Maher Claims Romney 'Bullying' Worse Than Michael Jackson Molestation

Appearing as a guest on Tuesday's Conan show on TBS, HBO comedian Bill Maher absurdly suggested that recent allegations that Mitt Romney engaged in "bullying" in high school are worse than being molested by Michael Jackson, and asserted that he would be willing to trade being beat up in grade school for being "gently masturbated by a pop star." Maher also again attacked Mormonism and…
Brad Wilmouth
May 16th, 2012 5:33 AM

Glenn Beck Hammers Chris Matthews for Mocking Palin Before Losing on

As NewsBusters reported, MSNBC's Chris Matthews totally struck out on Jeopardy! Monday night after repeatedly mocking former Alaska governor Sarah Palin for how she would do if she ever went on the show. For your entertainment pleasure, the following is a video of conservative talk radio host Glenn Beck and his sidekicks excoriating the Hardball host for his delicious bout with instant karma:
Noel Sheppard
May 16th, 2012 12:46 AM

Spin Cycle: AP Writes More Positively About Retail Sales Data as Day P

On Tuesday morning at 8:30 a.m. ET, the Commerce Department reported that seasonally adjusted U.S. retail sales in April rose by 0.1%. In an 11:12 a.m. report via the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, carried at the Detroit News ("U.S. consumers hold back retail sales, even as gas prices fall"), Martin Crutsinger was appropriately not impressed: "Lower gas prices in April weren'…
Tom Blumer
May 16th, 2012 12:44 AM

Bozell Column: The Washington Post Bullies Romney

When it comes to opposition research, there is often only one difference between a candidate’s vicious negative ad and an “investigative” news report: the undeserved patina of media “objectivity” and respectability. Take the Washington Post’s Jason Horowitz 5,400-word “expose” on how Mitt Romney may have pinned a boy down and cut his hair, in 1965. 1965. That’s almost a half-century ago. Even…
Brent Bozell
May 15th, 2012 11:53 PM

Newsweek's 'Gay President' Cover a Gift for Andrew Sullivan, Capturing

On Monday afternoon, CNN anchor Ashleigh Banfield asked Newsweek director of editorial operations Mark Miller about Newsweek’s “First Gay President” cover. He denied it when Banfield asked if they were trying to “notch it up a bit” after Time’s provocative breast-feeding cover came out. She also asked if dumb Newsweek readers would actually believe Obama was revealed as homosexual. It turns…
Tim Graham
May 15th, 2012 11:39 PM

CBS News Works Hard to Skip Its Own Poll When Romney's Leading

CBS put out a poll showing that not only Mitt Romney was ahead by three points, he was winning among women. That was such an embarrassing result that CBS This Morning totally skipped it on Tuesday. By contrast, on ABC's Good Morning America, George Stephanopoulos and Jake Tapper openly discussed how it's a "stunning poll" and "bad news for Obama." Team Obama complained the poll was biased. Well…
Tim Graham
May 15th, 2012 11:39 PM

Press Doesn't Notice $110 Billion April Rise in National Debt Despite

Here's a word which the Associated Press's Martin Crutsinger only used once in his coverage last Thursday of Uncle Sam's April 2012 Treasury Statement: "debt." And when he did, he was quoted someone about Europe's situation. To his credit, the AP reporter wasn't particularly impressed with the fact that the government was able to run a single-month surplus of $59 billion in April. To his…
Tom Blumer
May 15th, 2012 11:20 PM

Malicious 'Flag Spammers' Once Again Trick Google Into Censorship

Hours after New York blogger Christian Browne wrote on his blog, “The New York Conservative,” that 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed should be quickly executed, Google shut down his blog, which was hosted on Google's free Blogger service. While the blog – including the post that appears to have triggered its deletion – have since been restored, the circumstances of its deletion by Google…
Matthew Sheffield
May 15th, 2012 9:13 PM

'Jeopardy!' Loser Chris Matthews Introduces Guests as 'Two of the Most

Fresh off his humiliating defeat on Jeopardy! Monday night, MSNBC's Chris Matthews actually introduced a pair of guests Tuesday as "two of the most smartest people." Almost as funny, "two of the most smartest people" in the Hardball host's opinion are Congressman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
May 15th, 2012 6:39 PM

Maddow Hates it When (GOP) Politicians Don't Read Bills They Support

Rachel Maddow is perturbed that Republican Sam Brownback, governor of Kansas, said he will probably sign anti-abortion legislation he had not read. Yes, you certainly have heard something along these lines before. Back in March 2010, two weeks before Obamacare became law, then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi unloaded a quote that will almost surely grace her obituary, saying of the 2,000-plus page…
Jack Coleman
May 15th, 2012 6:00 PM

CNN Boosts 'One Gay Man's Fight for Same-Sex Marriage

News networks should remain objective, especially when approaching a hot-button issue of the present day, but CNN is clearly supporting the cause of same-sex marriage as evidenced by Sunday night's slander and its heavily slanted coverage of President Obama's "historic" gay marriage announcement last week -- and now its newest story that aired Tuesday afternoon. When a man pushing for same-…
Matt Hadro
May 15th, 2012 5:39 PM

NBC Touts Obama Campaign Smearing Romney 'As A Middle Class Job Killer

On Monday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams attempted to conflate the JPMorgan $2 billion loss with Mitt Romney's business record as he declared: "The Obama campaign may have had this JPMorgan story in mind when it picked today to launch a new ad attacking Mitt Romney's former firm, the private equity giant, Bain Capital, as a middle class job killer." Chief White House correspondent…
Kyle Drennen
May 15th, 2012 5:12 PM

Communications Union Head Chafes at ‘Limits of Democracy

As an ever-shrinking number of newspaper readers can attest, most major U.S. papers skew liberal. But its not every day the head of a union representing journalists lays out a list of goals that might have been written by, and displays a contempt for democracy more at home on the editorial pages of state-run organs in third-world dictatorships. But there was Larry Cohen, AFL-CIO…
Scott Robbins
May 15th, 2012 4:47 PM

Media Skip Obama Barnard Remarks Bashing Media, Men As Dumber Than Wom

Some passages in Barack Obama's commencement address Monday at Barnard College on Broadway didn't make the media quote machine -- especially the ones whacking the media, and the comparative stupidity of men. Now that's a way to build a gender gap. The "founding mothers" were smarter than the Founding Fathers, he quipped. reported the media slam -- which is an odd way to treat your…
Tim Graham
May 15th, 2012 4:33 PM