Congrats To Arianna On Her 'Best' Webby

One has to give credit where credit is due. The Huffington Post is 2010's 'People's Voice Winner for Best Political Blog' and Arianna Huffington will receive her Webby Monday night in New York City. We are in awe of her humility... 'I need to decide what this year's speech should be, and would love your input. Submit your five-word speech in the comments section. We'll publish the best ones on…
Bob Parks
June 11th, 2010 1:47 PM

Actor Pierce Brosnan Harpoons Obama for Voting 'Present' on Whaling

Actor and environmental activisit Pierce Brosnan has taken the cause of whales to heart. He does not want humans to kill them, has just released a PSA featuring Brosnan, taking President Obama to task for apparently reneging on a campaign promise to support an International whaling moratorium... (Video after jump)
Jill Stanek
June 11th, 2010 1:43 PM

Today Show Cares More About Fiorina Gaffe Than Sestak Scandal

As of this Friday, NBC's Today show has yet to mention the Joe Sestak scandal, (as noted by the MRC's Tim Graham in this Media Reality Check) however they did find time to poke fun at Republican California Senate candidate Carly Fiorina making fun of Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer's hair in an open mic moment. On Thursday's Today, they ran the clip of Fiorina's gaffe three times, even leading…
Geoffrey Dickens
June 11th, 2010 1:09 PM

Media's Latest Global Warming Solution: Whiter Clouds

USA Today touts new research on 'putting up a cloud,' but only interviews left-leaning 'opponents.'
Kyle Gillis
June 11th, 2010 12:59 PM

ABC Reporter Hassled While Covering Oil Spill From Gulf Coast Beach

In today's "Silence of the Cams" segment, an ABC reporter was hassled Thursday for trying to cover the Gulf Coast oil spill from an Alabama beach.According to an article published at, "Reporting is often about access, but journalists along the Gulf Coast covering the BP oil spill have had some trouble getting it."The piece continued, "As BP faces more pressure from the government and…
Noel Sheppard
June 11th, 2010 12:51 PM

MRC-TV: Bozell Discusses Helen Thomas on 'Hannity,' Recent Primaries

If you ask the media, George W. Bush is to blame for everything from the BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill to Al and Tipper Gore's broken marriage. What's more, the media are insisting, it's Democrat Hillary Clinton who deserves praise for paving the way for Republican women having success on Tuesday's primaries, not Sarah Palin.That's just skimming the surface of the loopy stuff the liberal media have…
NB Staff
June 11th, 2010 12:50 PM

George Stephanopoulos Touts Democratic Talking Points, Urges Pawlenty

Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Friday parroted Democratic talking points while interviewing Governor Tim Pawlenty about the tea party movement. The potential presidential candidate mentioned the victory of several GOP women on Tuesday, prompting Stephanopoulos to pounce: "You didn't mention Sharron Angle, who's going to be the Senate candidate up against Harry Reid." [Audio…
Scott Whitlock
June 11th, 2010 11:47 AM

Conservative-Bashing Hypocrites at WaPo Publish Smerconish Attacking C

A month ago, The Washington Post editorial page was dropping rhetorical bombs on conservative Republican Ken Cuccinelli for investigating ClimateGate. The headline at the top of the paper's May 7 editorial page (now scrubbed online) was "Mr. Cuccinelli's witch hunt: Virginia's attorney general declares war on academic freedom and climate reality." It began: WE KNEW Virginia Attorney General Ken…
Tim Graham
June 11th, 2010 11:44 AM

The Economy: Avoiding the 'U-Word' Doesn't Mean It's Not Still Happeni

The establishment press is either getting tired of being beaten up over using the U-word ("unexpectedly," or sometimes "unexpected") to the point of excess when economic news disappoints, or has itself wearied of using the word. Here's the Associated Press's Martin Crutsinger on today's retail sales report letdown, courtesy of the Commerce Department. The bolded sentence seen after the jump is…
Tom Blumer
June 11th, 2010 10:47 AM

WaPo Says World Cup's 'Most Essential Accessory' Is Condoms

Thursday's Washington Post Express tabloid carried the headline "Health Activists Eye World Cup." When the world "health" breaks in before "activist," sadly, you can often define that as a sly euphemism you could replace more accurately with "sex." Post reporter Liz Clarke offered an interesting definition of the tournament's most essential accessory, which isn't cleats or Gatorade or even…
Tim Graham
June 11th, 2010 10:45 AM

Media Continue War against BPA; Claim It Causes 'All Sorts' of Health

Toys, food, packaging. Chemicals are in them all. The media make a living by sensationalizing the potential dangers of just about everything in our modern world. Bisphenol-A (BPA), a chemical found in many plastic items, was no exception. The news media have been scaremongering about BPA for years, even going so far as to compare it to tobacco at one point, but a cautious tone from the…
Julia A. Seymour
June 11th, 2010 10:20 AM

NAACP Forces Hallmark To Pull 'Racist' Graduation Card: Black 'Holes

The Los Angeles chapter of the NAACP last week forced Hallmark to pull from its shelves a graduation card the civil rights group deemed racist."Printed on the card, is dialogue such as, 'Watch out, Saturn, this grad is gonna run rings around you!'" reported the Orange County Register on June 3. "And on the audio chip that plays once the card is opened, [characters] Hoops and Yoyo continue their…
Noel Sheppard
June 11th, 2010 10:11 AM

After Two Years with Obama, Linda Douglass Returns to News Media

Completing a full spin through the revolving door, Linda Douglass, a long-time CBS and ABC correspondent before jumping aboard the Obama campaign in 2008 – followed by HHS and White House positions promoting ObamaCare -- has re-joined The Atlantic as a Vice President who “will concentrate on company strategy and communications,” the Washington Post’s Howard Kurtz reported online Thursday morning…
Brent Baker
June 11th, 2010 2:06 AM

James Carville Bashes Fareed Zakaria: 'I Wanted to Hit Him With a Foot

Democrat strategist James Carville Thursday had strong words for Fareed Zakaria who in an interview recently published at defended President Obama's handling of the Gulf Coast oil spill."When I read that I wanted to hit him with a football bat," Carville told CNN's John King on the program bearing his name.For those not getting the joke, Carville was mocking Zakaria's reference to "…
Noel Sheppard
June 11th, 2010 12:43 AM