US News/PBS's Erbe: 'Forced' Ultrasound Before Abortion an 'Invasive A

February 18th, 2009 1:33 PM
If the right to an abortion is really about about a woman's choice, then it logically follows that a fully-informed choice is a proper concern for public policy makers on the state level. But don't tell that to pro-choice liberal journalist Bonnie Erbe. The US News & World Report contributing editor unleashed her fury at "Antiabortion Fanatics' New Invasive Attack: The Forced Ultrasound" in a…

Taxpayer-financed Journalist: Arrest Bush

January 15th, 2009 10:26 AM
"Lying" about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, holding detainees at Gitmo, and prosecuting the saintly matron of all things domestic, Martha Stewart. Those are just three reasons taxpayer-financed journalist Bonnie Erbe finds for filing criminal charges on outgoing President George W. Bush and his dastardly underlings. The PBS "To the Contrary" host and U.S. News and World Report contributor…

Bonnie Erbe Rails Against Men for Sexism in Opposing Caroline Kennedy

January 5th, 2009 5:16 PM
Is that? [sniff] No, couldn't be. [sniff][sniff] Yup, I thought I smelled paranoid liberal.Taxpayer-financed journalist Bonnie Erbe smells a rat, namely the plurality of men in a recent poll who dared declare Caroline Kennedy unfit for serving in the U.S. Senate. From the PBS "To the Contrary" host's December 31 blog post at US News & World Report:No one should feign surprise at a new poll…

U.S. News "Hates To Say It," But Folks Associate Voter Fraud With GOP

October 14th, 2008 8:43 PM

PBS's Bonnie Erbe on Palin's 'Taliban-speak

September 12th, 2008 12:38 PM

Bonnie Erbe Bashes Barack, and CNN's Attempt at Flip-Flop Equivalence

June 24th, 2008 1:54 PM
PBS's Bonnie Erbe hosts that network's weekly news analysis program, "To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe," is a weekly columnist for Scripps Howard Newspapers, and blogs at Erbe called for the impeachment of George Bush in February 2006. Anyone looking through her Scripps Howard archive will conclude that she can't possibly be labeled a conservative ideologue -- which is why her take on…