Maeve Reston

CNN Trashes 'Contentious' Trump, Hails Biden, Guthrie
On Friday, CNN's New Day mercilessly attacked President Trump's town hall performance while praising Joe Biden. A discerning viewer would be hard pressed to find a nice thing that was said about Trump, while Biden was heaped with praise and even the one criticism was excused.

CNN: Trump Will Use 'Violent Extremists' to 'Disrupt the Elections!'
Appearing on CNN's New Day on Thursday, unhinged left-wing commentator Errol Louis was given free reign to fabricate wild claims that President Trump was sending a clear signal to violent extremists, militia-type organizations” and telling them “That he does want them, in fact, to go out and help disrupt the elections.” Not only was there no challenge of the false smear, the cable network has…

CNN Hails Biden's Female VP Short List; Ignores Tara Reade
On Monday’s New Day, CNN co-hosts John Berman and Alisyn Camerota brought on national political reporter Maeve Reston and political director David Chalian to spout typical Democratic election-year talking points about President Trump and Republicans being "sexist." Most appallingly, Chalian praised Joe Biden for his to plan to choose a woman as his running mate without mentioning that…

Classic CNN Loses Its Noodle After Obama Rally; Lashes Out at Trump

Watch This CNN Panel Show Why the Press Want Kavanaugh Gone

Brinkley: ‘Sniveling’ Pence Is ‘Kissing’ ‘Buddha’ Trump's ‘Belly’

CNN: GOP 'Mob,' 'Craziness' Helps Clinton, Appeals to 'Fox News Crowd'

David Gregory: 'Fair' for Hillary to Not Answer Indictment Question