Bob Costas

'Gun Control' Bob Costas Re-emerges at CNN

Bob Costas is set to bring "valuable opinions" as a contributor to a new employer -- CNN. Some of those opinions made him very unpopular during his many years at NBC, where he bloviated about gun control, the future of football and team nicknames during NFL broadcasts. He left NBC, for whom he also hosted the Olympics for 24 years, in 2017, not on the best of terms.

Jay Maxson
July 21st, 2020 10:00 AM

Far-Left Wacko Alec Baldwin: Trump Might Use Military to Stop Election

Long-time Trump hater Alec Baldwin came up with his zaniest conspiracy theory yet on Friday, when the actor accused the President of planning to use the nation’s military to “stop the election” in November if he fails to win a second term in the White House. Baldwin made the ridiculous claim while referring to the situation in Portland, Oregon, where unidentified federal agents have been…

Randy Hall
July 21st, 2020 9:00 AM
Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough Morning Joe 7-21-20

Disturbed Scarborough Pleads for the 'Biden Plan' on COVID 20 Times!

At least 20 times during Morning Joe's opening half-hour, Joe Scarborough mentions "the Biden Plan," a reference to an op-ed in USA Today published in January to which Biden's byline was affixed, with his recommendations for addressing the coronavirus. Scarborough repeatedly begs President Trump to adopt "the Biden Plan." 

Mark Finkelstein
July 21st, 2020 1:02 AM

HBO Show Attacks White Climate Activists and All Whites for 'Sins'

The HBO series I May Destroy You is a complicated and at times nihilistic show set in London exploring the horror of rape. It rightfully calls out sexual violence. However, it also eagerly promotes popular left-wing feminist trends such as a graphic depiction of "period sex."

Elise Ehrhard
July 21st, 2020 12:44 AM

MRC’s Brent Bozell SLAMS the Liberal Media's ‘Coup’ Against Trump

In light of more declassified documents illustrating the cockamamie claims of Trump-Russia collusion, MRC Founder and President Brent Bozell brought his A-game Monday night to Fox Business, asserting that the liberal media engaged in the “aiding and abetting an attempted coup” of Trump through “character assassination…by tens of thousands of cuts.”

NB Staff
July 21st, 2020 12:32 AM

Blatant Hypocrisy: CNN Accuses Republicans of Housing Extremists

On Monday’s New Day, CNN co-host Alisyn Camerota played senior political analyst John Avlon’s newest “reality check” clip. The clip was far from a “reality check,” as Avlon hypocritically accused the Republican Party of promoting extremism and conspiracy theories through discussing the QAnon conspiracy theory.

Duncan Schroeder
July 20th, 2020 11:30 PM

Tucker Exposes NYT Plot to Dox His Family, Put Their Lives in Danger

Fox News host Tucker Carlson closed out Monday’s edition of his show on an extremely serious note that pertained to the life and safety of his wife and four kids. For over two minutes, he exposed how the radically leftist New York Times had assigned a so-called “journalist” and photographer to hunt him down, find out where he lives, and print it for all his haters to find him. And…

Nicholas Fondacaro
July 20th, 2020 10:30 PM
Joy Reid Joe Biden The ReidOut 7-20-20

LAME! Biden Sucks Up to Radical Joy Reid: I Was Thinking of You as VP!

On Monday, longtime MSNBC host Joy Reid debuted her new show The ReidOut, taking the slot of Hardball. And in an unapologetic signal that it will be nothing short of an extension of the Biden 2020 campaign, Reid's first guest was none other than Ol' Lunch Bucket Joe himself. As part of Biden's latest softball interview from his basement (aka his safe space), Biden sucked up…

Mark Finkelstein
July 20th, 2020 10:27 PM

Flashback: Did Chris Wallace REALLY Push Biden Hard? And What Next?

While liberal journalists were happy with Chris Wallace pushing hard questions on President Trump on Fox News Sunday, there was no cheerleading section when Wallace did a little fact-checking with Joe Biden on his March 1 program. 

Tim Graham
July 20th, 2020 9:35 PM

Playing Stupid: Nets Claim ‘No Explanation’ for Arresting Antifa

In a matter of days, the liberal broadcast networks went from covering up Antifa and Black Lives Matter violence in Portland, Oregon to playing dumb about why federal agents were out in force. Despite weeks of riots and attacks on federal buildings in the city, ABC, CBS, and NBC spent Monday night clutching their pearls over video of federal agents rounding up the attackers and taking them…

Nicholas Fondacaro
July 20th, 2020 8:41 PM
Draymond Green

TNT to Promote Social Justice, Joe Biden in New Program, 'The Arena'

Oh, joy, tonight's debut of "The Arena" on TNT will give social justice warriors one more forum to shove sports to the sideline. Joe Biden's campaign will also get a boost from the program featuring Charles Barkley, Draymond Green, Jemele Hill and others, which starts tonight, airs nightly through Friday and continues through the NBA's upcoming shortened season.

Jay Maxson
July 20th, 2020 5:55 PM

Federalist: Did The Atlantic Run a FAKE Story About Police Brutality?

On Thursday, The Federalist’s senior editor Christopher Bedford published a devastating piece of reporting exposing what appeared to have been a fabricated St. Louis Police-involved shooting from the early 2000s chronicled in The Atlantic on July 6 as a plea to not only defund, but abolish police. Bedford’s nearly-1800-word item found that, based on available media archives and public records…

Curtis Houck
July 20th, 2020 5:38 PM

Mitchell Slimes Trump as ‘I’m Going to Protect You From Black People'

It’s not bad enough that MSNBC and CNN have just decided to censor most footage of actual Donald Trump events, now Andrea Mitchell is simply making up fake quotes to call him a racist. On Friday and Monday, a horrified Mitchell spun the President as running a bigoted campaign. 

Scott Whitlock
July 20th, 2020 5:26 PM

MSNBC Enables Violent Portland Protests, Makes Trump the Villain

My, my, the media really cannot help themselves when excusing the violent, far-left protests that have been sowing chaos in major cities across the country over the last couple of months. During a Monday morning segment of MSNBC Live, host Stephanie Ruhle enabled the latest radicalism in Portland:


Adam Burnett
July 20th, 2020 4:30 PM