Tea Party Hypocrites: New York Times Sets the Table for Democrats to W

April 8th, 2011 7:07 AM
Jennifer Steinhauer of the New York Times offered a story Thursday on already hypocritical freshman House Republicans favoring big-picture spending cuts, but fighting for local projects. The headline was "Gung-Ho for Big Cuts in Spending, Less Fond of the Ones That Hurt Back Home." Steinhauer reported: "While scores of congressmen and women are singing an ode to spending reductions with their…

NYT's Steinhauer Overdoses on 'Conservatives' in DOMA Debate, Finds No

March 8th, 2011 9:49 AM
New York Times reporter Jennifer Steinhauer reported Saturday on the decision by House Republicans to defend the Defense of Marriage Act after the Obama White House’s took the almost-unprecedented step to stop defending it before the Supreme Court: “House Republicans Step In to Defend Marriage Act and Dodge a Party Debate.” Steinhauer, a fan of tax hikes in California (of voters, not so much,…

Why So Cynical? NY Times Steinhauer Nitpicks Reading of Country's Foun

January 7th, 2011 1:39 PM
Inspired by the Tea Party’s focus on the Constitution and the limits it places on the power of the federal government, the House of Representatives read the entire document in the House chamber as one of its first official acts on Thursday. But reporter Jennifer Steinhauer marked the occasion more with cynicism and snippiness than solemnity in Friday’s “Constitution Has Its Day (More or Less)…

Is Illegal Immigration Raising Arizona's Crime Rate? NY Times Says No

June 22nd, 2010 4:04 PM
On Sunday, New York Times reporter Randal Archibold offered up more of his slanted reporting on Arizona's pending new immigration enforcement law, suggesting that supporters of tough immigration enforcement are fostering fear by exaggerating the problem of violent crime on the border with Mexico: "On Border Violence, Truth Pales Compared to Ideas." But does his evidence stand up? Two conservative…

Times Watch Quotes of Note - 'Far Right' Angle on G.O.P. Senate Candid

June 19th, 2010 8:24 AM
 "Far-Right" Angle on G.O.P. Senate Candidate From Nevada"But on the other hand some of these women are, like in Nevada, against Harry Reid, Sharron Angle has, she's a Tea Party candidate who's given Democrats renewed hope of saving Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, from what was looking to be near certain defeat, because she is so extreme....The Democrats generally at first blush on…

Two NYT Reporters Tar Nevada GOP Candidate Sharron Angle: "Far-Right

June 12th, 2010 8:45 AM
Meet the "so extreme," "far-right conservative" Sharron Angle, who won the Nevada Senate primary on Tuesday and will face Democrat Harry Reid in the fall. Those quotes aren't from Daily Kos or even a New York Times columnist, but from two of the Times's political reporters, Jennifer Steinhauer and Jackie Calmes.(This post is based on two items previously posted on Times Watch.) Reporter Jennifer…

NYT Pits McCain Against 'Far Right' J.D. Hayworth, Denouncer of Illega

February 10th, 2010 5:39 PM
New York Times reporter Jennifer Steinhauer, previously heard insulting California voters for failing to vote for tax hikes, ventured over the border on Tuesday's front page to cover a Republican primary scuffle in Arizona involving Sen. John McCain being challenged from the right by former congressman J.D. Hayworth: “McCain, Facing G.O.P. Foe in Primary, Tilts to the Right.” The online headline…

The NY Times to California Democracy: Drop Dead

May 21st, 2009 12:36 PM
The New York Times is still having difficulty dealing with democracy in California -- namely the state's unique ballot initiatives, which sometimes produces results inconvenient to a liberal agenda. First it was last year's surprise passage of Proposition 8, a ban on gay marriage that threw the Times for a loop. This week it was the rejection of five fiscal measures in a special statewide…

NYT Finds Smart Folks for Obama, Media-Heckling Racists for Palin

October 9th, 2008 9:55 AM
The smart folks soberly support Barack Obama, while the ridiculous-looking rednecks love Sarah Palin. That's the subtext of the New York Times coverage on Wednesday. Jennifer Steinhauer was watching the second presidential debate with Obama fans at a Mexican restaurant in Des Moines, "Where He First Got Going, Cheering Obama On." Debate watchers at Dos Rios -- the sort of crowd that can cite…