Suzanne Malveaux

Brinkley Boosts Obama Interview on CBS, CNN; Brushes Off President's
October 26th, 2012 9:18 PM
Liberal historian Douglas Brinkley gushed over President Obama on Thursday's CBS This Morning and Friday's CNN Newsroom, and tried to put the incumbent in the best possible light: "He's [Obama] a very natural person....He's a really warm and genial person. What he has going for him is he exudes family values." Brinkley later asserted to CNN's Suzanne Malveaux that Obama is an "intellectual...he…

CNN's Baldwin Misses FRC Shooter's Political Motive -- Despite CNN Rep
August 16th, 2012 6:22 PM
CNN's Brooke Baldwin couldn't find a motive behind the Family Research Council shooting, on Thursday afternoon – despite CNN having earlier reported that "politics" was involved in the shooting at the conservative organization.
"You know, who knows what really was the motive behind this particular individual Floyd Lee Corkins?" Baldwin wondered at 3:10 p.m. EDT, even though anchor Suzanne…

Mediscare! CNN Hypes Cartoon Characters' Plight Under Romney-Ryan's Me
August 14th, 2012 6:52 PM
In what seemed like a White House commercial, CNN used cartoon characters to explain the benefits of ObamaCare back in June. Now CNN is trotting out the same elementary and partisan stunt to hype that seniors might lose ObamaCare benefits if the Romney-Ryan ticket wins in November.
On Tuesday, medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen explained that "Medicaid Marlene" might lose her Medicaid…

CNN Slobbers Over 'Star' DNC Keynote Speaker
August 2nd, 2012 5:20 PM
In a pathetic display of adulation for a Democratic "star," CNN aired a total puff piece about the keynote speaker for the upcoming Democratic National Convention, San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro. Correspondent Rafael Romo's report dripped with praise for the "very successful" Castro.
Romo hailed Castro as a "very successful mayor" and a "young charismatic Latino leader" who is "media savvy…