George Stephanopoulos Pushes Steele to Agree that Midterms Won't 'Vali

November 1st, 2010 12:35 PM
 Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Monday cajoled Republican National Committee Chairman into agreeing that a GOP victory on Tuesday wouldn't be validation for the Republican Party, using half of a "startling" quote by Jeb Bush as proof. Stephanopoulos began, "...The Republican Party, even though they do seem poised for pretty big gains, is no more popular than the Democrat…

Only ABC Stresses That Jon Stewart Is Part of Barack Obama's Unhappy L

October 28th, 2010 12:53 PM
All three morning shows on Thursday covered Barack Obama's appearance on The Daily Show Wednesday night, but only Good Morning America's Jake Tapper stressed that comedian Jon Stewart's complaints represented the unhappy left. Tapper recounted of Stewart: "One of America's foremost political humorists, who seems to root for the President, demonstrated one of the major problems Mr. Obama is…

Scarborough: 'I Hope Palin's Proud Of Herself' For Killing GOP Senate

October 27th, 2010 9:01 AM
If only Sarah Palin hadn't promoted the likes of Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell, Republicans would be on the verge of winning the Senate majority.  That was Joe Scarborough's thesis on Morning Joe today, culminating in Scarborough saying that he hopes Sarah Palin "is proud of herself" for having killed the GOP's chances. Scarborough sought to inoculate himself against criticism…

New York Magazine: 'Denial Is Just a River in Egypt to Nancy Pelosi

October 21st, 2010 7:16 PM
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday told PBS's Charlie Rose, "I believe that it would be very difficult for the Republicans to take over the House...I would rather be in our position right now than theirs." So absurd were these comments that  New York magazine posted a brief piece at its Daily Intel blog with the headline "Denial Is Just a River in Egypt to Nancy Pelosi" (partial video of…

Bill Maher: Anti-Obama Voters Like Battered Women Going Back To Abusiv

October 20th, 2010 4:01 PM
Bill Maher on Tuesday said Americans unhappy with the current direction of the country are like battered women that go back to their abusive lovers. Chatting with Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC's "Last Word," the "Real Time" host also disgustingly claimed, "When they say they want their country back, that`s what they mean, really, is they want their country back to the appropriate time when a…

Howard Kurtz Scolds Media for Bashing Tea Party and Praising Obama

October 19th, 2010 11:05 AM
Howard Kurtz on Tuesday did something rather noteworthy two weeks before Election Day: he scolded the media's coverage of the Tea Party while at the same time bashed press members for excessively praising Barack Obama during the run-up to the previous elections. This rare appearance of honesty about journalism's pathetic performance in the past three years makes "How the Media Blew the…

'Bald-Faced Lies' in Pennsylvania? Scranton Newspaper Distorts ObamaCa

October 18th, 2010 1:51 PM
The Scranton Times-Tribune on Thursday attacked a conservative organization's radio ad for supposedly spreading "bald-faced lies" about the sale of three Scranton-area Catholic hospitals, and labeled the organization "political hit-and-run artists who pervert the facts." The newspaper's attack-editorial actually glossed over what it had earlier reported on ObamaCare's effect on hospitals and…

Blame Liberals for America's Toxic Political Atmosphere

October 17th, 2010 11:45 PM
With roughly two weeks to go before America heads to the polls, there is one inconvenient truth liberals and conservatives can agree on: our nation is deeply divided along ideological lines bringing with it an increasingly caustic tone to the political debate. Not at all surprising, both sides fervently blame the other. But who’s right?

Village Voice Writer, Fmr. Obama Organizer: 'White People Have Simply

September 29th, 2010 4:36 PM
Want to see what sort of rationalizations the scary anti-conservative elements of the media use to justify why they hold any opponents of President Barack Obama’s policies in contempt? Check out the treatise on the state of “white America” from the Village Voice’s Steven Thrasher. In a long-winded Sep. 29 piece full of invective, Thrasher contends that the “white brain, beset with worries,…

Thomas Friedman Bashes Tea Party, Wants Better More 'Centrist' Movemen

September 29th, 2010 10:56 AM
New York Times correspondent Thomas Friedman is clearly unhappy about the Tea Party, so much so that he considers the movement "not that important."Instead, he envisions another group, "which stretches from centrist Republicans to independents right through to centrist Democrats," sitting silently out there in America waiting for the right leader to emerge.So wrote Friedman Wednesday in his "The…

Big 3 Nets' Evening News Audience Fails to Break 20 Million in Mid-Sep

September 21st, 2010 2:19 PM
They're out of excuses. Summer's over. It's after Labor Day. The kids are back in school. People are back into their routines. The trouble for the Big 3 broadcast networks is that those routines don't include watching their early-evening newscasts. Beyond that, last week was a pivotal week in Campaign 2010, with key primaries in New York, Delaware, New Hampshire, and several other states. As…

Lib Economist: Second Great Depression a Fiction Created by Wall Stree

September 21st, 2010 11:22 AM
One of the Left's most esteemed economists, the liberal Center for Economic and Policy Research's Dean Baker, claimed Monday the "Second Great Depression," the term given to what many believed the country was heading for if drastic government action wasn't taken in the fall of 2008, was all a fiction created by Wall Street to get bailed out.In Baker's view published at the unashamedly liberal…

Media Heresy: Bill Clinton to Blame for Horrible Economy NOT Bush

September 15th, 2010 4:03 PM
Since the financial industry collapse two years ago, dishonest media outlets and their employees have continually blamed George W. Bush for the implosion that occurred in the fall of 2008 as well as the resulting recession.NewsBusters has regularly pushed back on this historically inaccurate premise specifically pointing to two crucial pieces of legislation signed into law by former President…

ABC's Crystal Ball: Defeat of 'Mainstream' Castle 'Eliminates' GOP Cha

September 15th, 2010 10:49 AM
Good Morning America's Juju Chang switched into prognostication mode on Wednesday and proclaimed that, along with other Tea Party wins, Christine O'Donnell's upset victory in Delaware "pretty much eliminat[es] the Republicans' chances of taking back the Senate." [MP3 audio here.] She trumpeted, "We begin with an upset victory for the Tea Party and maybe for Democrats." The news anchor announced…