David Rhodes

Bozell, Conservative Leaders Blast Media's Clinton Uranium Blackout
October 26th, 2017 5:13 PM
On Thursday afternoon, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell led a team of a dozen conservative leaders in demanding the major broadcast networks fulfill their “duty to the American public” and end the censorship of the Clinton/Russian uranium deal.

CNN’s Stelter: CBS Was 'Overcompensating' on Benghazi, ‘Appeal to
May 12th, 2014 4:08 PM
CBS News has come under fire for a supposed conflict of interest between its president David Rhodes and his Brother Ben Rhodes, President Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor and CNN’s Reliable Sources did its best to dismiss the issue.
Appearing on Sunday, May 11, CNN host Brian Stelter argued that “CBS has at times been so aggressive covering Benghazi that I've had sources describe it…

CBS Evening News Finally Notices Benghazi Emails; Discloses Exec.'s Fa
May 2nd, 2014 8:34 PM
On Friday, CBS Evening News caught up with its Big Three competitors and reported on the latest developments on the controversy surrounding the September 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. facility in Benghazi, Libya. CBS also finally mentioned its own president's family connection to a White House official involved in the Obama administration's handling of the immediate aftermath of the attack…

CBS News President: Seriously, We're Not Biased
September 13th, 2012 8:57 PM
CBS News, current employer of the reporter caught coordinating attack questions against Mitt Romney and former employer of the disgraced Dan Rather, is actually not biased. So says its current president David Rhodes.
Now that you've had your guffaw, let's get into the specifics. According to Rhodes, his news team is actually "constantly diligent" to avoid being accused of bias. Those who do…

CBS First of Big Three to Give Obama Air Time After Announcing Reelect
May 6th, 2011 6:07 PM
CBS announced on Friday its plans for a "special town hall meeting on the economy" featuring President Obama. Network personalities Bob Schieffer and Erica Hill will host the event. This announcement comes just over a month after the Democrat officially started his reelection campaign, and on the same week that the President's approval ratings on the economy reached a new low according to a CBS…