Matthews: ‘Change Department of Defense to Department of Killing Isl

June 18th, 2013 6:37 PM
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews is none too pleased about President Obama’s decision to send arms to Syrian rebels. On Tuesday’s Hardball, the host asked, “Why don't we just change the name of the Department of Defense to the Department of Killing Islamic People on Global Television Department, because that's what we've been doing for a dozen years?” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Chris Matthews: 'Killing Islamic People - It's All We Seem To Do These

May 28th, 2013 6:44 PM
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews thinks all America seems to do these days with regard to foreign policy is kill Islamic people. So astonishingly said the Hardball host Tuesday (video follows with transcript and commentary, file photo):

Romney: ‘I’m Not a Fan of the President

May 18th, 2013 11:53 AM
Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney was Jay Leno’s guest on the Tonight Show Friday, and he didn’t have kind things to say about the current White House resident or former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. At one point in their discussion, Romney said, "I'm not a fan of the president - in case you didn't know that."

Actual Salon Headline: 'I Still Hope the Bomber Is a White American

April 17th, 2013 5:15 PM
As NewsBusters reported earlier, unabashedly liberal commentator David Sirota published an article at Salon Tuesday with the disgusting title, "Let’s Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a White American." As a result of all the negative attention he's gotten due to this piece, rather than doing the right thing by apologizing, Sirota on Wednesday actually doubled down with a new article titled…

Politico's Roger Simon: 'How Good a Job Did Hillary Clinton Really Do

April 7th, 2013 5:17 PM
As the media predictably gush and fawn over the thought of Hillary Clinton as president, there's something extremely obvious they've been missing. Rather surprisingly, Roger Simon, the perilously liberal chief political columnist at Politico, asked the $64 million question on CNN's Reliable Sources Sunday, "How good a job did she really do as Secretary of State?" (video follows with…

Eleanor Clift Howler: 'Clinton Administration Was Focused on al Qaeda

March 30th, 2013 3:50 PM
Warning: Please remove all flammables, fluids, and food from proximity to your computer as the following statement by Newsweek's Eleanor Clift on PBS's McLaughlin Group Friday could result in a potentially hazardous fit of laughter. "The concern within the [Obama] administration [regarding cyber warfare] is intense, and it reminds me of the way the Clinton administration was focused on al…

MSNBC’s David Corn: Holder Letter To Paul ‘Had a Very Silent FU In

March 7th, 2013 4:42 PM
Not surprisingly, most of the folks on MSNBC have being having a field day Thursday ridiculing Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) for his historic filibuster the day before. Doing his part on the Martin Bashir show was MSNBC political analyst David Corn who said that Attorney General Eric Holder’s letter to Paul “had a very silent FU in it” (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

Oops! MSNBC Regular Says Cheney 'Failed to Get Osama Bin Laden in Bora

February 11th, 2013 5:02 PM
In today's "Can Someone Help Me Get My Foot Out of My Mouth" segment, the astonishingly pompous and self-righteous MSNBC regular Julian Epstein made an absolutely delicious faux pas Monday while excoriating the character and accomplishments of former Vice President Dick Cheney. In an appearance on the Martin Bashir Show, Epstein derisively described Cheney as "a guy who failed to get Osama…

Newsweek's Eleanor Clift: Drones 'Are a Blessing

February 9th, 2013 3:36 PM
Throughout her tenure at Newsweek, Eleanor Clift has been one of the national media's most consistently dovish, anti-war figures. On Friday, while appearing on PBS's McLaughlin Group, Clift twice said drones "are a blessing" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Mark Shields Blasts 'Hypocrisy' of Left's 'Muted Criticism' of Obama's

February 9th, 2013 1:17 PM
A pig just flew by my window. On PBS's Inside Washington, the perilously liberal syndicated columnist Mark Shields noted the "inconsistency" and "hypocrisy" of the Left being "muted in their criticism" of President Obama's drone attacks (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Newsweek's Tina Brown: 'Obama'd Be Impeached By Now For Drones If He W

February 9th, 2013 8:49 AM
Newsweek/Daily Beast editor Tina Brown said something Friday night that should wake up the Left and their media minions. Appearing on HBO's Real Time, Brown said during the online Overtime segment, "He'd [Obama] be impeached by now for drones if he was W. Bush" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

NYT and WaPo Got Pulitzers Disclosing Secrets Under Bush – Those Sec

February 7th, 2013 9:03 AM
The media complicity in President Obama's drone strategy gets more and more astonishing with each passing day. On Wednesday, Britain's Guardian published a piece with the incredible sub-headline "New York Times and Washington Post knew about secret drone base in Saudi Arabia but agreed not to disclose it to the public."

Kirsten Powers: Liberal Media 'Don't Really Care About Human Rights' U

February 6th, 2013 5:45 PM
It's been nothing less than astonishing watching the media cover for Monday's leaked Department of Justice memo making the legal case for drone attacks against Americans. Exposing the hypocrisy of this Wednesday was one of Fox News's liberal contributors Kirsten Powers who said of her colleagues on the left, "They're clearly hypocrites. They clearly don't really care about human rights. They…

Watch Two Far, Far-Left MSNBC Hosts Actually Support DOJ Drone Memo

February 5th, 2013 4:44 PM
To give you an idea of how much you have to be in the tank for President Obama in order to be the typical host on an MSNBC program, on Tuesday, Krystal Ball and Toure Neblett - two far, far-left commentators! - actually came out in support of the just-released Justice Department memo that made the legal case for drone strikes against Americans. Be sure to strap yourselves in tightly before…