Pete Yost

AP's Yost Cuts Holder Undeserved Slack in DOJ's Power-Abusing Phone Re
May 14th, 2013 7:35 PM
In a disptach early this evening, the Associated Press's Pete Yost, perhaps signaling his employer's intent to remain the journalistic lapdog known as the Administration's Press, accepted at face value Attorney General Eric Holder's claim, while defending his department's actions, to have played no role in its wide-ranging subpoena of two months of AP phone records involving 20 cellular,…

Holder 'Averts' Furloughs? More Like He Was Under Pressure to 'Find' t
March 24th, 2013 10:38 AM
The headline at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, seems to make Attorney General Eric Holder look heroic: "Holder averts furloughs of prison staffers." No, all he did was get forced into prioritizing how he should allocate resources in a department where spending grew from $26.54 billion in fiscal 2008 to $31.16 billion in fiscal 2012, a 17% increase.
The AP's Pete Yost…
Daily Caller: Axelrod 'Attempting to Subtly Intimidate' Gallup
September 7th, 2012 7:49 AM
The Daily Caller published two troubling stories by Matthew Boyle yesterday. The first, referring to email evidence, contends that senior Obama reelection campaign adviser David Axelrod has attempted "to subtly intimidate the respected polling firm when its numbers were unfavorable to the president," and that in August, "After Gallup declined to change its polling methodology, Obama’s…

AP's Yost Ignores Fri. Fast and Furious Doc Dump Email Saying Holder W
January 29th, 2012 10:47 PM
Well, let's see. During the early days of the Clinton administration, we had the sad spectacle of Treasury aide Josh Steiner telling Senators investigating the Whitewater real estate deals and the Resolution Trust Corporation that that he written untrue things in his diary, i.e., that "essentially .... he had lied to his diary." During the Paula Jones trial, the jury was entertained (members…
AP on DOJ Prosecutor Taking the Fifth in Fast and Furious: The Problem
January 21st, 2012 10:35 AM
Pete Yost's Friday evening story at the Associated Press, also known to yours truly as the Administration's Press, on the latest development in the Operation Fast and Furious scandal (that's my word, certainly not Yost's) has a "this is a boring story, don't read it" headline ("Prosecutor intends to take 5th if called in probe"), followed by an opening sentence which acts as if it has nothing…

Issa's Gunwalker Subpoena a Virtual Non-Story; AP Furiously Spins Fals
October 16th, 2011 10:58 AM
On October 9, an unbylined Associated Press story reported that Congressmen Darrell Issa "could send subpoenas to the Obama administration as soon as this week over weapons lost amid the Mexican drug war." On Wednesday, October 12, Issa did just that.
Mike Vanderboegh's Sipsey Street Irregulars blog has a succinct summary (HT Ed Driscoll) of the establishment press's coverage of Issa's…