
Big Three Networks THRILLED Judge Blocks ‘Offensive’ Anti-Abortion Law

October 7th, 2021 9:51 AM

Overnight, an unelected federal judge blocked Texas’s SB8 law that made abortions illegal after a fetal heartbeat was detected. Thursday morning, all three network morning shows were so overjoyed by the news that it was their lead story.


'What's at Stake': CBS, NBC Are TERRIFIED By Start of SCOTUS Session

October 4th, 2021 9:02 PM

Monday was day one of the new session of the Supreme Court and the liberal media were absolutely terrified by what ruling could come from the conservative majority when it came to the right to life and Second Amendment rights. CBS and NBC both attempted to stir their viewers into sharing their fright as they warned that abortions could be outlawed and people could carry a firearm for self-…


Nets Hail Radical Pro-Abortion Protesters Fighting Pro-Life ‘Threat’

October 4th, 2021 4:45 PM

Following radical pro-abortion activists taking to the streets across the country on Saturday, the leftist broadcast networks quickly went to work cheering on the protesters “marching for themselves and for their daughters” and fighting against the “threat” of pro-life policies. Reporters particularly hyped the “passion” of demonstrators “calling out lawmakers and the Supreme Court.”


Nets Accuse SCOTUS of Giving GOP 'Green Light' to 'Restrict' Voting

July 1st, 2021 9:07 PM

ABC, CBS, and NBC were irate Thursday night after the Supreme Court handed down a 6-3 ruling that preserved Arizona’s election integrity laws, spelling doom for liberal efforts to undo conservative-backed election protections. In the course of a few months, the liberal media went from declaring any criticism of the Supreme Court an ‘attack on democracy’ to accusing the same court of giving…


Nets Warn SCOTUS Case ‘Striking Fear Among Abortion Advocates’

May 18th, 2021 1:51 PM

The network morning shows spent Tuesday morning sounding the alarm about “one of the most conservative lineups of justices in decades” on the Supreme Court preparing to hear a major abortion case. Two of the broadcasts even began their coverage by announcing a “Supreme Court Showdown,” as if they were promoting a boxing match rather than reporting on a sober legal topic with life and death…


Horrified By Religious Liberty: ABC/CBS Fear SCOTUS Contraception Rule

July 8th, 2020 8:49 PM

The networks finally broke their weeks-long blackout of conservative wins in the U.S. Supreme Court this session. Among Wednesday’s decisions were two religious liberty rulings that went decisively in conservatives’ favor: hiring/firing practices and opting out of ObamaCare’s contraception coverage mandate. Of course, ABC, CBS, and NBC covered only the latter, with ABC and CBS expressing…


Nets Boast SCOTUS Loss for Trump Before Victory for Dreamers

June 18th, 2020 9:09 PM

In a perfect example of how the left and the media put hating President Trump ahead of almost everything else (including their own political victories), the first reaction the broadcast networks had to the Supreme Court’s Thursday ruling protecting DACA was to boast about it being a “big blow” to the President. They would eventually note how hundreds of thousands of so-called “Dreamers” were…


CBS: ‘Dreamers on Front Line’ as Court Considers Ruling Against DACA

June 17th, 2020 12:32 PM

As the Supreme Court prepares to rule over whether Donald Trump had the power to end Barack Obama’s protection of DREAMers, CBS This Morning on Wednesday focused on how this could impact COVID-19. Reporter Jan Crawford also allowed a scant 20 seconds on the legality of the Oama-era move. Co-host Tony Dokoupil stated, “Many so-called Dreamers are waiting to learn their fate while they…


NBC Ignores Schumer’s Threat Against Justices, ABC/CBS Claim ‘Warning'

March 4th, 2020 9:02 PM
MRC Latino Director Jorge Bonilla was the first on the scene Wednesday when he shared a video of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) threatening a “price” would be paid by conservative Supreme Court Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch, if they decided to uphold a pro-life law. The video drew outrage from many and a powerful rebuke from Chief Justice John Roberts. But NBC Nightly…

CBS Reporter Calls Out Jen Rubin on Her 'Straw Man Crap' on Judges

November 1st, 2019 4:43 PM
Our friend Sister Toldjah at RedState noted that CBS legal correspondent Jan Crawford tweeted some criticism of Hillary Clinton on Wednesday, and ended up getting into a Twitter fight with Jennifer Rubin, whose Twitter profile still hilariously claims she's a "Conservative blogger at the Washington Post." At least the Post was shamed out of a label, only saying on her blog page "Jennifer Rubin…

CBS, CNN Fret Over New Court Term: ‘Conservative' and 'Conservative'

October 7th, 2019 1:19 PM
The keyword is “conservative.” CBS and CNN on Monday repeatedly fretted over the coming Supreme Court term, due to future cases on abortion, gun control and gay rights. Both networks repeatedly took time to warn viewers of a looming right turn. 

ABC, NBC Ignore Pro-Kavanaugh Bombshell; CBS Gives Scant 36 Seconds

September 17th, 2019 5:37 PM
While the liberal broadcast networks ABC, CBS, and NBC have spent nearly 32 minutes (31 minutes, 47 seconds) hyping the disintegrating bombshell against Justice Brettt Kavanaugh over the past three days, they have withheld from viewers how Christine Blasey Ford friend (and supposed corroborating witness) Leland Keyser now states that she has does not believe Ford’s account.

Nets Dedicate 30 Minutes to Promoting NYT's Anti-Kavanaugh Hit Piece

September 16th, 2019 8:58 PM
Despite the fact that the accused victim in the sexual misconduct allegations against Justice Brett Kavanaugh says she doesn’t remember anything like that happening to her, the liberal zealots at ABC News, CBS News, and NBC News pushed the poorly sources accusations for almost 30 minutes (29 minutes 26 seconds) between Sunday and Monday evenings.

CBS Mourns for Planned Parenthood Funds With New Pro-Life Title X Rule

August 19th, 2019 8:58 PM
The liberal media were disheartened Monday after Planned Parenthood announced it would take a roughly $60 million hit to its funds just so they could carry out more abortions. The new Title X rule put out by the Trump administration bars clinics from referring patients for abortions. CBS Evening News was so distraught that they kicked off their evening programming with the story.