Will the MSM Make Note of Seattle's 'Green Jobs' Bust

August 16th, 2011 5:26 PM
While the media are sharpening the knives against Republican presidential aspirant Gov. Rick Perry on the nature of jobs created under his watch in Texas, fairness would dictate a look at the Obama administration's jobs record, particularly on his pet project of ushering in the age of renewable energy and with them "green jobs." As Vanessa Ho of the SeattlePI.com website reported yesterday,…

Seattle Times: ELF 'Ecosaboteur' Convicted; P-I Sticks with Eco-terror

March 6th, 2008 3:10 PM
Just days after the Street of Dreams arsons suspected to be at the hands of the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), a federal jury found one Briana Waters guilty for her role in a 2001 ELF arson that destroyed the University of Washington's Center for Urban Horticulture.NewsBusters has noted that the Seattle Times has avoided calling ELF a terrorist or eco-terrorist organization, preferring to call the…