Keith Olbermann Issues Egotistic Statement To His Viewers

Keith Olbermann on Monday issued a brief written statement to his viewers concerning his recent two-day suspension for violating NBC's policy regarding political contributions. As NewsBusters readers likely suspect, the man with the largest ego on television is playing this episode for all it's worth (h/t Hot Air):
Noel Sheppard
November 8th, 2010 9:34 PM

Former Bush Aide Smacks Down Joan Walsh For Questioning W's 'Psycholog

A former advisor to George W. Bush smacked down Salon's Joan Walsh Monday for questioning the 43rd President's psychological compass. Appearing on MSNBC's "Hardball," GOP strategist Ron Christie also gave Chris Matthews a much-needed education on why going into Iraq was a successful part of Bush's strategy to prevent America from a follow-up attack after 9/11 (video follows with transcript…
Noel Sheppard
November 8th, 2010 8:51 PM

Ron Paul Rips Paul Krugman: I Pray Every Night his Views -- Just Disap

Outspoken libertarian Texas congressman argues Feds quantitative easing isnt working and that discredits liberal New York Times columnists view.
Jeff Poor
November 8th, 2010 7:45 PM

Matthews Confuses Cummings With Clyburn

What is it with MSNBC hosts and their inability to keep prominent African-Americans straight?  As NewsBuster Kyle Drennen noted, last year Contessa Brewer confused Jesse Jackson with Al Sharpton. Tonight it was Chris Matthews' turn.  Introducing Dem congressman Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the Hardball host called him "Congressman Clyburn," a reference to James Clyburn of South Carolina,…
Mark Finkelstein
November 8th, 2010 6:10 PM

CBS's Dickerson: Obama Will Make GOP 'Own' Spending Cuts to 'Pay For

On Monday's CBS Early Show, political analyst John Dickerson discussed President Obama's strategy against Republicans in Congress, particularly on tax cuts: "[He] said there's got to be a way to pay for it, again trying to put pressure on Republicans to say if you want to spend $700 billion, you've got to find the cuts, make them own those cuts, which are painful and might be quite unpopular…
Kyle Drennen
November 8th, 2010 5:57 PM

Examination of NPR Board Finds Overwhelming Liberal Dominance

An examination of both the board of NPR's non-profit foundation and its national board of directors recently found that their members are overwhelmingly - almost uniformly - adherents to various left-wing ideologies. National Review's Matthew Shaffer conducted the examination. He found that "nearly all have demonstrably liberal political sympathies, with heavy support for the Democratic party…
Lachlan Markay
November 8th, 2010 5:31 PM

CNN's Don Lemon 'Frustrated' With GOP, Wanted to 'Throw Stuff at TV

"CNN Newsroom" host Don Lemon is miffed at the GOP -- and he let CNN Senior Political Editor Mark Preston know it on Sunday night. When Preston noted that since the Republicans are once again in the majority in the House of Representatives, they're going to have "to come up and they have learn how to govern," Lemon responded that "They have to learn how the answer the question. Because one…
D. S. Hube
November 8th, 2010 4:57 PM

CNN Guest: 'Regressive White Right' Has 'Declared War' on Progress

CNN's Don Lemon tossed softballs at leftist writer Tim Wise on Sunday's Newsroom, mostly reading back excerpts from his latest column, which the anchor labeled a "withering rebuke of...the 'white right.'" Lemon even twice emphasized how Wise has apparently received death threats over the column, where he slammed "conservative old white people [who] have pretty much always been the bad guys…
Matthew Balan
November 8th, 2010 4:47 PM

ABC Skips Conservative Voices for Stories on Olbermann Suspension, Mos

During four days of coverage, ABC skipped the conservative perspective while reporting on Keith Olbermann's suspension. The network also used the liberal label only once. Good Morning America covered the story on Saturday and Monday and never used the word. Friday's Nightline briefly highlighted the story. Anchor Bill Weir referred to Olbermann as MSNBC's "liberal star" and someone who has "…
Scott Whitlock
November 8th, 2010 4:33 PM

The Girls: Rehab... Go, Go, Go

With Disney star Demi Lovato being the latest to take time off for personal issues, are young celebrities using "rehab" as a crutch to excuse their bad behavior?
Bob Parks
November 8th, 2010 4:15 PM

WaPo's Capehart: Obama and Boehner Should Bond Over Cigarettes

Forget beer and/or Slurpee summits. In a Post Partisan blog entry from last night reprinted in today's Washington Post, writer Jonathan Capehart suggested President Obama and presumptive-Speaker John Boehner (R) should forge a bond over cigarette breaks during legislative negotiations:
Ken Shepherd
November 8th, 2010 3:50 PM

Joe Scarborough: Opponents of Obama's India Trip Are 'Idiots; ' Would

Anyone critical of President Obama being in India right now is an "idiot," MSNBC's Joe Scarborough bluntly served on his morning show, which prides itself on being a safe haven for different views. India is "exactly where [President Obama] should be" right now, he opined. With Council on Foreign Relations president Richard Haass on as a guest Monday morning, Scarborough clamored that…
Matt Hadro
November 8th, 2010 3:15 PM

Newsweek's Andrew Romano Falsely Claims Tea Partiers Want to 'Repeal

In an interview with Gov. Rick Perry published today, Newsweek's Andrew Romano falsely claimed that "Many Tea Partiers want to repeal the 14th Amendment, which provides for birthright citizenship." Romano then asked the recently-reelected Texas Republican, "Do you agree with them?" Perry answered that while he believed a constitutional prohibition on birthright citizenship was "probably not"…
Ken Shepherd
November 8th, 2010 2:03 PM

Daily Kos: Keith Olbermann Dem Donations 'a Stroke of Genius

The Olbermann-lovers at the far-left Daily Kos blog believe in the Vast Keith Conspiracy – that Olbermann contributed to three Democrats as part of a large-scale plan to embarrass MSNBC president Phil Griffin and underline just how important and popular the left-wing bomb-throwing is, especially with young voters. In a Monday morning post titled “The Brilliance of Keith Olbermann,” the blogger…
Tim Graham
November 8th, 2010 1:35 PM