswriter Accuses MVSU Guard of 'Taunting' President Obama

The definitions of "taunt" including the following: as a verb, "to reproach in a sarcastic, insulting, or jeering manner; mock" and "to provoke by taunts; twit"; as a noun, "an insulting gibe or sarcasm; scornful reproach or challenge." Note that the definition does not include: "to make eye contact." Unfortunately, Yahoo sportswriter Graham Watson's dictionary apparently does…
Tom Blumer
March 15th, 2012 1:06 AM

Howard Dean Thinks Romney Could Carry Fewer States Than Goldwater

Could Howard Dean be the worst political prognosticator ever?  Could a former DNC Chairman really be this clueless about the electoral map?  Apparently. On MSNBC's Ed Show this evening, Dean claimed it was possible that in a match-up against Barack Obama, Mitt Romney might win fewer than the six states Barry Goldwater carried in 1964.  Seriously, Dr. Dean? You see President Barack Obama…
Mark Finkelstein
March 14th, 2012 11:50 PM

AP Ignores Chu's Indifference Towards High Gas Prices, and His Retract

  On February 28, as reported at the Politico, Obama administration Energy Secretary Steven Chu told a House panel the following in response to a question he interrupted about his interest in having an "overall goal" of lowering gas prices: “No, the overall goal is to decrease our dependency on oil, to build and strengthen our economy.” Yesterday, also as carried at the Politico, Chu…
Tom Blumer
March 14th, 2012 11:27 PM

CNN Questions Santorum's Appeal to Women Voters Given His 'Ultra-Conse

CNN's Zoraida Sambolin questioned Rick Santorum's appeal with women voters nationwide as she targeted his "ultra-conservative" positions that "some women don't relate to," on Wednesday's Early Start. Sambolin challenged Santorum's success among women voters in the deep south by noting that nationwide he lags behind President Obama in a recent poll of women voters. [Video below the break.]
Matt Hadro
March 14th, 2012 7:14 PM

Comedian Chris Rock Attacks Camera After Being Asked About Alleged Tea

Count comedian Chris Rock as yet another liberal who can't bear to take not just criticism but even an innocent question about his beliefs. Under light questioning from conservative author Jason Mattera, Rock turned what was a regular friendly interaction with a fellow Brooklynite into a physical assault on a female camera operator when Mattera tried to get him to briefly explain remarks that…
Matthew Sheffield
March 14th, 2012 7:10 PM

Soledad's Prism: O'Brien Called Jeremiah Wright's Oddball April 2008 N

In her syndicated column today (at NewsBusters; at her home blog), Michelle Malkin runs down how CNN news anchor Soledad O'Brien has an affinity for the work of the late Harvard Professor Derrick Bell, particularly his "critical race theory" (CRT) that she has to this point not disclosed to her CNN viewers. O'Brien also had a guest professor on her program who told the audience that CRT has…
Tom Blumer
March 14th, 2012 7:06 PM

Planned Parenthood CEO Arrested for Indecent Exposure, Will MSM Report

Tony Ray Thornton, the president and CEO of the Planned Parenthood Association of Lubbock, Texas, was arrested on Monday (3/14/12) for exposing his genitals in a park to another man. A local media outlet reported: Lubbock police say Tony Thornton, 56, was arrested just before 3:30 Monday afternoon at the baseball fields inside of Mackenzie Park. He was arrested for indecent exposure and…
Dave Pierre
March 14th, 2012 6:37 PM

Chris Matthews: Southern Haters Have to Choose Between 'Cultists' Romn

Chris Matthews doesn't think much of southerners. The Hardball anchor appeared on MSNBC's primary night coverage, Tuesday, and mocked the supposed thought process of the Republican voters: "They've got three RCs, or two RCs- two Roman Catholics- running and a Mormon, so three cultists running, and they gotta pick one of the three cultists, as they see them." The host sneered, "...But it is…
Scott Whitlock
March 14th, 2012 5:42 PM

CBS: Internet 'Very Unfriendly' Due to Politics; Omits Liberals More U

CBS This Morning on Tuesday highlighted a recent Pew Research poll that "says politics is now making the Internet very unfriendly....nine percent of social networking users say they've un-friend...or blocked someone whose politics they disagree with." But the morning show failed to mention that the poll explained that "liberals are the most block, unfriend, or hide." During her…
Matthew Balan
March 14th, 2012 5:20 PM

'Morning Joe' Pundits: GOP Has No Chance in

Members of the media do not like to even discuss the chance that a Republican might defeat President Obama this November. In fact, even when a poll is shown to have President Obama on the ropes in his approval ratings, some journalists dismiss it, saying that too many Republicans were polled. Witness this exchange from the March 14th edition of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”:
Josh St. Louis
March 14th, 2012 4:56 PM

NYTimes's Brian Stelter Labels Rush Limbaugh an 'Offensive Figure

New York Times media reporter Brian Stelter wrote a column for Wednesday's Business section on the "offensive figure" Rush Limbaugh ("After Apology, National Advertisers Are Still Shunning Limbaugh") on the radio host losing advertisers after his "slut" comment on birth-control activist Sandra Fluke was inflamed by the left. But the Times has thus far ignored the counterexample raised by…
Clay Waters
March 14th, 2012 4:14 PM

'Game Change' Authors Can't Imagine Why Palin Would Be Unhappy With HB

On this Sunday's Web-based "Press Pass" feature, Meet the Press host David Gregory spoke to "Game Change" co-authors John Heilemann and Mark Halperin about the recent Sarah Palin-bashing HBO film based on the book and wondered: "Governor Palin has not been happy with this film. Why?" Heilemann laughably argued: "'s hard to know why she's not happy with it....the movie is an incredibly…
Josh St. Louis
March 14th, 2012 3:34 PM

MSNBC's Tamron Hall: 'Should Rush Limbaugh Be Canned

A day after MSNBC featured a guest who compared Rush Limbaugh to a "serial murderer,"  Tamron Hall on Wednesday eagerly wondered if the radio host "should be canned." The News Nation anchor repeatedly teased a new Bloomberg poll claiming 53 percent of Americans want Limbaugh to be fired. Stoking her liberal audience, Hall wondered, "And should Rush Limbaugh be canned? That's a question that'…
Scott Whitlock
March 14th, 2012 3:19 PM

An Open Letter to MSNBC President Phil Griffin: Take Responsibility fo

Dear Mr. Griffin, Your network, working on marching orders from Media Matters, is on a mission to take Rush Limbaugh off the air. Far from being an independent journalistic enterprise, MSNBC is the very essence of a political lapdog of the far left. Just last night on MSNBC, Ed Schultz, Al Sharpton, and Lawrence O’Donnell all devoted time on their programs attacking Rush. In each case, they…
Brent Bozell
March 14th, 2012 3:04 PM