Tea Party Group Urges People to Dump Comcast: 'You're Paying Al Sharpt

August 23rd, 2013 10:21 AM
The Tea Party organization FreedomWorks is ramping up pressure on the NBC/MSNBC-owning cable provider Comcast. On Thursday, the group launched a campaign to get the 22 million households that subscribe to Comcast to dump the provider saying in an email and a video, "You're paying for Al Sharpton's salary" (video follows with commentary):

Tea Partiers Confront Comcast CEO: Why Would a Conservative Want Their

May 16th, 2013 10:33 PM
Paul Bond at The Hollywood Reporter described what happened at the annual Comcast shareholders meeting in Philadelphia when Tea Party conservatives stood up to ask about the dramatic left-wing slant of MSNBC. On the webcast of the meeting, Tom Borelli asked Comcast CEO Brian Roberts "Why would a conservative person in any state want their money to go pay for Al Sharpton’s salary?"

Tea Party to Protest NBC and MSNBC at Comcast Shareholder Meeting

May 8th, 2013 10:16 AM
Comcast is holding a shareholder meeting in Philadelphia next week, and the Tea Party is planning a protest of the company's so-called news outlets NBC and MSNBC. FreedomWorks recently sent the following email message out to 60,000 Tea Partiers around Philadelphia (published with permission):