Andrew Ferguson

CNN Panel Compares Traditional Marriage Supporters to Segregationists
March 22nd, 2013 5:21 PM
CNN's Friday afternoon "panel" was a disgusting display of liberal non-tolerance. Anchor Don Lemon compared defenders of traditional marriage with opponents of interracial marriage and ripped their cause as "discrimination," while a panel member compared them to slave owners.
"No one should have to tolerate hate or discrimination," Lemon lectured radio host Ben Ferguson who had expressed his…
Looking Back at Schorr’s Goldwater-Nazi Axis CBS Evening News Hit Pi
July 25th, 2010 9:07 PM
Daniel Schorr’s passing on Friday, at age 93, reminded me of the kind of assaults CBS News unleashed on conservatives before there were any countervailing forums available. A 2001 Weekly Standard article (nine years in my “pending” file!) detailed a particularly vicious left-wing hit piece he narrated in 1964 which linked Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater with neo-Nazis in Germany,…