'Gordon Gekko' Is The New Face of Wall Street-Fighting Obama Justice Department

February 28th, 2012 8:58 AM

CNN's Terry Frieden reported that liberal Hollywood, in the person of Michael Douglas, is coming to the aid of the Obama administration: "The FBI on Monday unveiled a videotaped message from the actor who played the infamous fictional insider trader Gordon Gekko to help bolster a wide-ranging attack on financial crimes."

Coincidentally, "Attorney General Eric Holder traveled to New York on Thursday to deliver the message that the Justice Department is committed to rooting out corporate crime." That might shore up the liberal base: looking tough on Wall Street with the liberal actor who caricatured the "greed is good" Reagan Eighties.

Frieden's little publicity piece only used government sources.

At an FBI headquarters briefing on the stepped-up fight against financial misdealings, the bureau proudly showed a 30-second public service announcement featuring actor Michael Douglas. His character in the 1987 film "Wall Street," Gordon Gekko, proclaimed that "greed, for lack of a better word, is good." But in a new message to help the FBI, Douglas says, "The movie is fiction, but the problem is real."

Douglas asks viewers who suspect financial crime to contact the FBI.

Douglas hasn't just done a voice-over favor for Obama and Eric Holder. He announces the opening every night on the NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams. But Williams is more fond of comparing Obama to Douglas in The American President.

NBC recently reported with glee that a liberal Gordon Gekko impersonator met Mitt Romney in South Carolina.