Elaine Quijano

Nets Cover Gorilla Death 54x More Than Chicago Shootings
May 31st, 2016 4:38 PM
The broadcast networks routinely prioritize animal life over human life. This Memorial Day weekend was no exception.
Over the long weekend, 69 citizens were shot across Chicago. At the same time, a gorilla named Harambe was shot after a toddler fell into the animal’s enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo. ABC, CBS and NBC spent 54 times more on the death of one gorilla than they did on the shootings (…

Ferguson Protesters Dominate CBS's 'Young Adults' Panel on Race
December 12th, 2014 8:56 PM
CBS Evening News's liberal bias was blatant on Friday, as their "young adults" panel discussing the issue of "the excessive use of force by police – especially against minorities" was made up entirely of people who have participated in the protests decrying the grand jury decisions in the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases. Correspondent Elaine Quijano asked, "How many of you have been involved…

World Cup Media Partner ABC Downplays Violent Protests on 'World News
June 12th, 2014 10:43 PM
All three major broadcast networks devoted stories to the opening of the World Cup today in Rio de Janeiro, but ABC's business interests arguably got in the way of objective reporting. ABC and her sister ESPN networks are, after all the exclusive "media rights licensees" to carry World Cup matches in the United States.
Reporting from Rio, ABC's Paula Faris devoted just one fleeting reference…

ABC, NBC Too Busy With O.J. Simpson Police Chase Anniversary To Cover
June 11th, 2014 8:58 PM
CBS Evening News was the only Big Three evening newscast on Wednesday to report that the FBI has opened a criminal investigation into the V.A. scandal. Neither ABC's World News nor NBC Nightly News covered this latest development in the ongoing controversy. Instead, both programs devoted air time to the 20th anniversary of O.J. Simpson's slow-speed run from the police, after the murder of his…

ABC, CBS, and NBC Freak Out Over Melting Antarctic Ice: ‘Much of Sou
May 13th, 2014 9:11 AM
On Monday, May 13, all three network evening newscasts hyped the dire consequences of a new NASA study which show that “large parts of the western Antarctica ice sheet appears to have collapsed.”
ABC, CBS, and NBC hyperventilated over the report, and warned of rising sea levels in the immediate future. CBS News’ Elaine Quijano warned “A 10-foot rise in sea level would submerge tunnels and…

Networks Hype 'Bombshell:' Christie 'Thrown Under Bus'; Spotlight Call
January 31st, 2014 10:58 PM
The Big Three networks' evening newscasts on Friday jumped on the latest development in the traffic scandal surrounding Chris Christie. NBC and CBS both led with the accusation from the former Christie appointee, who claims that the New Jersey governor knew more about the lane closures than he previously asserted. CBS's Scott Pelley trumpeted how "Chris Christie just got thrown under the bus in…

Three Major Networks Hype New Grand Theft Auto Game, Offer Limited Cri
September 23rd, 2013 4:42 PM
The new, ultra-violent Grand Theft Auto V video game debuted last week and raked in over $1 billion in just the first three days of sales. It was so impressive that the three major broadcast networks all took note and reported on the game on their weekend morning shows. But all three networks focused on the stellar sales numbers for the game while failing to explore a possible connection…

Nets Minimize Filner Scandal Coverage, Won't ID Him As A Democrat
July 31st, 2013 6:10 PM
ABC and CBS both failed to point out San Diego Mayor Bob Filner's Democratic party affiliation on their Wednesday morning newscasts. Good Morning America devoted just one 17-second news brief to the ongoing Filner scandal. CBS This Morning didn't do much better, with two news briefs on the former congressman. NBC's Today didn't set aside any air time to the controversy.
The NBC morning show…

Big Three Networks Punt on Covering Pennsylvania Abortionist's Murder
March 20th, 2013 4:38 PM
ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning and evening newscasts have yet to cover the trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, which began on Monday. Gosnell is charged with murdering seven babies who were born after viability in his rundown abortion facility. The Big Three also gave the story minimal coverage back in January 2011, after the Philadelphia physician was arrested. ABC completely ignored it, CBS Evening…

CBS Hypes 'Thousands of Angry Protesters' Against Right-to-Work Bill
December 11th, 2012 4:23 PM
Tuesday's CBS This Morning played up the union-led protests against a proposed right-to-work law in Michigan. Elaine Quijano claimed "the protests here in Michigan...[will] likely only get bigger." Quijano added that "they're planning to return today in record numbers - protesters determined to defend one of the biggest union strongholds in the country."
The correspondent loaded her report…
CBS Welcomes Obama to Staten Island, But Criticized Bush Post-Katrina
November 16th, 2012 4:03 PM
CBS ran a puff piece Friday morning on President Obama's visit to hurricane-ravaged Staten Island, which stood in stark contrast to its hostile treatment of President Bush's visit to the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina.
CBS played into the Obama PR strategy, simply noting that he "pledged the government's support" to Staten Island residents and "met with families who've lost everything."…

CBS Plays Up Voter Suppression Charge in Pennsylvania; Ignores Voter F
March 16th, 2012 7:07 PM
On Thursday's CBS Evening News, Elaine Quijano touted a charge from Pennsylvania Democrats that the new voter I.D. law there "targets poor and elderly voters." Quijano also spotlighted that, according to unnamed "Pennsylvania court officials," there were no cases of "voters convicted of fraud in the last five years." However, in late 2010, the AP reported on a credible allegation of voter fraud…

CBS Highlights Catholic Democrat Alienated by Obama Contraception Mand
February 12th, 2012 7:49 AM
Saturday's CBS Evening News ran a piece highlighting the complaints of a Catholic Democrat - Michael Sean Winters of the National Catholic Reporter, recounting his opposition to President Obama's attempt to force Catholic employers to provide contraception coverage to their employees. Winters asserted that he is "very angry about this," and substitute anchor Elaine Quijano noted that, although…

Scott Pelley's Obvious A.M. Error: Claims Florida's First High-Unemplo
January 31st, 2012 1:50 PM
Scott Pelley simply got it wrong on Tuesday's CBS This Morning, when he claimed that the Republican presidential candidates "have finally arrived in a state that was very hard hit by the great recession and has been suffering for a very long time. The unemployment rate here is about 10%." In reality, South Carolina, the state that held the last GOP primary, has about the same unemployment rate…