George Stephanopoulos Lashes Out at Republican Carly Fiorina: Are You

Former Democratic operative George Stephanopoulos on Thursday attacked Republican Carly Fiorina for opposing the current unemployment plan in the Senate. The Good Morning America host derided, "And are you running for the wrong job? How do you create jobs in the Senate if you don't pass legislation?" Stephanopoulos also recycled the California candidate's June 9 joke about Democratic opponent …
Scott Whitlock
July 1st, 2010 5:01 PM

Saving Us from Ourselves: 'Evening News' Justifies Federal Tanning Tax

So you want to crawl under a high-powered lamp and bake your skin so that it has a brownish-orangish glow to it, even though there are potential health consequences. Well, the federal government is here to save you and, according to "CBS Evening News," that's not a bad thing.The new federal 10 percent tax on indoor tanning has provoked odd alliances - such as when Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.,…
Jeff Poor
July 1st, 2010 4:31 PM

The Trouble with Career Politicians

Politics was once an honored profession of high calling by men of strong principles and courage whose interest in being elected to these positions of public trust was to serve the country and make sure their generation left a better world to the next one.They were, for the most part, men of faith, men of integrity, commitment, practicality and common sense who viewed high political office as a…
Charlie Daniels
July 1st, 2010 4:23 PM

Noel Sheppard Live-blogging Troopathon

Today is Move America Forward's third annual Troopathon. NB's own Noel Sheppard will be live-blogging the events, which will include talks by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, Laura Schlessinger.Over its first two years, MAF's Troopathon has raised over $2 million for our men and women in uniform. According to its website, MAF "is the largest grassroots pro-troop…
NB Staff
July 1st, 2010 3:57 PM

Pro-Life Activists vs. Jimmy Kimmel Thugs

The youth pro-life activist group Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust is picketing comedian Jimmy Kimmel's Los Angeles home as I type (read to end) and will be picketing his studio on Hollywood Boulevard later today. The group is demanding an apology, and here's why. On June 25 the Survivors were holding a Face the Truth pro-life picket in front of Grauman's Chinese Theatre on Hollywood Blvd.A…
Jill Stanek
July 1st, 2010 3:41 PM

Captionfest: Katie, Bill, and Wolf at the World Cup Edition

Below is a photo of CBS "Evening News" anchor Katie Couric and CNN's Wolf Blitzer hanging out with President Bill Clinton at the World Cup last Saturday. Couric posted a link to the photo from her Twitter account, where she noted that "Clinton's people invited [her] to [the U.S. vs. Ghana] game last minute."  Couric's original caption reads, "One more photo from Saturday at the World Cup..."
NB Staff
July 1st, 2010 2:42 PM

Gloucester Times Uncovers Journalist-Environmentalist Caribbean Retrea

Left-leaning Pew Center funds getaway for scientists to 'better market their message' and network with science reporters.
Kyle Gillis
July 1st, 2010 2:35 PM

Greenspan on Financial Regulation: 'They Don't Fully Understand What T

Former Federal Reserve Chair predicts current bill will require 'technical correction' because junior staffers are writing it
Jeff Poor
July 1st, 2010 2:31 PM

CNN's 'Most Hateable Companies' List Includes Familiar Liberal Punchin

List actually mentions liberal sacred cows Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Kyle Gillis
July 1st, 2010 1:19 PM

Mark Halperin Signs On at MSNBC; But Wait, He Used to Bash 'Irresponsi

TV Newser and other sites reported yesterday that MSNBC has named Time’s Mark Halperin to be its “senior political analyst,” continuing his regular gigs on the set of Morning Joe, but also adding his observations to other programming. Would that include the hard-core opinion shows like Olbermann and Maddow? Not if those stars read Halperin’s comments about our “irresponsible partisan niche media…
Tim Graham
July 1st, 2010 1:10 PM

ABCBSNBC Continue to Lose Audience

The big three nightly news broadcasts, NBC Nightly, CBS Evening and ABC World, lost a combined one million viewers in the second quarter of 2010, according to TVNewser.These numbers are comparable to the first quarter, which saw Evening News and World News get their lowest average viewers ever, while NBC's Winter Olympics coverage helped it get their highest average viewers since 2005. In the…
Matt Robare
July 1st, 2010 12:50 PM

MSNBC's Witt: I Got 'Chills' Listening To Obama Immigration Speech

When it comes to Barack Obama, MSNBC is the network of thrills and chills . . . Chris Matthews famously felt a thrill going up his leg listening to an Obama speech. Now, MSNBC anchor Alex Witt has been similarly moved by Obamian oratory, declaring this morning "I got a few chills" listening to PBO's "very powerful" speech on immigration.Witt described her sensations to MSNBC DC bureau chief Mark…
Mark Finkelstein
July 1st, 2010 12:11 PM

Kagan Hearings, Day #3: ABC and NBC Skip Nominee's Partial Birth Abort

Wednesday's evening news shows and Thursday's morning programs continued to minimize or leave out important moments of Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan's confirmation hearings. ABC's Good Morning America, for instance, has offered only 67 seconds of coverage over three days. Today and The Early Show each provided a single ten second news brief on Thursday. It's not as though the second day of…
Scott Whitlock
July 1st, 2010 11:39 AM

Failing Newsweek Rejects Bid from Conservative Buyer

If the folks at Newsweek had a Bartlett's handy, they might know that Albert Einstein is credited with defining insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." But The New York Times reported June 30 that the Washington Post Company is committed enough to the failing magazine's liberal ideology that it has rejected a bid from a conservative buyer. "The…
Nathan Burchfiel
July 1st, 2010 11:35 AM